Final Exam Flashcards
neuromuscular Techique
A type of deep tissue bodywork using neuromuscular techniques that produces lasting postural change by affecting muscle and nerve to promote homeostasis in CNS
Goal of Neuromuscular
1-recognizing and interpreting postural patters
2-developing therapeutic and educational strategies to arrest
3-correct and/or improve these debilitation conditions
Neuromuscular Warm Up Techniques
The C
The S
Skin Rolling Pinch/Pull
Single Point Pressure
Point to Point Pressure
Cross Fiber/Latitudinal Stroke
Longitudinal Stroke Duck Bill Pinch
OT (Optimum Therapy) Zone
varies person to person and varies with each person session to session on a pain scale of 1-10 go for 7-8
Palpation allow us to:
1-Locate a structure
2-Become aware of characteristics
3-Assess its quality or condition so you can determine how to treat it.
How to palpate
1-Move slowly
2-Avoid using excessive pressure
3-Focus your awareness on what you are feeling - be present
ulnar nerve entrapment
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Rotator cuff consists of what muscles
Teres Minor
Action of Trapezius
Elevates, adducts & depresses the scapula

Origin - Manubrium
Insertion - Mastoid process
Action - Rotation to opposite side & Lateral flexion
Nerver - Accessory (C1 - 3)

Origin - Upper/Occiput ligamentum nuchae – Middle/Spinous porcesses C7 - T4 – Lower/Spinous processes T4 - T12
Insertion - Upper/Lateral 3rd of clavicle – Middle/Spine of scapula – Lower/Root of the spine of the scapula
Action - Elevation of scapula – Middle/Retraction of scapula – Lower/Depression of scapula
Nerve - Accessory (C1 & 2)
Stretch - Upper/Lateral rotation of neck – Middle & Lower - Protraction of the arms

Origin for all = Isial Tuberosity
Nerve for all = Sciatic
Action for all = Flexion of knee
Biceps Femoris - Head of fibula
Semitendinosus - Medial condyle of the tibia
Semimembranousus - Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia

Origin - Posterior medial & lateral condyles
Insertion - Calcaneous
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial
Quadriceps Group
Vastus intermedius

Origin - Anterior Surface of femur
Insertion - Tibial Tuberosity
Action - Extend the knee
Nerve - Femoral
Quadriceps Group
Rectus femoris - Vastus lateralis - Vastus medialis

Rectus femoris - Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
Vastus Medialis & Lateralis - linea aspera
Insertion for all - Tibial tuberosity
Action for all - Extend the knee
Nerve for all - Femoral

Origin - Manubrium
Insertion - Mastoid process
Action - Rotation to opposite side & Lateral flexion
Nerver - Accessory (C1 - 3)

Origin - Upper/Occiput ligamentum nuchae – Middle/Spinous porcesses C7 - T4 – Lower/Spinous processes T4 - T12
Insertion - Upper/Lateral 3rd of clavicle – Middle/Spine of scapula – Lower/Root of the spine of the scapula
Action - Elevation of scapula – Middle/Retraction of scapula – Lower/Depression of scapula
Nerve - Accessory (C1 & 2)
Stretch - Upper/Lateral rotation of neck – Middle & Lower - Protraction of the arms

Origin for all = Isial Tuberosity
Nerve for all = Sciatic
Action for all = Flexion of knee
Biceps Femoris - Head of fibula
Semitendinosus - Medial condyle of the tibia
Semimembranousus - Posterior aspect of medial condyle of tibia

Origin - Posterior medial & lateral condyles
Insertion - Calcaneous
Action - Plantar flextion
Nerve - Tibial
Quadriceps Group
Vastus intermedius

Origin - Anterior Surface of femur
Insertion - Tibial Tuberosity
Action - Extend the knee
Nerve - Femoral
Quadriceps Group
Rectus femoris - Vastus lateralis - Vastus medialis

Rectus femoris - Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine (AIIS)
Vastus Medialis & Lateralis - linea aspera
Insertion for all - Tibial tuberosity
Action for all - Extend the knee
Nerve for all - Femoral