That's interesting Science Deck #2 Flashcards
This is a DR_J.R. Oppenheimer, the genius that spearheaded the atomic bomb.
Quantum Mechanics: The laws of physics works well with everything larger than an atom. Inside the atom everything is “expected Probability”. It should work a certain way, but not always like in physics.
At age 10, Robert Oppenheimer was invited to a lecture hall for a lecture on physics. The University staff were expecting an adult. When Robert showed up as the 10 year old kid he was, they were surprised and had to find a crate for him to stand on at the podium.
Robert traveled the world to study with the world’s experts and at age 25 he returned to the United Stated and knew more about physics and Quantum mechanics than anybody else in America.
At the end of the 20th century, the United States had 70,000 nuclear weapons.
Brain size vs intelligence:
Its not the brain size that gives intelligence. It is the brain size relativity to body mass that determines intelligence.
For example: A dog brain is way larger than a crow’s brain. But for a dog’s mass, the brain size is normal. Take the crow. His brain size is twice the size it should be.
Same thing for a chimp and a Hominid.
Ref: “Inside Animal’s minds” on Amazon’s “Nova”.
Birds have 300 degree vision! They fly and see up, down, left, right, front and in back! Not a complete 360 vision, but they move their eyes to cover all the bases!
Hippos kill 3,000 people each year.
Rainbows are round.
Moon is made from the Earth.
Nova: Car of the future. Episode #4.
800 Million cars. If you put them bumper to bumper they would almost circle the Earth 100 times!
One quarter of ALL consumed petro was consumed in the last decade!
It is projected by 2050 to have 2 Billion cars on Earth!
Wind Turbines 60 minutes 10/16/22.
Turbine stands about 600 feet tall, about the same height as the Gateway Arch, 630 feet tall.
Each single full rotation will power an average house for one day! The blades are roughly the size of the world’s largest passenger jet!
Each blade weighs almost 30 tons. MN: Blade rotation speed is roughly 150 to 180 MPH. The blades look like they are turning slower than the actual speed because they are so huge!
REF: 60 minutes 1.13.19, “The Oracle of AI”
In 20 years, 40% of today’s jobs will be replaced by AI.
Any vehicle drivers for trucks, cabs, ambulances and fire engines.
Hotels, restaurants completely AI. No cooks, no waiters. No Bartenders. Doctors, nurses. All these jobs are replaceable. Not that they will be replaced, but they can be replaced to a certain degree.
School teachers will be replaced!
Female brains are wired differently than male brains. Female brains have more gray matter and men have more white matter. White matter is the stuff that connects NEURONS.
Women are not more emotional than men. Albeit women EXPRESS their emotions more pronounced.
Women suppress anger in public but lit it all out in private.
Alzheimer’s disease. Females are more prone to have it than males.
How accurate is your memory? (Great courses episode 6)
Bloodsworth case was first case of overturning a death row conviction with DNA. Bloodsworth had spent nine years in jail because of 5 eyewitnesses!
- Our process of remembering is suggestible, easily manipulated. ie: remembering is subjective.
- Our confidence in our memory is not a good proxy for how accurate it is.
Autobiographical memory (memory for the events of our lives) Every time you recall a memory, you rewrite the whole memory again including the new changes you just made to it!
Second law of Thermodynamics.
Entropy explains why left to the mercy of the elements, everything deteriorates.
High entropys: A sand pile. The sandpile can be rearranged trillions of times and not change its shape or structure.
So now I add some water and form a sandcastle from the sandpile. But now anything I do to it will mess it up. So the sand castle has a low entropy.
So we build something using high entropy components which changes it into say a low entropy building. Over time, the low entropy building will crumble and fall apart.
So entropy always increases!
Because the second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases, it explains “times arrow”, why time only runs in one direction.
The second law says everything moves from order to disorder. Times arrow if you will.
