Test 13 Flashcards
malediction (n)
a magical word or phrase uttered with the intention of bring about evil or destruction; a curse
valediction (n)
(adj): valedictory
the act of saying goodbye, especially in a formal speech
valedictorian (n)
salutatorian (n): á khoa
the student who has the highest grades in a particular group of students and who gives the valedictory speech at a graduation ceremony.
concussion (n)
He was taken to hospital with concussion.
(adj): concussed: unconscious or confused for a short time
a temporary loss of consciousness caused by a hard hit on the head
corroboration (n)
syn: confirmation|(v): corroborate|(adj): corroborative
evidence or information that supports a statement
coronet (n)
a small crown worn on the head on formal occasions by princes, princesses, etc.
tapestry (N)
a picture or pattern that is made by weaving coloured wool onto heavy cloth
epiphany (n)
She had an epiphany and realised it was time to leave her job and become a full-time artist.
a sudden and surprising moment of understanding
foible (n)
syn: idiosyncrasy
We have to tolerate each other’s little foibles.
a personal weakness or failing
tempter (n)
a person who tries to persuade sb to do sth
recidivist (N)
(n): recidivism
a person who continues to commit crimes, and seems unable to stop, even after being punished
ostentation (n)
(adj): ostentatious = showy
an exaggerated display of wealth, knowledge or skill that is made in order to impress people
conform (v)
He refused to conform to the local customs.
(n): conformation / conformability|(adj): conformable
behave and think in the same way as most other people in a group or society
contender (n)
a person or team with a chance of winning a competition
vindicate (v)
syn: justify
(n): vindication: proof that sth is true
prove true, right or real
vindictive (adj)
syn: spiteful
They are just jealous, vindictive people.
showing a strong and unreasonable desire to harm or upset sb because you htink they have harmed you
disrupt (v)
make it difficult for sth to continue in the normal way
zenith (n)
The rock band was at the zenith of its creative powers.
> < nadir: the worst moment of a particular situation
1) the highest point that the sun or moon reaches in the sky, directly above you
2) the time when sth is strongest and most successful.
panacea (N)
There is no single panacea for the problem of unemployment.
sth that will solve all the problems of a particular situation
connoisseur (n)
a connoisseur of Italian painting
an expert on matters involving the judgement of beauty, quality or skill in art, food or music
deposition (n)
the act of removing sb, especially a leader, from power
wantonness (n)
the wantonness of this destruction
the fact of causing harm or damage deliberately and for no acceptable reason