Test Three - Muscles Flashcards

Origin - Manubrium
Insertion - Mastoid process
Action - Rotation to opposite side & Lateral flexion
Nerver - Accessory (C1 - 3)

Origin - Anterior surface of the sacrum
Insertion - Superior border of the greater trochanter
Action - Lateral rotation
Nerve - Sacral
IT Tract

Origin - Anterior Superior Iliac Spine & External lip of Iliac crest
Insertion - Tensor fascia latae tendon
Action - Provents collapse of extended knee
Nerve - Superior gluteal
Gluteus Maximus

Origin - Superior gluteal line of ilium
Insertion - Iliotibial tract & gluteal tuberosity
Action - Inferior gluteal
Nerve - Forceful extension of hip
Gluteus Medius

Origin - Between Superior & middle gluteal line
Insertion - Greater trochanter
Action - Medial rotation & abduction
Nerve - Superior gluteal
Gluteus Minimus

Origin - Between middle & inferior gluteal line
Insertion - Anterior surface of the greater trochanter
Action - Medial rotation of hip & abduction
Nerve - Superior gluteal

Origin - 1-3 lumbar vertebrae, Lower 6 costal cartilage, xphoid process
Insertion - Central tendon
Action - Increases diameter of thoracic cavity
Nerve - Phrenic (C3-5)
Internal Oblique

Origin - Inguinal ligament & anterior iliac crest
Insertion - Costal cartilage of last 4 ribs
Action - Flexion of spine, compression of abdominal contents
Nerve - Intercostal (T7-12)
Transverse Abdominis

Origin - Inguinal ligament & thoracolumar aponeurosis
Insertion - Abdominal aponeurosis
Action - Compression of abdominal contents
Nerve - Intercostal (T7-12)
External Oblique

Origin - The lower 8 ribs
Insertion - Iliac crest and abdominal aponeurosis
Action - Flexion of trunk, lateral flexion of trunk, & Rotation of trunk to opposite side
Nerve - Intercostal (T7-12)
Rectus Abdominis

Origin - Pubis
Insertion - Costal cartilage of 5-7
Action - Flexion of the trunk
Nerve - Intercostal (T7-12)
Psoas major

Origin - Vertebrae & intervertebral disc T12 - L5
Insertion - Lesser trochanter of femur
Action - Flexion & lateral rotation of the hip
Nerve - Femoral

Origin - Iliac crest & Fossa of ilium
Insertion - Lesser trochanter of femur
Action - Flexion & lateral rotation of the hip
Nerve - Femoral
Quadratus Lumborum

Origin - Iliolumbar ligament of iliac crest
Insertion - Transverse processes of L1 - L4
Action - Lateral flexion of hip
Nerve - Lumbar plexus

Origin - Common tendon (lumborum) posterior surface of ribs 1 - 12
Insertion - Transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae 1 -3 & ribs 1 - 12 and transverse processes of lower cervicals
Action - Bilateral extension
Nerve - Spinal

Origin - Common tendon (thoracis) Transverse processes of upper 5 thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Lower 9 ribs & transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae & cervical vertebrae & Mastoid process of temporal bone
Action - Bilateral Extension
Nerve - Spinal

Origin - Spinous processes of upper lumbar & lower thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Spinous processes of upper thoracic & cervicals C2-7
Action - Bilateral extension
Nerve - Spinal

Origin - Transverse processes C2-7
Insertion - 1st & 2nd ribs
Action - Elevates 1st 2 ribs & assists in lateral flexion
Nerve - Cervical (C6-8)
Flexor Carpi Radialis

Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Base of second & thrid metacarpals
Action - Flexion
Nerve - Median (C6-8)
Stretch - Hyperextension of wrist
Palmaris Longus

Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Palmer aponeurosis
Action - Flexion
Nerve - Median (C6-T1)
Stretch - Hyperextension of wrist
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Pisiform hook of hamate, base of 5th metacarpal
Action - Flexion
Nerve - Ulnar (C6-7)
Stretch - Hyperextension of wrist
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

Origin - Medial epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Sides of shaft of middle phlanges
Action - Flexion
Nerve - Median (C8, T1)
Stretch - Hyperextension of wrist

Origin - Long/infraglenoid tuberosity – Lateral/above spiral groove – Medial/below spiral goove
Insertion - Olecranon process of ulna
Actions - Extension of elbow - assists extension of shoulder
Nerve - Radial (C6-T1)
Stretch - Flex shoulder and pull elbow toward head
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Base of second metacarpal
Actions - Extension
Nerve - Radial (C6-8)
Stretch - Hyperflexion of the wrist
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insersion - Base of 3rd metacarpal
Action - Extension
Nerve - Radial (C6-8)
Stretch - Hyperfexion of the wrist
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Base of 5th metacarpal
Action - Extension
Nerve - Radial (C6-8)
Stretch - Hyperflexion of the wrist
Extensor Digitorum

