Testudinia Lab Flashcards
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Chelydridae
Scientific Name: Chelydra serpentina
Common Name: Eastern Snapping Turtle
Characteristics: Carapace with ridges only in young; head smaller with less pronounced beak; no scutes between costal and marginals
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Chelydridae
Scientific Name: Macroclemys temminckii
Common Name: Alligator Snapping Turtle
Characteristics: Carapace with large ridges in adult and young; head massive with strong hooked beak; row of scutes between costal and marginals
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Kinosternidae
Scientific Name: Kinosternon subrubrum
Common Name: Eastern Mud turtle
Characteristics: Pectoral laminate roughly triangular; no uncornified skin between plastral laminae
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Kinosternidae
Scientific Name: Sternotherus odoratus
Common name: Eastern Musk Turtle
Characteristics: Pectoral laminae roughly quadrangular; strips of uncornififed skin between plastral laminae
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Cheloniidae
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Dermochelyidae
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Trionychidae
Scientific Name: Apalone spinifera
Common Name: Spiny Softshell
Characteristics: Carapace with tubercles on anterior margin, usually marked with dark circles; webbing between toes heavily mottled with dark
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Trionychidae
Scientific Name: Apalone mutica
Common Name: Smooth Softshell
Characteristics: Carapace without tubercles on anterior margin or dark circles, webbing between toes without dark mottling
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Clemmys guttata
Common Name: Spotted Turtle
Characteristics: Carapace blackish with distinct small yellow spots
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Terrapene Carolina
Common Name: Eastern Box Turtle
Characteristics: Carapace with low vertebral ridge; plastron with dark suffusion or mottling; adult shell length 5 inches(12cm) or more
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Terrapene ornata
Common Name: Ornate Box Turtle
Characteristics: Carapace without vertebral ridge; plastron with light stripes; adult shell length rarely more than 4.5 inches (11cm)
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Emydoidea blandingii
Common Name: Blanding’s Turtle
Characteristics: Upper jaw notched at tip, without beak, plastron notched posteriorly; throat yellow without dark mottling
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Trachemys elegans
Common Name: Red-eared Slider
Characteristics: Dark marks on plastron always present and tend to be in centers of laminae, usually a red stripe behind the eye, lower jaw rounded
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Chrysemys picta
Common Name: Painted Turtle
Characteristics: Red markings on limbs and marginal laminae; plastron with a dark central blotch
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Graptemys geographica
Common Name: Northern Map Turtle
Characteristics: Triangular or oval yellow mark behind eye; alveolar surface of upper jaw greatly expanded medially
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Graptemys pseudogeographica
Common Name: False Map Turtle
Characteristics: Hook-shaped or rectangular yellow mark behind eye alveolar surface of upper jaw not greatly expanded medially
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Graptemys ouachitensis
Common Name: Ouachita Map Turtle
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Emydidae
Scientific Name: Pseudemys concinna
Common Name: River Cooter
What is the Family, Scientific Name, Common name and Characteristics?
Family: Testudinidae