Thalassemia Flashcards
alpha gene cluster
chromosome 16
beta gene cluster
chromosome 11
disorder of globin chain synthesis (quantitative)
T or F. we need correct proportions of each globin chain in order to have normal levels of each type of hemoglobin
T, pathologic effects arise from imbalance of globin-chain synthesis
most common monogenic diseases in humans
this classically follows malaria distribution
- selective pressure due to protection of heterozygotes from malaria
beta thalassemia
- one beta gene on each copy of chrom 11
- autosomal recessive inheritance
- deletional/non-deletional
beta zero
mutations resulting in no beta chain production
beta +
mutations resulting in partial deficiency of beta chains
beta silent
very mild deficiency; little to no clinical impact
B/B+ or B/Bsilent
b-thal silent carrier
=> no hematologic or clinical abnormalities
b-thal minor/trait
- microcytosis, mild hemolytic anemia
- no clinical symptoms
B0/B+ or B+/B+
b-thal intermedia
- microcytosis, mild to moderate hemolytic anemia
- moderate clinical symptoms; may require occasional transfusions but not dependent
- homozygotes or compound heterozygotes; little to no beta globin production
- severe microcytosis and hemolytic anemia
- severe, transfusion dependent
Beta thal major
- B0/B0
- homozygous for non-functional B globin muttons
- no production of HbA
- increased HbA2, often increased HbF due to slight upreg of delta and gamma chains but usually insufficient to fully compensate
- severe anemia starting ~ 6 mos of age (transfusion dependent)
Untreated B thal major lab features
- Hgb below 70 g/L
- MCV = 50-70 fL
- MCH = 12-20 pg
- marked microcytosis and hypochromia
- marked poikilocytosis
- RBC inclusions
- polychromasia - nucleated RBCs
iron precipitates
Pappenheimer bodies
B thal poikilocytosis and RBC inclusions
poikilocytosis: target cells, tear drops, elliptocytes
inclusions: Basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly bodies, Pappenheimer bodies
B thal minor/trait
- B/B0
- generally asymptomatic, mild hematologic changes
=> may have mild symptoms of anemia
=> maybe have exacerbations of anemia during pregnancy - often identified incidentally
=> family studies, routine CBC
B thal minor/trait lab features
- elevated HbA2, increased HbF usually
- Hgb = 90-110 g/L (normal); out of proportion w degree of microcytosis
- MCV = 50-70 fL
- MCH = 20-22 pg
- RBC count elevated
Blood film for B thal minor/trait
- mild to moderate microcytosis and hypochromia
- moderate poikilocytosis: target cells, few elliptocytes
- RBC inclusions: sometimes basophilic stippling
two alpha globin chains on each copy of this chromosome
16 (4 genes total)
alpha chain mutations
- reduced or absent alpha chain production from chromosome
- deletional, non-deletional (pt mutations, indels, splice sites, mRNA processing, etc.)
deletion involving both alpha-globin genes on a chromosome
- no alpha chain production from a chromosome
- (–) haplotype
- HS-40 deletion