MSK Assessments Flashcards
What is the population for all the MSK assessments?
Grip Strength: 15-69
Push-Up: 15-69
Sit and Reach: 15-69
Vertical Jump: 15-69
Back Extension: 15-69
One Leg Stance: 18-69
Contraindications for Grip Strength
any obvious arm or hand injuries
Contraindications for Push-Ups
- osteoporosis
- lower back pain
- shoulder problems
Contraindications for Sit and Reach
- osteoporosis
- lower back pain
Contraindications for Vertical Jump
- osteoporosis
- lower back pain
- knee problems
Contraindications for Back Extension
- assess for discomfort
Contraindications for One Leg Stance
What is Hand Grip a measure of?
isometric strength
good indicator of overall body strength
What is Hand Grip predictive of?
functional limitations and disability later in life
What is the Hand Grip device called?
Hand Dynamometer
What does the Push-Up Test measure?
muscular endurance of the chest, shoulder and arms
Why is the Push-Up test important?
muscular endurance is important in the performance of everyday tasks, such as carrying groceries or shoveling snow
What equipment do you need for the push-up test?
gym mat
Push-Up Test instructions
- a Practice one-two reps for proper technique
- Lie facedown on the mat with legs together, hands pointing forward and under shoulders.
- Push up by fully extending the arms -exhale-, keeping elbows out from the side.
- Men use toes as pivot, women use knees as pivot with ankles plantar flexed - ew gross
- Upper body must be kept in a straight line, returning to start with chin touching mat. Stomach and thighs do not touch
- Incorrect repetitions do not count
- Direct concentration towards the floor
- Perform as many as they can - no time limit
When should you stop the Push-Up test?
- any pain or discomfort
- appears to strain forcibly
- unable to maintain proper technique over two consecutive reps
How do you score the Push-Up test?
total number of reps
What is the purpose of the Sit and Reach test?
- most common way to measure hamstring and lower back flexibility.
- valid and reliable measure of general flexibility
- tightness in the hamstrings and lower back is an indicator of current poor back health
- reduced flexibility, especially the lower body, has been associated with adverse functional outcomes, limit daily activity abilities
Equipment for the Sit and Reach
- flexommeter - ruler arm at 26cm
- gym mat
- tape measure
Instructions for Sit and Reach
- Warm up with modified hurdler stretch - 20s each - make sure hips aren’t rotating
- without shoes, sit legs fully extended, feet flat against flexometer - balls of feet should rest against upper crossboards - feet must not extend past
- measure to make sure inner edge of fett are 6 inches apart
- arms evenly stretched with palms down and hands together, bend and reach forward - push the marker forward along the scale as far as possible - 2 seconds
- concentrate on pushing - lower head and exhale to maximize
- repeat
When should you stop the Sit and Reach
if the knees bend, start over
How to record the sit and reach?
both readings to the nearest 0.5cm, use highest score
if they can’t reach, measure fingertips to 0 for later goals
What is the purpose of the Vertical Jump test?
measures peak leg power or the ability to contract the leg muscles with speed and force
-muscular power has important implications for functional capacity and independent living especially as you age
Equipment for Vertical Jump Test?
- measuring tape
- chair
- chalk
Instructions for Vertical Jump Test?
- stand tall with feet flat on floor - perpendicular to wall or under device
- reach as high as possible - arm and fingers fully extended - palm toward wall - record this to nearest 0.5cm
- move safe distance away from wall or device, hand on hip elbow should barely touch
- bring arms down and back, bending knees in semi-squat
- pause 1-2 seconds in this position then jump as high as possible and touch the wall or device
- three trials with a rest of 10-15 seconds
When does a vertical jump not count?
- run up, step up or pre-jump
How to score Vertical Jump?
- measure stand and reach to best jump
- use formula peak leg power = [60.7 x jump height] + [45.3 x body mass] - 2055