Origin - Lateral epicondyle of humerus
Insertion - Base of middle fingers second thru fifth
Actions - Extension
Nerve - Radial (C6-8)
Stretch - Hyperflexion of the wrist
Pectoralis Major

Origin - Clavicular head, sternal head, cartilage of upper ribs
Insertion - Bicipital groove
Actions - Horizontal adduction, medial rotation
Nerve - Pectoral (C5-7)
Stretch - Hyperabduction
Pectoralis Minor

Origin - Anterior surface of ribs 3 - 5
Insertion - Coracoid process of the scapula
Action - Depression and protraction of scapula
Nerve - Medial/Pectoral C8 - T1
Stretch - Hyperabduction

Origin - Lateral third of clavicle, acromion process, spine of scapula
Insertion - Deltoid tuberosity of humerus
Action - Horizontal adduction (anterior) Abduction to 90degree (middle)
Nerve - Axillary (C5 & 6)
Stretch - Arm across chest at waist, below waist & hyperabduction
Biceps Brachii

Origin - Long/Supraglenoid tubercle – Short/Coracoid process
Insertion - Radial tuberosity
Action - Flexion of elbow & supination of forearm
Nerve - Musculocutaneous
Stretch Hyperextension of the forearm
Teres Major

Origin - Inferior angle of the scapula
Insertion - Medial lip of Bicipital groove
Action - Medial rotation of the humerus
Nerve - subscapular (C5 & 6)
Stretch - Arm across chest (near chin)
Rhomboid major

Origin - Spinous Processes of T2 - T15
Insertion - Vertebral border of the scapula
Action - Retraction of the scapula
Nerve - Dorsal scapular (C5)
Stretch - Protraction of chest & arms
Rhomboid minor

Origin - Spinous Processes of C7 - T1
Insertion - Root of the spine of the scapula
Action - Retraction of the scapula
Nerve - Dorsal scapular (C5)
Stretch - Protraction of chest & arms

Origin - Upper/Occiput ligamentum nuchae – Middle/Spinous porcesses C7 - T4 – Lower/Spinous processes T4 - T12
Insertion - Upper/Lateral 3rd of clavicle – Middle/Spine of scapula – Lower/Root of the spine of the scapula
Action - Elevation of scapula – Middle/Retraction of scapula – Lower/Depression of scapula
Nerve - Accessory (C1 & 2)
Stretch - Upper/Lateral rotation of neck – Middle & Lower - Protraction of the arms

Origin - Supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion - Greater tubercle of the humerus
Action - Stabilize the head of the humerus
Nerve - Suprascapular (C5 & 6)
Stretch - Lateral flexion of neck with arm pulled posterior behind back

Origin - Infrapinous fossa of the scapula
Insertion - Greater tubercle of humerus
Action - Lateral rotation of the humerus
Nerve - Suprascapular (C5 & 6)
Stretch - Arm across chest (lower)
Teres minor

Origin - Upper axillary border of scapula
Insertion - Greater tubercle of the humerus
Action - Lateral rotation of the humerus
Nerve - Axillary (C5 & 6)

Origin - Subscapular fossa of the scapula
Insertion - Lesser tubercle of the humerus
Action - Medial rotation of the humerus
Nerve - Subscapular (C5 & 6)
Stretch - Lateral stretch posterior with palm up

Origin for all = Isial Tuberosity
Nerve for all = Sciatic
Action for all = Flexion of knee
Biceps Femoris - Head of fibula
Semitendinosus - Medial condyle of the tibia
Semimembranousus - Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia

Origin - Soleal line & posterior aspect of head of fibula
Insertion - Calcaneus
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial

Origin - Posterior medial & lateral condyles
Insertion - Calcaneous
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial
Tibialis Anterior

Origin - lateral shaft of tibia
Insertion - Base of 1st metatarsal
Action - Dorsiflexion of ankle
Nerve - Deep Peroneal
Peroneus Longus

Origin - Superior 2/3 of lateral surace of the fibula
Insertion - Base of 1st metatarsal bone
Action - Eversion
Nerve - Superficial Peroneal
Quadriceps Group
Vastus intermedius

Origin - Anterior Surface of femur
Insertion - Tibial Tuberosity
Action - Extend the knee
Nerve - Femoral
Quadriceps Group
Rectus femoris - Vastus lateralis - Vastus medialis

Rectus femoris - Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
Vastus Medialis & Lateralis - linea aspera
Insertion for all - Tibial tuberosity
Action for all - Extend the knee
Nerve for all - Femoral