Test 8 Flashcards
reformer (n)
Many social reformers have been regarded as criminals and law-breakers in the past.
a person who works to achieve political or social change
despot (n)
(adj): despotic; (n): despotism: the rule of a despot
It is the stroy of a military coup which brings a brutal desport to power.
a leader with great power, especially one who uses it in a cruel way
redemption (n)
the redemption of the world from sin
the act of saving or state of being saved from the power of evil
insurrection (n)
syn: uprising
He led an armed insurrection against the regime.
a situation in which a large group of people try to take political control of their own countrey with violence
levity (n)
syn: frivolity
behaviour that shows a lack of respect for sth serious and that treats it with humour
innuendo (n)
an indirect remark about sb/sth, usually suggesting sth bad or rude; the use of remarks like this
juggle (v)
(n): a person who juggles to entertain people
throw a set of three or more objects such as balls into the air and catch and throw them again quickly, to keep at least one in the air at all times
quarto (n)
a size of page made by folding a standard sheet of paper twice to make eight pages.
by jingo
used to show surprise or a strong desire to do sth
gyn(a)ecology (n)
the scientific study and treatment of the medical conditions and disease of women, especially those connected with sexual reproduction
amoury (n)
a place where weapons and armour are kept
statecraft (n)
skill in managing state and political affairs
paraphernalia (n)
a large number of objects or personal possessions, especially the equipment that you need for a particular activity
assay (v)
(n) assay: a substance that is used to assay.
test a metal or chemical substance, often to see how pure it is
dogmatise (v)
make your beliefs right and that others should accept them, without paying attention to evidence or other opinions
disillusion (v)
destroy sb’s bejief in or good opinion of sb/sth
entrails (n)
the organs inside the body of a person or an anima; especially their intestines
fledg(e)ling (n)
1) a yound bird that has just learnt to fly
2) a person, an organisation or a system that is new and without experience
clarion call (n)
a clear message or request for people to do sth