TFA Chart Flashcards
Knee is too far anterior to TKA line
Increased dorsiflexion
Stiff heel cushion (too hard or too high)
Foot does not have adequate heel rocker
Heel lever too long
Insufficient socket flexion
Suspension too loose or ant/post diameter too small
knee instability
Shoe changed (heel too high)
Hip flexion contracture
Weak hip extensors
knee instability
Anterior or medial brim pressure
Heel too hard or too high
Too much built in toe out
Socket too loose
Too much pressure over tensor
foot rotation
Patient extends limb too forcefully at initial impact
Changed shoe to stiffer heel
Poor residual limb muscle control
Poor pelvic control
foot rotation
Too soft heel cushion or bumper
Foot simulation of heel rocker too soft
Foot Slap &
Forceful Impact of heel with floor
Patient drives prosthesis into ground too forcefully
Lack of confidence
Inadequate training
Foot Slap &
Forceful Impact of heel with floor
Excessive dorsiflexion
Excessive socket flexion
Ball of foot is >1.5” from floor
prosthetic stride too long
Ball of foot is >1.5” from floor
Prosthesis too long
Foot outset
Medial leaning pylon
Limb not seated into socket
Medial wall too high
Improper relief of femur at distal femur
Pelvic band not proper shape or too far from body
abducted gait
Poor midline perception
Sound limb adducted
Too many ply socks or Limb is edematous
Abduction contracture
Insecurity or habit
Poor midline perception
Sound limb adducted
Too many ply socks or Limb is edematous
Abduction contracture
Insecurity or habit
Poor balance
Weak hip extensors or weak hip adductors
Hip flexor contracture
abducted gait
Prosthesis too short
Outset foot
Medial-lateral socket diameter too large
Lateral leaning pylon / abducted socket
Too high medial wall / ramus pressure
Improper lateral wall contouring causing pressure
Lateral leaning of trunk towards prosthesis or
Trendelenburg / Duchenne
Weak hip abductors/gluteus medius
Fear or habit
Pain / Inability to bear weight
Abducts foot & shifts weight with upper body
Very short residual limb
Hip abduction contracture
Lateral leaning of trunk towards prosthesis or
Trendelenburg / Duchenne
Inadequate socket adduction
Lateral leaning pylon / socket abducted
Inadequate support to lateral side esp. distally
Outset foot
excessive drop of pelvis on sound side
weak hip abductors
excessive drop of pelvis on sound side
Inset foot
Medial leaning pylon / socket adducted
Excessive medial-lateral socket diameter
lateral gapping of socket
adducted gait
short residual limb
lateral gapping of socket
Abducted socket / lateral leaning pylon
Inverted foot
Walking on lateral border of foot*
adducted gait on prosthetic side
walking on lateral border of foot
Adducted socket / medial leaning pylon
Everted foot
walking on medial border of foot
abducted gait
walking on medial border of foot
Pain from socket
Knee bolt is higher or lower than anatomical knee
decreased stance duration
Inadequate weight bearing
Poor balance
Bad habit
decreased stance duration
Posterior leaning pylon (insufficient socket flexion)
Prosthesis too long
Toe lever too long / Forefoot too stiff
Foot too plantar flexed
pelvic rise
Bad habit /does not trust flexing knee
Intentional as patient fears knee flexion
Poor pelvic control
Changed heel height to too low
pelvic rise
Anterior leaning pylon (Too much socket flexion)
Toe lever too short / forefoot too soft
Foot too dorsiflexed
Knee too anterior on TKA line
drop off
Hip &/or knee flexion contracture
Heel height too high
Hip &/or knee extensor weakness
Sound side stride length too long
drop off
loose suspension
early piston action
Improper donning
Too few ply socks / decreased volume of limb
early piston action
foot too plantar flexed
early heel rise
knee and/or hip flexion contracture
early heel rise
Knee too posterior on TKA line
Posterior leaning pylon
Knee friction too strong
inadequate knee flexion
Decreased hip ROM
inadequate knee flexion
Knee friction too soft / low
Insufficient socket flexion
Foot set in too much plantar flexion
early heel rise with excessive knee flexion
Hip flexion contracture
Sound side stride length too long
Excessive hip flexion to initiate swing
early heel rise with excessive knee flexion
Foot set in dorsiflexion
Forefoot too soft
Knee is too posterior to TKA line
Hydraulic knee too viscous or friction too strong
Toe lever too long
late heel rise
delay in initation of swing phase
Sound side stride length too short
No pelvic rotation to initiate swing
late heel rise
delay in initiation of swing phase
insufficient knee friction
excessive heel rise
too strong hip flexioncontracture
excessive heel rise
excessive knee friction
insufficient heel rise
insufficient heel rise
inadequate suspension
socket too large
excessive piston action
too few ply socks
Improper donning / suspension too loose
Non-muscular (flabby) limb
Poor muscle control
excessive piston action
insufficient knee friction
terminal impact
Too vigorous hip flexion followed by strong hip extension
Patient uses as cue to know knee is extended
terminal impact
Prosthesis too long
Inadequate suspension / pistoning
Inadequate socket flexion / posterior leaning pylon
Foot is too plantarflexed
Too much friction leading to inadequate knee flexion
Toe lever too long so does not flex knee
Medial wall pressure / pain
Toe drag or stubbing
Hip Hiking
Improper donning
Limb not seated in socket / too many ply socks
Weak hip flexion
Inadequate knee &/or hip flexion
Bad habit
Walking faster than friction of knee unit
No pelvic rotation to initiate swing
Gluteus medius weakness on non-amputated side
Fear of stubbing toe or ability to control knee
Toe drag or stubbing
Hip Hiking
Medial: Knee bolt too externally rotated
Varus knee alignment
Lateral: Knee bolt internally rotated
Valgus knee alignment
Inadequate suspension
Socket too tight / not seated in socket
lateral or medial whip
Improperly donned socket
Inadequate ply socks
Bad habit
Selesian belt too tight
Poor muscle control
Flabby, non-muscular limb
lateral or medial whip
Prosthesis too short
Anterior leaning pylon
prosthetic stride length is too short
Heel height too high
Hip flexion contracture on contralateral side
Pelvic retraction
prosthetic stride length is too short
Prosthesis too long
Posterior leaning pylon
prosthetic stride length is too long
Heel height too low
Knee flexion contracture on contralateral side
Hip flexion contracture on amputated side
Stance phase too short duration
Prosthesis too long (could be too many ply socks)
prosthetic stride length is too long
improper socket design causing pain
uneven arm swing
Bad habit / fear
Insecurity in Weight bearing
Uneven timing
Unequal stride length
Poor balance
uneven arm swing