Test 5 - Chapter 4 Flashcards
Who taught that Christ was an adoptive Son of God and therefore was NOT divine?
What was the first worldwide ecumenical council?
Council of Nicaea
Who was the first Church official who used his office to coerce civil rulers?
St. Ambrose
Who defined heresy as “a species of unbelief, belonging to those who profess the Christian faith, but corrupt its dogmas”?
Thomas Aquinas
Who believed Apostasy was forgivable if the person repented?
Pope Callistus
Who wrote a book against Gnosticism called “Against Heresies”?
St. Irenaeus
What is the group of church writers who’s teachings on matters carried special weight?
Church Fathers
Who translated the Bible into Latin?
St. Jerome
Who believed that there was no forgiveness form Apostacy, Murder or Adultery?
Who taught that the value of the sacraments depended on the worthiness of the priest?
When and by whom was Christianity declared the official religion of the empire?
Theodosius - - 391
Who has the power to start, change and end an ecumenical council?
The Pope
Who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 and what was the council’s outcome?
Constantine - - it revealed the truth that was established by the church
What is a Dogma?
A principle or set of principles laid down by the church as the only truth
What do the words “tolle et lege” mean and what is their significance in St. Augustine’s life?
take and read - - he had a conversation experience when he heard a young boy singing those words and read the scripture.
What are two ways to enter into a heresy and describe them in detail
What were the 5 aspects of Gnosticism
See your notes