The amount of surfactant in fetal lungs can be estimated by measuring the amount of surfactants in amniotic fluid
Fetal Lung Maturity
caused by an insufficiency of lung surfactant production and structural immaturity of the fetal lungs
Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)
Prior to 35 weeks gestation - L/S ratio:
usually less than 1.6
After 35 weeks gestation - L/S ratio:
rise to 2.0 or higher
Therefore, when the L/S ratio reaches ____, a preterm delivery is usually considered to be a relatively safe procedure.
Many labs replace L/S ratio with:
- Qualitative phosphatidyl glycerol
immunoassays - Lamellar body density procedure
Can be detected after 35 weeks gestation
Phosphatidyl glycol
Immunologic agglutination test; rapid
Phosphatidyl glycol
Not affected by specimen contamination with blood and meconium
Phosphatidyl glycol
To determine the presence of individual lungsurface lipid concentrations
Foam stability index
Densely packed layers of phospholipids that represent a storage form of pulmonary surfactant; secreted by the type ii pneumocytes of the fetal lung at about 24 weeks of gestation and are absorbed into the alveolar spaces to
provide surfactant
Lamellar bodies
As the fetal lung matures, increased lamellar body production is reflected by an increase in amniotic fluid phospholipids and the l/s ratio
Lamellar bodies
Lamellar bodies uses test performed using
hematology analyzer
(platelet parameter)