DR_One Strange Rock Flashcards

Learning about Earth from space station


CARD #1: Extinction level events

Ref: Episode #2.

The Asteroid collision of the Yucatan Pennisula. Because the Earth turns, if impact was a few seconds earlier or later, it would have hit harmlessly in the ocean.

The dinosaurs would still be here and man would not be here. A few seconds! [MN: Same thing with me being here. 300 Million sperm cells swimming to find and penetrate an egg. Hundreds of millions of these sperm cells being killed off immediately by the female hormones. Escaping that and getting an opening to penetrate an egg.

Most eggs the sperm cell cannot penetrate. The sperm cells all get beaten by a more successful sperm cell that was lucky because it has successful penetration on an egg before any of the other 300 Million.


A split second later it would beaten by another sperm cell, or if it wasn’t in the exact right place at the exact right time it would completely miss the egg.

After successfully entering the egg, it must survive the mega battle of female hormones trying to kill it.

This to us humans this is “Morning sickness”. Everything, millions of circumstances had to be just right for you to be here today reading this!

Think of all the water that stayed on Earth from the comets. On Mars and Venus, the water froze or evaporated. Ergo no chance for life. Earth is the perfect distance to retain water.

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CARD #2: ELE continued

Notes: The Earth had a twin named “Theia”. They both collided and made our moon. They collided because they were on an intersecting orbit.

Think about Jupiter, the vacuum cleaner planet, protecting us from asteroids. Think about the Van Allen Belts protecting us from the Sun’s solar wind.

Think about tiny grains of space debris compacting together from gases to form Earth. Think of our moon holding Earth at a 23.5 degree tilt to balance our wobbly orbit and giving us seasons to grow food. Plus keeping us from being a ball of ice or a hot planet like Venus that can melt lead on the surface.

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CARD #3: The sun is not our friend

The sun is a planet killer, it killed the atmosphere on Mars.

In space you need a $12 Million space suit to be in direct sunlight. Here on Earth some regular sun screen will work just fine.

Earth has a huge nuclear reactor. This reactor and magnetic poles make up the Van Allen Belts which extends 400,000 miles outward from Earth.

Without these magnetic belts, you would burn to death in seconds when you go into direct sunlight. [MN: Hard to imagine! Without the belts, there would be no atmosphere and there would be no life or water on Earth, just like on Mars. The water and atmosphere on Mars was evaporated by the Sun.]


Nearly 3 BYA, underwater plant life absorbed sunlight and began to grow. As the plant grew, it gave off a waste product. Oxygen!

When oxygen raises high in the air, it turns into ozone.

Then fungi and more plants migrated out of the water, which gives Earth even more oxygen.

400 MYA, simple vertebrates came out of the water to dry land.

Ultraviolet light, without our atmosphere, breaks down DNA and turns healthy cells into cancer cells. [MN: just part of the reason old people get cancer. They have been exposed to the sun for a longer period over the many years of life.]

Ozone layer:

If we didn’t have our ozone layer, we would not be here. All life would be trapped underwater. Our Ozone Protects us from UV waves.

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Ref: Episode #5.

Is there alien life elsewhere in the universe? Consider the odds of you being here right now. They are astronomical!

Millions of things happened to be just right for you to be here today.

[MN: Even you being conceived (300 million other sperm cells competing. That is 300 million to 1 odds just to be the luck sperm cell that gets inside the egg. After that you have to survive the female hormones trying to kill the foreigner sperm cells in eggs before they make it to the fallopian tubes).

Even you being conceived and born, the odds are in the millions, timed to a fraction of a second for you to achieve life instead of another sister or brother taking your place. THINK ABOUT THAT A SECOND. SPLIT SECOND TIMING OR ELSE YOU WOULD NEVER EXIST!]

All the creatures that attained life on Earth look the way they do because of their need for energy. Mainly food!

If you had never seen a Camel before, you would think it was an alien life form if you found it on another planet.

[MN: New life appears everywhere. Bacteria, parasites etc. This is why you must shower/bathe all the time because new life forms are growing on you, just like they grow on a sunken ship]


To us, Iron is a metal, but on a sunken ship, iron is food!

Earth is one giant solar panel! Plants have been converting energy for billions of years.

