Textbook: Chapter 28 - Population Growth, Resource Use and Conservation Flashcards
Benefit-cost analysis
An economic analysis in which the benefits of an activity are compared to the associated costs
Forest harvesting procedure in which all trees on the site are cut and removed
Cultural eutrophication
Accelerated nutrient enrichment of aquatic ecosystems by a heavy influx of pollutants that causes major shifts in plant and animal life.
Adding and comparing costs and benefits that occur at different times; a major drivign force i9n the economics of resource management; often runs counter to theobjectives of sustainable resource management
Ecosystem services
Processes by which the environment produces resources such as air, water, timber or fish
Environmental economics
Study of environmental problems and the incorporation of economic principles into the envrionemtnal decision-making process
When the actions of one individual or a group afect anothers individual well-being, but relevant costs are not reflected in market prices
Harvest interval
Time period between harvests. Compare to rotation period
Maximum sustainable yield
The maximum at which individuals can be harvested from a population without reducing its size; recruitment balances harvesting
Planting of a single plant species
Natural capital
Raange of natural resources provided by ecosystems
Mineralization of nutrients bound in organic compounds by fire
Planting of several plant species
Rotation period
Interval between the recurrence of a disturbance event; or interval between harvests of a crop, such as trees
Seed tree
Method of forest harvest in which asmall number of trees are left on the site (uncut) to provide a source of seeds for natural regeneration of the population
Selection cutting
Method of forest harvesting in which only selected individual trees of high commercial value are removed from the forest stand
Sustained yield
Yield per unit time equal to production per unit time in an exploited population
Swidden agriculture
Farming systems that alternate periods of annual cropping with extended fallow periods. Also referredto as shifting cultivation; fire is used to clear fallow areas for cropping
Individuals or biomass removed or harvested from a population per unit time.