Test #4 Flashcards
Why is it important to cool down after testing?
Reduces risk of hypotension from venous pooling
Definition: Dynamic Muscular Endurance
Repetitions to failure at given % of body mass or 1RM (recommended 70%)
What is RH?
Relative Humidity - The moisture in the air relative to how much moisture, or water vapor can be held by the air at any given ambient temperature
Definition: Calorimetry
measurment of heat energy liberated or absorbed in metabolic processes
What percent of O2 and CO2 is in expired breath. Are these values lower or higher than ambient air levels?
O2 - 15-16% - lower
CO2 - 4-6% - higher
What do you do if the client’s HR is not between 50% and 70% after the first minute?
You have one chance after the 1st minute to adjust the speed accordingly.
Definition: Acclimitization
The adaptive changes that occur when an individual undergoes prolonged or repeated exposure to a stressful environment; these changes reduce the physiological strain produced by such an environment
What unit is Relative vO2 usually measured in?
mL (millilitres)
What does Submaximal testing allow the appraiser to do?
- Classify fitness level of client
- provide realistic, effective exercise prescription
- evaluate progress of aerobic training effect
- Inspire and motivate the client
- Identify health or injury risk and refer to appropriate health professional
What number on the urination chart is bad?
7 and up.
PROS and CONS: Submaximal Testing
- Less Costly
- Less Risky
- Less time and effort of the client
- Functional Response to Exercise
- Less Accurate
What are the limitations to Variable Resistance Machines
- Difficult to match strength curve
- Difficult to assess true muscular strength
What temperature should the room be for testing?
70-74 degrees F or 21 to 23 degrees C
What are the negatives of doing closer to 10 reps for estimated 1RM and doing closer to 1?
Closer to 10 you are encroaching on endurance.
Closer to 1, you are increasing risk of injury.
How to calculate sweat rate?
(Pre exercise weight - Post exercise weight) + Fluid Intake
True or False: vO2peak is usually higher than vO2max
False, vO2peak can be higher, lower or equal to vO2max
FW or CRM: Large weight increments
Constant Resistance Machines
What is the predicted 1RM equation for both men and women?
(0.31 x YMCA test repetitions) + 19.2
(1.55 x YMCA test reps) + 37.9
What percent of body weight should you drink in fluids to prevent dehydration?
What is the point of a Variable Resistance Machine?
Attempts to eliminate the sticking point
How do you calculate a client’s Relative strength?
Divide their 1RM by their body weight
What is the YMCA version of muscular endurance training?
Bench Press
True or False: vO2peak is a valid index or vO2max
What are some criteria for knowing if your client has hit TRUE VO2max?
- HR no longer increases with increased intensity
- Venous lactate concentration exceeds 8 mmol/L
- RER is greater than 1.15
- RPE greater than 17
*the more of these criteria the test hits, the more accurately you can rely on the clients VO2max results
What are the cardiovascular demands of exercise in the heat?
- Skin and muscles compete for blood flow
- Vasodilation in cutaneous vessels effectively decreases venous return, decreasing SV
- Sweating results in reduced plasma volume
- Adequate BP must be maintained to perfuse the vital organs, including brain, kidney, and liver
At what point is the relationship between HR, oxygen uptake and WL linear?
50%-90% MHR
Definition: Dynamic Muscular Testing
Strength measured as the maximum force exerted in a single contraction against a moveable resistance
What are the assumptions made during Submaximal Testing?
- Steady state heart rate is achieved at each workload and hr is consistent each day
- True max HR for given age must be the same for all clients
- Relationship between HR, oxygen uptake and WL must be strong, positive and linear
- Mechanical efficiency is the same for all clients
How much percent of total body mass does water account for?
How does a spring device work? What is it for?
Force is applied, spring compressed, moves the needle to corresponding amount. It tests isometric strength.
What 5 things affect the effectiveness of heat exchange?
- The thermal gradient
- The relative humidity
- Air Movement
- The degree of direct sunlight
- The clothing worn
Why is muscular fitness important?
- perform ADLs
- maintain functional independance (aging and injury)
- enjoy active leisure-time pursuits without undue stress or fatigue
- lessen chance of developing
- low back problems
- osteoporotic fractures
- muskuloskeletal injuries
True or False: You should measure resting HR and BP before maximal tests
What is the Respiratory Quotient or Repriatory Exchange Ratio?
Volume of CO2 produced divided by the volume of O2 consumed on a total body level
By what duration does the oxygen energy system start to kick in?
2 minutes.
PROS and CONS: Maximal Testing
- Determine true max heart rate
- Accurately assess anaerobic threshold
- Measure vO2max
- Client motivation
- Personel
- Cost - Equipment & Space
- Time Consuming
- Risk