Test Four - muscles Flashcards
Gluteus Maximus

Origin - Superior gluteal line of ilium
Insertion - Iliotibial tract & gluteal tuberosity
Action - Inferior gluteal
Nerve - Forceful extension of hip
Gluteus Medius

Origin - Between Superior & middle gluteal line
Insertion - Greater trochanter
Action - Medial rotation & abduction
Nerve - Superior gluteal
Gluteus Minimus

Origin - Between middle & inferior gluteal line
Insertion - Anterior surface of the greater trochanter
Action - Medial rotation of hip & abduction
Nerve - Superior gluteal

Origin for all = Isial Tuberosity
Nerve for all = Sciatic
Action for all = Flexion of knee
Biceps Femoris - Head of fibula
Semitendinosus - Medial condyle of the tibia
Semimembranousus - Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia

Origin - Soleal line & posterior aspect of head of fibula
Insertion - Calcaneus
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial

Origin - Posterior medial & lateral condyles
Insertion - Calcaneous
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial
Tibialis Anterior

Origin - lateral shaft of tibia
Insertion - Base of 1st metatarsal
Action - Dorsiflexion of ankle
Nerve - Deep Peroneal