Test 4 - - Chapter 3 Flashcards
Identify St. Agnes
13 year old - was sentenced into prostitution because she wanted to give her life to Christ.
The first man who looked at her with lustful eyes was blinded
She was beheaded
Identify Diocletion
Great and most brutal persecutor of Christians - - wanted to wipe out Christianity
Identify Domitian
Wanted to stop the spread of Christianity - - taxed Christians and Jews to build a temple to Jupiter
Identify Trajan
One of the best emperors - - excellent military leader - Christians could renounce their Christianity and offer sacrifice to the Roman gods
Identify Pope St. Sixtus and Deacon St. Lawrence
Sixtus was executed
Lawrence was asked to bring back the treasures of the church - - so he brought back poor people
Identify Origen
important writer - - originated the ideas and concepts of the Homily
Identify Decius
Thought the Empire should return to its pagan roots
So he started the first wide spread persecution of Christians
Identify St. Irenaeus
A disciple of St. Polycarp
Combated hereies
emphasized key elements of the church
Identify St. Perpetua and St. Felicity
Noble women and her slave - - both wanted to be Christians - - died for their faith
Identify St. Justin Martyr
Defended the Church against pagans - - died a martyrs death
Identify Marcus Aurelius
Emperor known as the Philosopher King
He was a stoic
Allowed mobs to kill Christians in oder to give the mob what they wanted
Identify St. Ignatius
First one to use Catholic church
He spoke out against Heresy and died a Martyr
Identify Hadrian
He fortified the Empire’s borders
wanted common law to rule over mob action
Christians were only punished for breaking common laws
Identify St. Polycarp
Apostolic father
Was arrested by Romans
He would not commit apostosy
Died a Marytr
If Nero set fire to Rome - why did he do it? - - How did the Christians help in a political way?
He wanted to build a new palace
Christians were a small minority that were new and unknown to the Romans
What is the importance of the Edict of Milan?
It restored all property back to the Church
Gave Christians the freedom to practice their religion
It made Christianity a legitimate religion for the first time
How did Tetrarchy lead to a weakened Roman State?
Anytime you divide power - - it will weaken a ruling body - - because it will cause division
Tell the story about how Constantine won the Battle of Saxa Rubra.
He saw a vision of a cross in the sky
Message was that he would be victorious
Had soldiers paint crosses on their shields
They were victorious
What are Diocletain’s 4 edicts
- Destroy Christianity
- Churches were to be destroyed
- Clergy were imprisoned
- Demanded pagan sacrifices from Christians and clergy
Identify Nero.
He was the emperor of Rome - was paranoid and psychotic
Rumored to have set fire to Rome and blamed Christians