Test Three Review Flashcards
Interneurons that connect ganglia cells and bipolar neurons are called?
Amacrine cells
What cell extends throughout the retina?
The optic nerve is a bundle of axons that originates from what cell?
Ganglion cells
Photosensitive pigments are associated with what segment of a photosensitive cell?
Outer segment
What segment of rods and cones consist of mitochondria RER Golgi and glycogen?
Inner segment
What does the cell body of a photoreceptor contain?
Nucleus and short axon
What photoreceptor is sensitive to low light intensity and responsible for black and white vision?
What photoreceptor is sensitive to high intensity light and gives color vision?
Highest area of visual acuity?
Fovea centralis of the macula leutea
Layers of the cornea?
Corneal epithelium Bowmans mem Corneal stroma Descement's membrane Corneal endothelium-single layer of cells
Lamina cribosa associated with what layer of the eye?
perforated disc of the sclera
What is the vascular tunic?
CIliary body
Fibrous tunic?
Stratified squamous nonkeratinized epi with free nerve ending is characteristic of what?
Corneal epithelium
Loosely arranged collagen and elastic fibers with high vascularity is characteristic of what ?
The sensory layer of the ciliary body produces aqueous humor. This fluid is secreted into what chamber first?
Posterior chamber
Randomly arranged collagen fibers and an acellular layer separating the stroma from epithelium is characteristic of what layer in the cornea?
Bowman’s membrane
What layer of the corrnea has an acellular layer of collagen bundles, and separates the stroma from endothelium?
Descemet’s membrane
What does the vitreal chamber contain?
Vitreous body
What does the canal of schlemm do?
Reabsorbs the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber
What structure participates in the formation of endolymph in the scala media?
Stria vascularis
Endolymph is found where?
Ampullae of semi circular canals
Where is perilymph found?
Scala vestibuli and scala tympani
What structure attaches over the oval window?
opens into the scala vestibuli
What attaches to the tympanic membrane?
The helicotrema connects what two compartments?
Scala vestibuli and scala tympani
Otoliths are found associated with what structues?
Macula of the utricle and saccule- hair cells in contact with afferent nerve ends
Where is the cupula found and what is it?
Cristae Ampullares of the Semicircular duct, and it is a gelatinous layer similar to otolithic membrane but without the otoliths
Non photosensitive area of retina lies anterior to what landmark?
Ora serrata
What is the ora serrata?
Part of the retina divides into photosensitive and non photosensitive layers.
Photosensitive is largest and posterior to ora serrata
What is the junction between the sclera and cornea?
What layer of the retina is formed by cell bodies of bipolar cells, horizontal cells, amacrine cells, and mueller cells?
Inner nuclear layer
What forms the outer plexiform layer?
Synapses between axons of rods and cones and dendrites of bipolar neurons and horizontal cells
What forms the inner plexiform layer?
Synapses between axons of bipolar cells and dendrites of ganglion cells
What characteristic would apply to secondary lymphoid nodules but not primary?
Germinal center
HIV binds to CD4 antigens, what type of lymphocytes would be most directly affected by this virus?
Helper T cells
What cells would be most affected if CD8 antigens were mutated?
Cytolytic T cells
What kind of cell releases tumor necrosis factor acting as a NK cell?
If a child is exposed to measles and comes down with the infection what kind of immunity will the child develop?
Active acquired immunity
What kind of immunity is gained by a mother passing antibodies along through the placenta?
Passive immunity
Coughing when swallowing wrong, or mucus trapping foreign particles, or stomach acid are all examples of what kind of immunity?
What is the first type of antibody expressed by developing B cells?
What antibody is responsible for most antibody activity?
What antibody is associated with allergic responses?
What antibody is found on surface of B cells traveling to lymphoid organs?
What structure serves as the entry point for circulating lymphocytes and the lymph node?
High endothelial venules
Double negative T cells which lack CD4 and CD8 receptors proliferate in what area of thymus?
Subcapsular space
In the hilus of a lymph node where do afferent lymphatic vessels enter?
The convex side
Where do efferent lymphatic vessels and arteries and veins enter and leave the lymph node?
through the hilus
Hassall’s corpuscles are characteristic of what area?
Thymus medulla
Cords of Billroth are associated with what?
Red pulp of spleen
What sequence describes the flow of RBC’s through the spleen?
Splenic artery, Trabecular arteries, Central arteries, penicillus, venous sinuses
Which of the following cell types associated with merocrine sweat glands secrete water and electrolytes?
Basal cells
What sweat glands have ducts that open into eyelash follicles?
Glands of Moll
What are sebaceous glands associated with eyelids?
Glands of Zeiss
Odorant binding proteins are produced by?
Bowmans glands
The specific type of epithelium covering true vocal folds is?
Stratified squamous non keratinized epithelium
What epithelium covers vestibular folds?
Psuedostratified ciliated epithelium and stratified squamous
What epithelium covers the lingual surface of the epiglottis?
Stratified squamous epithelium
What covers the pharyngeal surface of the epiglottis?
Psuedostratified ciliated eipthelium
What describes the olfactory mucosa?
PSCE lacking goblet cells with no basement membrane
The palpebral conjunctiva has what kind of epithelium?
Stratified Columnar or squamous with goblet cells
What is not necessary part of the respiratory membrane?
a. pneumocyte I
b. basal lamina of pneumocyte I
c. dust cells
d. endothelial cells
Dust cells
What is a characteristic of an arteriole?
Thick tunica media in relation to the size of the lumen
What tunic is missing in arterioles?
Where can subendothelial CT (part of tunica intima) be found?
all elastic and muscular arteries and some arterioles
In a healthy person where would you expect erythrophagocytosis to be occuring?
Cord of billroth in the spleen
What has large amounts of elastic fibers in the tunica media?
elastic arteries
What type of artery is considered distributing?
What are the elastic arteries?
pulmonary trunk
branches of aorta
The simple cuboidal epithelium of this portion of the kidney tubule is composed of cells in the form of truncated pyramids which are characterized by basal striations that mark the location of mitochondria.
Proximal convoluted tubule
Thick segments of the loop of Henle are made of what kind of epithelium?
Simple low cuboidal
Thin segments of loop of henle are made of?
simple squamous epithelium
What limb is impermeable to water?
What epithelium lines distal convoluted tubules?
Simple cuboidal larger lumen than PCT NO brush border, less eosinophillic
What cells secrete renin?
Juxtaglomerular cells
What cells respond to changes in sodium and chloride concentrations, signals the juxtaglomerular cells to release renin, and regulate fluid electrolyte balance and blood pressure?
Macula Densa
What is the mesangium and mesangial cells?
Mesangium is part of the glomerulus and formed by mesangial cells
What is not a characteristic of bronchioles?
a. absence of cartilage
b. seromucous glands
c. sparse goblet cells
d. smooth muscle
e. ciliated columnar epithelium
Seromucous glands
Nonphotosensitive region is anterior to the ora serrata and consists of two cell layers covering what?
Iris ciliary body and ciliary processes
What area on photosensitive cells has mitochondria and other organelles?
Inner segment
What part of a photosensitive pigment contains nucleus and short axon?
Cell body
In photosensitive cells what has discs that stay attached to membrane?
Photosensitive area of retina lies posterior to what?
Ora serrata
What has the cell bodies of rods and cones (1st order neurons)?
Outer nuclear layer
What has the cell bodies of bipolar cells (2nd order) horizontal cells amacrine cells and mueller cells?
Inner nuclear layer
What is the area of synapses between bipolar cell axons and dendrites of ganglion c ells?
inner plexiform layer