Test Review Flashcards
What is the historical significance of the Enlightenment?
- 1650-1700
- Individual freedom, popular sovereignty, political and legal equality, and belief in progress.
- ideas trickled through society and reformed society
What is the historical Significance of Karl Marx?
- 1818-1860
- German historian, philosopher, and worked in economics and politics
- To him French Revolution was a rise of the middle class.
- Industrial Rev. was a products of the French Rev. with middle class manger in factories
- He saw Industrial proletariats and middle class growing class conflict and predicted a Revolution to occur.
- He laid ground work for intellectual ideas of Rev.
What is the historical Significance of Adam Smith?
- 1700’s
- Pioneer of political economics
- Wrote the “wealth of nations” considered first work of modern economics
- Supported Laissez Faire economics
- It stressed states should stay out of growing capitalism.
- A modern form of libertinism
What is the historical Significance of the Frankfurt Parliament?
- 1848-1849
- Occurs during the Revolution of 1848 and in the German Confederation
- It implemented a constitutional monarchy
- Raised questions about incorporation non-German speaking territory and what German state will develop.
- Also considered what is German ethnicity
What is the historical significance of the National Assembly?
- 1789
- 3rd Estate left out of the meeting in Versailles and form their own meeting
- Represent largest part of pop.
- Draft the “Declaration of the Rights of man”
- ->granting equal rights to all citizens of France
- set up a constitutional monarchy
What is the historical significance of Socialism?
- 18cent
- Emerges out of proletariats (working class) as a political movement that criticized the effects of the Industrial Revolution on society.
- Its final goal was to create a classless society
What is the historical significance of Giuseppe Mazzini?
- Italian politician and activist for Italian Unification
- His effort helped unify a divided Italy
- Approach was through the heavy population of middle class due to industrialization in Northern Italy.
What is the historical significance of Giuseppe Garibaldi?
- 1807
- Italian politician and general
- Fought militarily for the unification of Italy
- Liberated Sicily with guerrilla warfare called themselves red shirts
- Approach was “grass roots”, unified peasant from Southern Italy
What is the historical significance of Count Otto von Bismarck?
- Minister of Prussia 1860 - 1890
- Wanted German Unification
- In order to do so must conquer Austria
- Doesn’t want to fight a two front war gather smaller states behind him
- Creates North German Confederation and nation states
- First chancellor of United Germany
What is the historical significance of the Franco-Prussian War?
- 1870
- War between France and the Kingdom of Prussia and Northern German Confederation.
- Bismarck declares war on France to unite Northern German Confederation
- War ends in 5 months, ideas of wars were quick
- King of Prussia becomes King of Germany
What is the Berlin Conference?
- 1885
- Otto von Bismark calls for Berlin Conference
- It was caused new imperialism and nationalism to scramble for Africa and to bring order and rules to claiming territory
- Drew lines and craved out regions of Africa
- Help created the instability in Africa
What is Social Darwinism?
- Emerged out of Darwinism, that animals that adapt to their environment and survive are the strongest
- Super imposed idea on to a social scale
- Imperialistic nations made the argument of “survival of the fittest” when indigoes population would suffer and die.
- Encouraged scientific racism
What is the historical significance of English East India Company?
- Is a British Joint stock Company formed by trading to W. Indies but ended up trading mainly to India.
- Monopolize trade with India
- British expand E. India Company from the coast to more inland with cooperation of military
- 1750 hire local troops to work for them, troop would begin to grow unhappy with racial hierarchy developing
- 1858 begins a revolt of local Indian troops
- 1859 British military takes over in India
- British then set up civil servies
What is the historical significance of Cecil Rhodes?
- Believer in the colonialism
- Politician in South Africa
- Set up Rhode scholarship
What is the historical significance of Congress of Vienna?
- 1815-1848 is a restoration period after Napoleanic Wars
- Reconstruct European order with restoration of monarchy
- Creates a balance of power in Europe
- Distributes land and creates buffer zones to restore France terroritorily back to 1792