Cardiovascular Flashcards
What is the endocardium?
inner most layer lining the atria and ventricles consists of endothelium and subendothelial CT
What is the subendocardium?
A layer between the endocardium and myocardium containing the purkinjie fibers and nerves
What is the cardiac skeleton made of?
Dense collagenous CT myocardial fibers originate and insert into the skeleton
What is the epicardium?
External surface covered by simple squamous epithelium (mesothelium) Mesotheilum is on top of fibroelastic CT with adipose nerves and coronary vessels
What is the tunica intima?
Endothelium and its basal lamina. It is found in all arteries and arterioles. Has internal elastic membrane that is thick in muscular arteries and incomplete in elastic arteries
What is tunica media?
Middle layer made up of circular smooth muscle tissue and fibroblasts contains collagen and elastic fibers
What is the tunica adventitia?
Outermost layer lacking in arterioles. Consists of loose areolar CT with irregular fibroelastic tissue with adipocytes. Has vasa vasorum and nervi vasorum.
What kind of artery are elastic arteries?
More conducting
What kind of artery are muscular arteries?
More distrubuing
What are the elastic arteries?
Aorta, Pulmonary Trunk, Large branches off of aorta
Characteristics of elastic arteries?
Stretch during systole and recoil during diastole. Tunica media has layers of elastic fibers
- artery
- Vein
- Nerve
1: vein
2: artery
- Internal elastic lamina
- Tunica media with elastic fibers
- External elastic lamina
- Tunica adventitia
- Tunica intima
- Top right: tunica adventita
- External elastic membrane
- Tunica media
Purkinjie fibers
Order capillaries from most leaky to least.
- Sinusoid (discontinuous) Capillary: found in the liver has gaps in the endothelium and basal lamina
- Fenestrated Capillary: found in the jejunum, holes all the way through endothelium but basal lamina is in tact.
- Continuous Capillary: No holes foundi n pancreas
What is this?
Foam cells in tunica intima seen in an atherosclerotic aorta
What does the respiratory mucosa consist of?
- Psuedostratified ciliated columnar epi. (RESPIRATORY EPITHELIUM)
- Lamina propria- thin layer of areolar CT
- Submucos- dense irregular CT
What epithelium is found in the nares?
Stratified squamous epithelium continuous with the epidermis. Has sebaceous glands, sudoriferous glands and hair follicles