Test 4 Flashcards
vie (v)
She was surrounded by men all vying for her attention.
syn: compete, contend
compete strongly with sb in order to obtain or achieve sth
protuberate (v)
(adj): protuberant, (n): protuberance
bulge out, forming a rounded projection, swell out
irrigate (v)
(n): irrigation
supply water to an area of land, typically through pipes or channels, so that crops will grow
circumscribe (v)
syn: restrict, (n): circumscription = restriction
The power of the monarchy was circumscribed by the new law.
limit sb/sth’s freedom, rights, power, etc.
braze (v)
join pieces of metal using a mixture of metals that has been heated and melted
brazen it out
(adj): brazen = shameless, (n): brazenness = shamelessness.
to behave as if you are not ashamed or embarrassed about sth even though you should be
inure sb/yourself to sth (v)
The prisoners quickly became inured to the harsh conditions.
make sb/urself get used to sth unpleasant so that they/you are no longer strongly affected by it
tranquilise (v)
syn: sedate -> sedation (n); sedative (adj); tranquiliser (n)
A gamekeeper tranquilised the rhinoceros with a drugged dart.
make an animal or person become unconscious or calm, especially with a drug
castigate (v)
(n): castigation
The minister castigated schools for falling standards in education
criticise sb severely
obvert (v)
turn the front or principal side of a thing toward any person or object
importune (v)
syn: pester; (adj): importunate
As a tourist, you are importuned for money the moment you step outside your hotel.
ask sb for sth many times and in a way that is annoying
coddle (v)
She coddles him like a child.
treat sb with too much care and attention
mollycoddle (v)
She was mollycoddled as a child.
protect sb too much and make their life too comfortable and safe.
congregate (v)
(n): congregation; (adj): congregational
Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings.
bring together into a crowd
aggrandise (v)
aggrandisement (n): an increase in the power of a person.
self-aggrandisement (n): the process of making yourself seem powerful or important
make sb more powerful or important
underman (v)
(adj): undermanned
fail to provide with enough workers or crew
martial (adj)
connected with fighting or war
inadmissible (adj)
ant: admissible
that cannot be allowed or accepted, especially in court
endemic (adj)
Malaria is endemic in many hot countries/
regularly found in a particular place or among a particular group of people and difficult to get rid of
potency (n)
If you keep a medicine too long, it may lose its potency.
(adj): potent
the power that sb/sth has to affect your body or mind
cartilage (n)
cartilaginous (adj)
the strong white tissue that is important in supporting and connecting parts of the body, and especially in joints to prevent the bones rubbing against each other
misrule (n)
bad government
transgress (v)
(n): trangression, transgerssor (person)|(adj): trangressive
We will punish any who transgress.
go beyong the limit of what is morally or legally acceptable
disparage (v)
syn: belittle|(n): disparagement|(adj): disparaging
I don’t mean to disparage your achievements.
suggest that sb/sth is not important or valuable