Why are plants green?

They are green because our Sun is green.

The majority of light emitted from the Sun is in the Blue-Green wavelength. It doesn’t look green to us because it has light emitted in other wavelengths as well in Red and Blue. So when you see all these spectrums combined, they look white.

Most plants on Earth evolved to use primarily RED and BLUE light for photosynthesis. Plants reflect back the green light which is why they look green to us.

[MN: The color of anything on Earth is the color it is reflecting back. If it is red, it absorbs all colors except red, which it reflects back.

Really there is no such thing as color. Our brains interpret the electromagnetic radiation and presents it to us as different colors of visible light. In the brains of other animals, many see in black and white, some see in color. Some animals can see in invisible light, for example a tiger can see the blood in your Jugular Vein. This is where the tiger will try to bite you because it can see your blood system going through your body. Another example is a snake. A snake can see in infrared. The snake can watch your every move in pitch black darkness.

How an animal sees, depends on how their brain is wired and evolved. For instance, an Osprey can see 60 times better than us. But even if you had the Osprey’s eyes, they wouldn’t make you see better, because the Osprey’s brain wiring is what makes it see 60 times better than a human.]

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Ref: Episode #6

There have been 5 E.L.E. on Earth. Right now 99.9% of everything that once lived are dead.

Episode #8: Volcanos

The humphead parrot fish eats coral nonstop and poops out sand. In one year, one parrot fish poops out one ton of sand. This sand is what makes our tropical islands and all the sand on our beaches and ocean bottom.

Making land: Land is made by life on Earth. Lichen grows in trees and plants.

Lichen: Bacterial growth like bushy plants on the ground and many growth on trees.

The Reindeer eat Lichen. Eight percent of earth is covered with lichen. As Lichen (Like In) grows it cracks and breaks apart rocks. Rocks get smaller and smaller into microscopic particles. This process will help create new land.


Some of these particles get washed out to the ocean and they trap water. This trapped water gets pulled deep into the Earth (Subduction) and helps mantle rock melt and flow more easily. Finally this leads to more volcanic eruptions and the lava becomes new land.

Most volcanic eruptions would not happen without the Lichen breaking apart rock, trapping water, enabling hot rock below the ground to melt easily and turn into lava.

Without lichen, Earth wouldn’t have all the land that makes up our Seven Continents. We would have perhaps [MN: 20% of our land and one super big ocean.]

We would not have the continents we have today.

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When we have an eclipse of the Sun, the moon’s shadow is moving 1,700 MPH across the Earth.

The Earth itself is moving. It is rotating roughly 1,000 MPH plus it is going through space orbiting the Sun at 66,000 MPH.

{MN: As we are standing still, we are moving 66,000 MPH! A bullet fired from a Gun is only traveling up to 900 MPH.

The Earth travels 1.6 million miles each day.

The Sun travels 4 billion miles in a year.

The Earth travels 583 Million miles in a year.]

In space travel you don’t have gravity. We lose bone density when there is reduced gravity. A few months in space and you will lose about 8% of your bone density. If we journeyed extended space travel like star trek, then came down to Earth, we would be completely useless. We could not move to do anything. This is why Astronauts cannot walk after being in a long space mission.


Solar wind is another killer away from Earth’s protection. The Sun, or any Super Nova remnants would be deadly to our bodies.

Episode #10: Space travel.

Space travel times via Earth’s fastest space vehicle.//700 Million miles to Saturn//Over 9 Trillion miles to edge of Solar System.

4.5 light years to our nearest star. Using our fastest space vehicle, it would take 17,000 years to reach the star. This is our closest Star neighbor excluding our Sun.//Nearest edge of Milky Way, our Galaxy; 25,000 light years away. And our galaxy is just one of Trillions!//With all that Universe, it is impossible to think there are no other life forms in it.//Any Aliens out there may not be able to say hello, because they may not have a mouth or even a brain! Plus the distance is mind boggling!//When the people land on Earth after being on the International Space station, they must be carried around because their body is not used to gravity. They cannot walk or even stand. Just moving their arms is a very hard effort which is exhausting to them. They are immediately placed in easy chairs to begin their recovery of being ambulatory once again.

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