Test One Flashcard HodgePodge
What is a Kamar marker?
- Pasted to cow’s tail head
- Has a bubble that will turn bright red from the pressure of a mounting cow
- indicates the cow wearing it has stood to be mounted
Describe Functional Anestrum
- Unobserved estrum
- Silent estrum -> really overdiagnosed, could really just be they missed it
In both of these cases, cow is actually cycling! This is a management issue!
How can functional anestrus be treated?
- improve heat detection
- palpation program
- prostaglandin therapy
Describe Corpus Luteum
- decreases in size -> CL3,CL2,CL1
- doubles size of ovary (esp. CL3)
- distorts shape of ovary (esp. CL3)
- crown -> easily felt difference between ovary and CL
- sharp line of demarcation
- liver-like in consistency
- can have internal vacuole
What days of the estrous cycle is estrum? What should you find during palpation?
Day 0-1
-follicle, regressed CL, uterine tone
Why should prostaglandins not be given to preg. cows?
will cause preg. cows to abort
Is the standing cow or the mounting cow in heat/
Standing -> def. in heat
Mounting -> could be… watch further
If mounting cow is mounting from front, she’s most likely the one in heat
What is a teaser animal?
- Altered bull = sexually active, but can’t inseminate
- Adrogenized cow = often a culled cow injected w/ testosterone to stimulate male behavior
What are some possible heat detection errors?
- inadequate time for observation
- only 1x a day
- too short of an observation period
- other responsibilities during observation = during feeding, before milking
- ignorance -> some people don’t know what to look for
- negligence
- combination of errors
What are some signs that could help indicate if the cow is in estrus or not? What is the key sign?
- back’s muddy or cow paint worn off tailhead d/t standing to be mounted = KEY SIGN
-long, viscous clear elastic mucus hanging out of vulva or smeared on legs, tail, and flank
(muscus may not be visible until palpated and mucus comes out then)
-observing her stand to be mounted
-restless behavior
-increased bellowing
What part of the estrous cycle is the most difficult to give an estimate of when the cow should be in heat next? Why?
Due to the length of diestrum, 6-16 days, it is hard to estimate cow’s next heat cycle
What is the average length of a cow’s estrus cycle?
18-24 days
T/F = It is easy to palpate the entire oviduct of a cow.
It is difficult to palpate the entire oviduct.
Describe a follicle
- blister-like
- smooth
- rounded
- slightly elevated
- no line of demarcation = seamless flow between ovary and follicle
- 2.5 cm diameter = mature follicle (size of a quarter)
- 1.0 cm diameter = midcycle
Describe a chin-ball marker and its purpose in estrus detection
- Device worn on a halter of a teaser animal
- Teaser animal mounts a cow in estrus, the chin-ball marker will leave marks like a ball-point pen on the cow’s back
- helpful as secondary way to detect heat
- must learn teaser’s “mounting markings” as the marker can leave marks just rubbing head on animals
Describe ovulation depression
- crater on ovary
- 1 cm diameter
- almost will never feel b/c just about have to be right there when she ovulates
- may suspect if everything else is showing signs of estrus (heat), but can’t find a follicle
What is the ideal amount of time between palpation visits for a palpation program? Why?
Ideally every 2 weeks - may need to be more frequent for larger herds
Part of herd should be in heat at first visit or close to it. Other part should be close 2 weeks later.
Also provides a chance to catch anestrus cows sooner rather than later, as she should be close at one or other time, but isn’t.
What is one way to increase one’s ability to feel when palpating?
Cut fingers of a palpation sleeve before putting on and then put a surgical glove on over the sleeve
Makes for a better fit and better feel of internal structures
What is the tone during.... estrus? metestrus? diestrus? proestrus?
estrus = tonic metestrus = edematous diestrus = flaccid proestrus = slight tone
In estrus, the tone of the bovine uterus is tonic. Describe tonic.
like a clenched muscle
In diestrus, the tone of the bovine uterus is flaccid. Describe flaccid.
NO tone at all
What days of the estrous cycle is metestrum?
What should be felt during palpation?
Days 1-5
developing CH, edematous uterus
What days of the estrous cycle is diestrum?
What should be felt during palpation?
Days 6-16
mature CL, midcycle follicle, no uterine tone
In chronological order, what are the 9 structures found on the ovary of a normally cycling cow?
F, OVD, CH1, CH2, CH3, CL3, CL2, CL1, CA