Test 6 Flashcards
What is the difference between Active and Passive ROM?
Active: pt performs with no help
Passive: provider/assistant performs motions
Heat can be used to hasten _____________, term defined as: process to relieve internal buildup of pus formation
As a for of treatment, how does Heat affect blood vessels? What about cold?
Heat: vasodilation
Cold: vasoconstriction
What is the the term matching this definition: backward bending, i.e. of the hand or foot
When you arm is straight, would you consider this as Extended or Flexed?
When your sitting in a chair with your feet up, are your legs extended or flexed?
When your sitting in a chair with both feet on the floor, are your legs extended or flexed?
Flexed: bent
What is the maximum temperature that may be used for hot soak application in C°? F°?
44 C°
111.2 F°
How would you describe supination of the hand? What about pronation?
Supination is palm up
Pronation is the opposite
What is the difference between eversion and inversion?
Eversion: turning out
Inversion: Turning inward
What population is apgar scoring used for?
Immediately after birth
After 6 mo. of age, what is the expected weight of the baby
Double the birthweight
Failure to Thrive is described as the infants inability to gain sufficient ___________
The younger the child the _____ the respiration and ________, and the lower the _________
Higher: respiration and pulse
Lower: BP
What diet is recommended for a pt. experiencing diarrhea
T/F: Chest circumference is an anthropometric measurement for all pediatric visits for children < 12 mo.
False, it is only performed if a provider suspects under/overdevelopment of heart and lungs
____________ is a program designed to supplement payment for services not covered by MediCARE
A living will is analogous to an __________ _____________
advanced directive
Hearing crackles upon auscultation of the lungs is termed:
Hearing a harsh, high-pitched sound on inspiration during auscultation of the lungs is termed:
Hearing wheezing or squeaking during auscultation of the lungs is termed:
A pt. says they have shortness of breath and dyspnea after minimal activity, the provider is most likely going to order a:
Pulmonary Function Test
Spirometry testing determines
- Vital capacity
- pt effectiveness for exhale and how quick
What are three things a pt. should NOT do prior to coming to PFT?
No smoking 4-6 hours before
No nebulizers/inhalers
No restrictive clothing
A pulse ox < ___ is considered life threatening
Peak flow testing monitors asthma and the ability to move air in and out of the lungs, this test may be performed __ _________
at home
What is the term used for “finger clubbing”
What are the three types of inhalers?
Dry powder, soft mist, metered dose
What is the difference between and EHR and an EMR?
EHR: national database, for use over multiple healthcare organizations
EMR: within one organization
Meaningful use is described as a set of criteria for how EHR are used that providers must meet to receive certain incentives, what agency deals with this?
______ own the information of a medical record, __________ owns the record
______ own the information of a medical record, __________ owns the record
What does CPOE stand for?
Computerized physician order entry
What does POMR stand for?
Problem oriented medical record
What is the PPACA?
Affordable Care Act
The goal of this was to: create a more organized and competitive market for buying health insurance
Health Insurance Exchange
What is a premium?
Amount paid each month for being a member
Define Deductible
Amount patient must pay before insurance will start to cover costs
What does Assignment of Benefits allow?
Authorizes insurance company to pay benefits directly to the provider
What is the acronym for the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services
What does Blue Cross cover? What does Blue Shield cover?
Cross: hospital
Shield: Doctor office
What is COBRA coverage?
Employers must extend insurance for employee 18 mo has left due to lay off, quit, fired
Medicare covers adults 65+, disabled, and those:
who are in end stage renal disease
A CMS-1500 claim form is analogous to:
claim form
What part of Medicare replaces part A & B?
Part C: Advantage plan
What does Medicare Part A cover?
What does Medicare Part B cover?
PCP, therapy, lab testing on a fee-for-service voluntary
Annual deductible
What type of benefits determines which company is filed as primary and secondary?
Coordination of benefits
What is a clean claim?
Corrected/Resubmitting claim to the clearinghouse
What is the difference between a combination code and multiple codes?
Combination: identifies condition and various MANIFESTATIONs OR 2 COND’T that commonly occur together
Multiple: several codes that FULLY DESCRIBE a condition
What is the code used for well care visits
Z code
CPT: Surgical procedure is analogous to:
Global surgical concept
What is the point of managed global care?
To provide care at a lower cost
What is the purpose of an ICD code?
identifies reasons why services provided
EOB, otherwise known as Explanation of Benefits contains _____________ ______________
Claims adjustments
What does VOB stand for?
Verification of benefits
If a claim is denied:
File for authorization/appeal
A _______________ is a financial incentive for using a certain medical offices, labs, etc.
What does AR stand for?
Accounts Receivable
What is the term for unauthorized taking of funds?
Electronic Remittance Advice is analogous to:
Electronic claim
What is the difference between fraud and abuse?
Fraud: charging for services not provided
Abuse: accepting payment for those services not provided
What does PMS stand for? PMS is analogous to:
Practice Management System
Practice Account Software
What is a professional courtesy?
Discount given to friends, family, fellow professional for services
When was Blue Cross Blue Shield founded?
What the the 3 most common types of MCP?
What does E & M stand for?
Evaluation and Management