accumulation of fluid between the
peritoneal membranes; caused by hepatic disorders, peritonitis, malignancy
is a sensitive test to detect
intra-abdominal bleeding in blunt trauma cases
Peritoneal lavage
is recommended over the fluid: serum total protein and LD ratios to detect transudates of hepatic origin.
Serum-ascites albumin gradient (SAAG)
Color of Normal Peritoneal fluid
clear and pale yellow
In Peritoneal fluid, Exudates are turbid with
bacterial or fungal infections
Color that indicates the presence of bile
Green or dark-brown color
Color that indicates is seen after trauma and with tuberculosis, intestinal disorders, and malignancy
Blood-streaked fluid
_____ or ___ material may be present with trauma or lymphatic vessels blockage
Chylous or pseudochylous
Chemical test for Peritoneal fluid includes
glucose, amylase, and alkaline
phosphatase determinations
Measurements of ____ and ____ in the fluid are requested when a
ruptured bladder or accidental puncture of the bladder during the paracentesis is of concern
blood urea nitrogen and creatinine
____ is measured when leakage of bile into the peritoneum is suspected following trauma
or surgery
____ or ____ can be measured to determine whether the pancreatitis or damage to the pancreas is accounting for the
accumulation of these pancreatic enzymes in the ascitic fluid
Amylase or lipase
____ and ____ for both aerobes and anaerobes are performed when bacterial peritonitis is suspected
Gram stains and bacterial cultures
____ or _____, and cultures for tuberculosis
Acid-fast stains, adenosine deaminase
Tumor markers CEA and CA125 are not valuable procedure for identifying the primary source of tumors producing ascitic exudates