Pages 102-117 Flashcards
Iron to steel
1855, Sir Henry Bessemer; Bessemer process.
Iron Ore from Lake Superior
To Chicago or Pittsburgh; coal from Pennsylvania and WV. Became largest industry.
Corn Flakes
First “instant breakfast”. 1880s
Chain stores
F.W. Woolworth and J.C. Penny, 1880s and 1890s
Aaron Montgomery Ward
Mail-order for rural Americans to buy factor goods; started 1872. Compitition from Sears, Roebuck and Co
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Railroads. Tatics to make other people go out of business.
John D. Rockefeller
Oil industry
Andrew Carnegie
1855; way to refine it into petroleum.
Otis’s elevators
mid-1850s; at first for freight because they crashed often. Otis developed a safety hoist.
Frank J. Sprague
1887, trolley cars with electric motors.
Thomas Edison
First incandescent bulb in 1879. 1882, first central power station. 1093 patents
Nikola Tesla
1888, developed AC aka alternating current
Mark Twain
1835-1910. Aka Samuel Clemens. Raised in Hannibal, Missouri.
“Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show”
started 1883 by William F. Cody.
Chicago Exposition
1893; seen as world’s first fair.
by 1900, National and American leagues.
Kentucky Derby
First 1875
Invented 1892
9 million immigrants immigrated to the US
14.5 million immigrants immigrated to the US. From Poland, Russia, southern Europe (Italy). Italians largest, Jews second.
Hull House
Chicago, 1889 by Jane Addams based on “Settlement houses” in England. Taught sewing, English, and other subjects.
10,000 Chinese immigrants working on railroad. Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, repealed 1943.
Homestead Strike
- Trade unions formed the American Federation of Labor. Destroyed by going on strike against Carnegie Steel’s Homestead plant.
Pullman Strike
- Workers had to live in Pullman house and buy stuff at Pullman stores. May 1894 American Railway Union went on strike after they cut wages.
Mother Jones
1830-1930. Irish immigrant, worked 50 years as a labor organizer. Lost family to yellow-fever in 1867.
Samuel Gompers
1850-1924. Worked as a cigar maker. Helped form American Federation of Labor.
Patrons of Husbandry
Aka Grange. Formed 1867 by Oliver Kelley. Thought to open cooperatives to buy supplies and machinery at low cost.
Populist Party
- Granges and Famers’ Alliance formed People’s Party of the U.S.A. aka the Populist party.