[MN: Time is a logical construct. It only exist in our brains because we see visual evidence of entropy increasing all the time. Without us and our human brains, time does not exist!]
Ref: How did states get their borders.
Which state has the largest cattle ranch?
Its Florida. 36,000 acres.
The birth of “Cowboy” started in Florida. The Spanish started the “Cattle ranch.”
Cracker is a cowboy cracking a whip in the air to drive cattle.
Y’all & southern accents developed during the civil war. Because all South and North lived with their own.
Reference “How the Earth was made.”
Iceland is a volcano island that rose 1.5 miles from the bottom of the ocean. It is cracked in the center because it sits on top of a large hot spot 100 miles wide and 400 miles deep! Hotspot is 1,700 degrees Fahrenheit. The large crack in the middle of Iceland is the under water “ring of fire”.
Yellowstone. Has 5,000 earthquakes per year.
Has rocks over 3 Billion years old.
Has 2,000 miles of rivers.
Has 300 waterfalls.
Volcano rim is 45 miles across!
Volcano has an underground magma tube/Plume at least 400 miles deep!
The Grand canyon is so large, it could hold all the river water on Earth and be only half full!
Long ago, Scotland was a part of America. Volcanic eruptions in Scotland were massive, causing Scotland to break away from North America. The Volcanos moved Scotland thousands of miles away.
Because these plate tectonics were so massive, the distance between North America and Scotland were filled with water, thus the Atlantic ocean was formed! Ref: Loch ness, S1 #4.
Birth of the Earth.
Amino acids are found in many meteorites that hit the Earth. Amino acids are the main ingredient for life.
Amino acids interact with other chemicals to create life. Meteorites and comets hit the Earth for billions of years. They both contain water. This is how we got water on the earth.
Living stromatolites use water and sunlight to create oxygen which is released into our atmosphere.
Sahara desert is larger than the United States!
DNA is a molecule shaped like a twisted ladder. The rungs of the ladder are made up by four different kinds of smaller molecules. These are the letters of the genetic alphabet. The DNA string has about 100 billion “atoms”.
There are as many atoms in a single molecule of your DNA as there are stars in a typical galaxy. Each life form is a universe in itself.
The DNA has a complete record, start to finish of everything our previous ancestors were affected by. Like genes for example.
When each of our cells divide, they take a complete copy of the DNA with them.
Ref: 2 Degrees: The point of no return
(I own this video)
If all the ice melts in Greenland, the oceans will rise 23 feet ! America will have its coast line underwater.
Louisiana, Arkansas, Southern Missouri will all be underwater.
Also the Earth will become much hotter. Wildlife will die on land and sea. All crops will fail. Cities will be wiped off the map from earthquakes, Hurricanes, wild fires, and floods which ruin drinking water because of trash floating in floods. Starvation everywhere! Diseases will run rampant worldwide. Most volcanos will erupt. Clean air will disappear.
Question: How long before all governments fail and its every man for himself?
Answer: Just one week of starvation!
If Antarctica completely melts, sea level will rise 200 feet!
Stonehenge is a clock. On the summer solace the Sun rises between a set of stones so the population knows what the time of the year is for planting etc.
The massive stones were brought to this location on wooden sleds that pulled by ropes over a wooden rail road track. Arrived to its present location. Ropes made from reeds
In our galaxy there are over Four Billion stars.
Ref: The Universe: life of the stars
Gamma Ray Bursts–Mega disasters. History vault
Caused by a star dying and going super nova. The gamma rays can only exit through the poles of the star. The gamma ray burst (GRB) causes the birth of a black hole. The star’s pole would have to be pointing to Earth for us to see it, because the GRB is invisible like an xray.
If a GRB hit the Earth, it could destroy us, even though it is 4 billion light years away!
It would be as if 100,000 atom bombs exploded on Earth. There would not be any shock wave or heat. Instead a beam of invisible gamma rays would act as an invisible death ray. The Earth’s entire sky would turn completely white!
