Lab Test 1 - Caudata (Salamanders And Newts) Flashcards
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common Name: Lesser Siren
Scientific Name: Siren intermedia
Family: Sirenidae (Sirens and Dwarf Sirens)
Characteristic: No hind limbs
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Hellbender
Scientific name: Cryptobranchus alleganiensis
Family: Cryptobranchidae
Characteristics: A pair of lateral gill openings; body skin wrinkled with a lateral fold
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Common Mudpuppy
Scientific name: Necturus maculosus
Family: Proteidae (Olm, Mudpuppies and Waterdogs)
Characters: A pair of bushy external gills, body skin smooth
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: 3-toed amphiuma
Scientific name: N/A
Family: Amphiumidae
Characteristics: Tiny fore and hind limbs
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Marbled Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma opacum
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Black with dorsal pattern of Silvery or white transverse bands
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Streamside Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma barbouri
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Blue limbs, thicker body shape, costal groves 14 or 15, short snout
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Jefferson Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma jeffersonianum
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Long toes, grayish brown with bluish, lichen-like lateral markings
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Spotted Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma maculatum
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Dorsal spots circular and in more or less parallel rows, no yellow markings on belly
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Eastern Tiger Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma Tigrinum
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Dorsal spots irregular in shape and arrangement, yellow spots or mottling on belly
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Blue spotted salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma laterale
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: Toes shorter, sometimes failing to meet when limbs are appressed; length rarely exceeding 5 inches, blackish with pale blue lateral and ventral flecks.
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Mole Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma talpoideum
Family: Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders)
Characteristics: …
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Eastern Newt
Scientific name: Notophthalmus viridescens
Family: Salamandridae (Newts & European Salamanders
Characteristics: No costal grooves, ridges on top of head
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Northern Dusky Salamander
Scientific name: Desmognathus fuscus
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Light stripe from eye to angle of the jaw; tail trigonometry in cross section
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Eastern Red-backed Salamander
Scientific Name: Plethodon cinereus
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Margin of stripe straight or finely serrated, costal grooves 18 or 19, (Stripes down back), tail often longer than body
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: ZigZag Salamander
Scientific name: Plethodon dorsalis
Family: Plethodontidae
Characteristics: Costal grooves 16 or 17, tail rarely longer than body
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Northern Slimy Salamander
Scientific name: Plethodon glutinous
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Black with distinct white flecks that tend to coalesce on the sides; length up to 7 inches
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Four-toed Salamander
Scientific name: Hemidactylium scutatum
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: 4 toes on hind feet; belly milk white with black spots; tail contracted at base
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Green Salamander
Scientific name: Aneides aeneus
Family: Plethodontidae
Characteristics: Costal grooves 14 or 15, green or yellowish-green with dark, lichen like mottling
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Red Salamander
Scientific name: Pseudotriton ruber
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Dark dorsal spots small, numerous, often fused iris of eye gold
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Long-tailed Salamander
Scientific name: Eurycea longicauda
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Ground color yellow, sides of tail with dark vertical bars
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Cave Salamander
Scientific name: Eurycea lucifuga
Family: Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders)
Characteristics: Ground color orange to red, side of tail with small dark spots, 11 costal folds
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: N/A
Scientific name: N/A
Family: Rhyacotritonidae (Torrent Salamanders)
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: N/A
Scientific name: N/A
Family: Dicamptodontidae (Pacific Giant Salamanders)
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Streamside Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma barbouri
Family: Ambystomatidae
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Small-mouthed Salamander
Scientific name: Ambystoma texanum
Family: Ambystomatidae
What is the common name, scientific name, family and distinguishable characteristics?
Common name: Southern two-lined salamander
Scientific name: Eurycea cirrigera
Family: Plethodontidae