Tests (all systems) Flashcards
Prehns Sign
test for testicular torsion
- ++ pain = testicular torsion
- no pain = epididymitis
liver span test?
scratch test - louder over the liver, can mark borders of the liver (alt. To percussion)
Liver span is normally 6-12 cm in the midclavicular line & 4-8 cm midsternal line
Castell’s Sign:
tests for enlarged spleen, area should remain resonant (negative test)
*enlarged Spleen is at risk for rupture
Aortic palpation (2.5 cm - requires US; > 5.5 cm immediate referral for sx) diameter is key, not the intensity of the pulsation
-McBurney’s Point:
RLQ, located between the navel & the right anterior superior superior iliac spine. It is the point where the most pain is elicited by pressure
-Rovsing’s Sign:
may be elicited by palpating the LLQ, this will cause pain to be felt in the RLQ
straight leg
obturator sign
knee bent
-heel tap sign:
patient laying on back and examiner hits the right heel firmly.
causes increased pain from appendix but NOT if pain is musculoskeletal
Markle sign:
(heel drop test)
pain in RLQ of abd is elicited & indicates localized peritonitis due to acute appendicitis
Murphy’s sign:
examiner places hand below costal margin on the right side at the mid-clavicular line and asks the pt to inspire. Pt stops breathing and winces with a catch in breath due to the inflamed gallbladder being palpated as it descends on inspiration
-pain may radiate to shoulder
CVA tenderness
= pyelonephritis
+ CVA or flank tenderness
-high fever, malaise, WBCs & bacteria in urine, urinary symptoms (dysuria, urgency, increased frequency)
Painful Arc Test
Bring arm up out to side then internally rotate
Subacromial space 60-120 degrees
+test will cause pain
Lachman Test
20-30 degree flex knee, stabilize femur, pull tibia anteriorly and posteriorly against femur
Hawkins Test
Hold arm 90 degrees with thumb slightly internally rotate and bring elbow up and wrist down
Supraspinatus tendon shoulder
(impingement testing)
Straight Leg Raise
Flex foot & lift leg
Lower Back- muscle vs nerve
Push in for pain while holding lateral thigh and medial ankle
MCL with lateral stress
Brace the collision area and push inward
Test of LCL
Posterior Draw Test
Lower leg pushed down to check knee laxity
Empty Can Test
90 degree shoulder flexion, internal rotation, 30 degrees horizontal adduction, downward pressure applied
Shoulder test
Anterior Draw Test
Pull leg towards at 90 degrees with foot planted on table
Neers Sign
Arm raised forward flexion thumb down internal rotation of humerus
Shoulder test
(impingement testing)
Phalen Test
Flexes wrists with elbows raised and back of hands together 1 minute
Carpal Tunnel
Tinel Test
Tap over wrist where median nerve passes
Carpal Tunnel
Where are LPs performed?
LPs are performed L3-L5 to avoid damage to spinal cord
Achilles DTR
Sacral 1
Knee DTR
Brachioradialis DTR
Bicep DTR
Tricep DTR
romberg test
stand with eyes closed for 20 sec,
+ = imbalance
tests for appendicular ataxia
finger to nose, heel to shin, rapid alternating movements
testing for truncal ataxia
stance and gait
stroking the bottom of the foot, toes should fan downward