Text pages 162-193 Flashcards
Franklin Delano Roosevelt, b/f GD
Born 1882. 1905, married 5th cousin Eleanor Roosevelt. Graduated Columbia Law School. NY senate, assistant secretary of the navy. 1921, age 39, hit w/ polio. 1928, became governor of New York.
First women in presidential cabinet
Frances Perkins, secretary of labor.
First 100 days of Frank’s presidency
Created CCC, AAA, FERA, TVA, HOLC, NRA, PWA, FCA, FDIC. Stopped the run on banks. Emergency Banking Relief Act (banks reopen when Treasury Department ruled they were sound).
Civilian Conservation Corps. Men 18-25, clear roads and trails, fight fires, built picnic areas. March 3, 1933-1941.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration. Boost farm prices by reducing production, advise and assist farmers. May 12, 1933-ending mostly in 1936.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration. Provide direct relief, like money of food. May 12, 1933-1936.
Tennessee Valley Authority. Develop resources of Tennessee Valley and six other states. May 18, 1933-present.
Home Owners Loan Corporation. Help people refinance mortgages. June 13, 1933-1950
National Recovery Administration. Revive American business, work with employers and labor unions to establish fair wages and hours, ended child labor, and right for unions to bargain collectively. June 13, 1933-1935.
Public Works Administration. Employment on public works, building schools, city halls, and public gardens. June 13, 1933-1937.
Farm Credit Administration. Credit system for farmers. June 16, 1933-1939 when became part of Department of Agriculture.
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. System for guaranteed individual bank deposits. Still in operation.
Drought during GD
No rain in 1933-1936. Affected 10 states, Dakotas to Texas. Worst area, the Dust Bowl, affected parts of Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado.
Dorothea Lange
1895-1965. Depression era portrait photographer.
Rural Electrification Administration. Electricity to farms. May 11, 1935-1939, became part of Department of Agriculture.
Second New Deal
- Included Social Security Act, National Labor Relations Board, Works Progress Administration.
National Youth Administration. Jobs and training for people ages 16-25. April 8, 1935-1942.