It would destroy half our ozone layer and that means that more ultraviolet radiation hits our planet. This would be a more vast extinction than the one that killed the Dinosaurs. More than half the life forms would vanish from the Earth.
The Horoshima bomb initially killed 66,000. But the Gamma Rays killed over 200,000 people. It would be like we didn’t have the Van Allen Belts and people would need a $13 million dollar spacesuit to protect them from our Sun’s ultraviolet Rays.
In the ancient mass extinction, fish and Trilobites were the dominant life forms.
The amazing human body! (I own) From inception, you take 7 million breaths!
Your heart will pump 3 Billion times.
You will walk 183 million steps!
You will meet 80,000 new people.
You will spend 6 months laughing.
Every decade you grow a new skeleton. Over the next few weeks from birth, your brain size will expand 60%.
Human milk OLIGOSACCHARIDES is not digestable by babies, but it feeds the Baby’s BACTERIA!
The Baby is taken from a sterile enviornment to a wourld full of dangerous bacteria.
Hmo coats/lines the baby;s lower intestine and feeds your good bacteria to a point where the good bacteria destroys the bad bacteria and protects the baby throughout its life. In effect, it replaces bad bateria with good bacteria!
Your brain requires 20% of your daily calories. A baby grows quickly until age 4, then your height growth slows to a crawl so that your brain can catch up and be ready for your next growth spurt.
Worldwide there are 6,000 languages. As an adult, you can understand 75,000 words!
Mankind, the story of us–History Vault
A wolf’s jaws crush 1,500 lbs per square inch!
By 10,000 BCE world population reaches a million. Earth is the only known planet that has water in liquid form.
By 3,000 BCE farming is discovered and changes the world.
New diseases appear because people live with farm animals on their land.
Pyramid. 2.3 Million blocks of stone. Each stone weighs 25-80 tons each.
Weighs more than a pickup truck. It took 20 years to build a single pyramid.
The iron core in the middle of Earth. Without our core there would be no life on Earth.
The core is larger than the moon, hot as the Sun. Without the core, Earth would have no atmosphere, no magnetic field and no life!
The Roman empire lasted over five centuries and ruled over 60 million people. When Rome failed and was overcome by barbarians, many modern technologies were lost and forgotten. Rome eventually lost 95% of it’s population.
London is Abandoned.
Vikings traveled from their native Scandinavia, traveled 1,200 miles by sea and river before settling in Western Russia. These Vikings call themselves “The Russ” –Men who row. This Russ group is the ancestors of today’s Russia. Even though they cannot verbally communicate, they trade fur for Arabian Gold. This was the invention of trade routes that never existed before in the world.
Then the Viking chief dies.–His favorite slave girl is killed and is put in the GRAVE WITH HIM. SHE BELIEVES IN THE AFTER LIFE SHE WILL BECOME HIS WIFE! THEN RELIGION IS CALLED “VALHALLA”
The Vikings reached North America 500 years before Columbus.
Many cities were started by the Vikings. Kiev in Ukraine, York in England, Dublin in Ireland. Some Vikings transform into Knights, most famous William the conqueror, later becomes king of England. Vikings convert to Christianity and start the Crusades.
The Crusades killed over a million people and lasted about two centuries.
Pheramones – Chemical releases in our body that drive behavior.
Etiology–Study of orgins. Mainly diseases
Adenosine (A Den Ah scene) N. A brain signaling chemical that builds up in our blood during awake hours.
When we sleep the level drops. This is how the Brain determines when we need sleep so it can clean up neural pathways and perform brain maintenance. The brain governs need for sleep, not the body.
Interstellar Movie–Our air is 80% Nitrogen.
Do we breathe Nitrogen? No! Humans cannot inhale nitrogen. we only breathe the oxygen. Our air is only 20% oxygen and 80% Nitrogen.
Since we cannot inhale nitrogen, our bodies simply suck it in then blow it out with every breath!