Test 4 Flashcards
loss of the eyes’ ability to focus actively on nearby objects
Common in clients over 45
Constant malalignment of the eyes
Eyes don’t look exactly the same direction at the same time
An oscillating (shaking) movement of the eyes
May be associated with an inner ear disorder, multiple sclerosis, brain lesion or narcotics use
Involuntary movement side to side
A specific kind of malalignment where there is an outward turn of the eye
An inverted lower lid
Drooping of the upper eyelid
Protrusion of the eyeballs accompanied by retracted eyelid margins
Pinpoint pupils, constricted and fixed
Possibly a result of narcotic drugs or brain damage
Pupils of unequal size
In some cases is normal, others is not
Accommodation response
Response of eye when shifting focus from distant object to nearby object
Functional reflex allowing eyes to focus on near objects
Pupil constricts to increase the depth of focus of the eye
Six cardinal positions of gaze
Assess eye muscle strength and cranial nerve function
Failure of eyes to follow ant movement symmetrically in any or all directions indicates a weakness in one or more extraocular muscles or dysfunction of the cranial nerve that innervates that muscle
Snellen exam
Used to test distant visual acuity
Chart consists of lines of different letters stacked larger on top and decreasing in size
Client stands 20 ft from, covers one eye and reads until can no longer distinguish
Permits the entrance of light
Well supplied with nerve endings making it responsive to pain and touch
Lateral gaze
Looking to the right or left in the horizontal plane
Generalized redness of the conjunctiva
Pink eye
Group of eye diseases that damage the optic nerve
Often caused by abnormally high pressure within the eye
No warning signs and gradual that no change in vision may be noticed until it is advanced
Vision loss as a result is not reversible
*second leading cause of blindness
Open angle glaucoma
Patchy blind spots in you side or central vision
Frequently in both eyes
Tunnel vision in advanced stages
Signs of Acute angle-closure glaucoma
Severe headache, eye pain, nausea and vomiting, blurred vision, halos around light, redness
Opacity/clouding of eyes and blurry vision
Leading cause of blindness worldwide
Risk factors for cataracts
Increasing age
Diabetes mellitus
Excessive alcohol use
Exposure to sunlight
Exposure to ionizing radiation
High blood pressure
Previous eye injury
Inflammation or surgery
Prolonged steroid use
Cigarette smoking
Macular degeneration
Damage to the macula (central part of retina)
Loss in center field of vision
Blind spots, blurry vision
Most common kind of age related macular degeneration
may advanced and cause loss of vision w/out turning into wet form or may change into wet form in late stages
Abnormal new blood vessels form deep in the sensory retinue
can leak or bleed and result in marked loss of central vision
Assessing near vision
Use hand held Visual chart, 14 inches away
Jaeger test (pocket screener)
Normal is 14/14
Pupils Equal Round Reactive Light Accommodation
Test pupillary reaction to light
Darken room, client focuses on distant object
Shine light obliquely into one eye and observe
Normally pupils constrict equally
Changes in the structure and function of the inner ear either age
Malformation of the inner ear causes sensorineural or perceptive hearing loss
Visual fields
Sees with one eye
Four quadrants for each eye (upper and lower temporal and upper and lower nasal)
Visual pathway
Anatomical structures responsible for conversion of light energy into electrical action potentials that can be interpreted by the brain
Testing extraocular muscle function
Corneal light reflex test: penlight to observe parallel alignment of light reflection on corneas
Cover test: use opaque card to cover an eye to observe for eye movement
Position test: observe for eye movement
Cover/uncover test
Patient looks straight at distant object
Cover one eye
- look at uncovered eye, should be fixed
Uncover eye
- look at eye that was covered, eye should not move and should be looking in the same direction
Repeat for both eyes
Purpose of Cover/Uncover test
Detects deviation in alignment or strength and slight deviations in eye movement by interrupting the fusion reflex that normally keeps the eyes parallel
Term used to describe misalignment that occurs when fusion reflex is blocked
Inward turn of the eye
Hand held instrument that allows examiner to view the fundus of the eye by the projection of light through a prism that bends the light 90 degrees
Age related macular degeneration
Major cause of visual impairment that affects the macula portion of the retina
Causes deterioration of the macula (central portion)
People with it have a hard time with daily activities
Risk factors for Macular Degeneration
Advancing age
Family history of AMD
Gender (females more likely to be affected)
Race (Caucasians)
Light eye color
Prolonged sun exposure
High fat, high cholesterol, high sugar/low antioxidant diet that is low in antioxidants and green leafy vegetables
Hypertension (narrows blood vessels in retina) or blood pressure above 120/80 mm Hg
Cardiovascular disease
AMD in one eye
Genetic predisposition
Everted lower lid
An infection of the meibomian gland (located in eyelid)
May produce extreme swelling, moderate redness but minimal pain
Redness and crusting along the lid margins suggesting seborrhea or blepharitis
Infection caused by staphylococcus aureus
A hair follicle infection
Causes local redness swelling and pain
Diffuse episcleritis
Inflammation of the sclera
Dilated and fixed pupils
Typically resulting from central nervous system injury, circulatory collapse or deep anesthesia
Swollen optic disc
Blurred margins
Hyperemic appearance for accumulation of excess blood
Visible and numerous disc vessels
Lack of visible physiologic cup
Glaucoma (optic disc)
Enlarged physiologic cup covering more than half the disc’s diameter
Pale base of enlarged physiologic cup
Obscure and/or displaced retinal vessels
Optic atrophy
White optic disc
Lack of disc vessels
Yellowish nodules on the bulbar conjunctiva
Harmless, common in older clients
Appear first on medial side of iris then lateral
Arcus senilis
Normal condition in older clients
Appears as a white arc around the limbus
conductive hearing loss
Something blocks or impairs the passage of vibrations from getting to the inner ear
Causes of conductive hearing loss
- fluid in middle ear
- otisis media (middle ear infection)
- allergies (serous otitis media)
- impacted cerumen
- infection in the ear canal (external otitis)
- presence of foreign body
Sensorineural or perceptive hearing loss
Damage is located in the inner ear
Most common type of permanent hearing loss
Decreases one’s ability to hear faint sounds, even loud speech may be muffled
Causes of sensorineural/perceptive hearing loss
Ototixic drugs
Generic hearing loss
Head trauma
Malformation of the inner ear
Loud noise exposure
Risk factors for hearing loss
Occupational loud noise
Recreational noises
Ototoxic medications
Illnesses, especially with high fever
Noise exposure
Cardiovascular risk factors
Genetic and family susceptibility
Premature birth
Hypoxia during birth
Rubella, syphilis, or other infections in pregnant mother
Inappropriate use of ototoxic drugs during pregnancy
Neonatal jaundice, which can damage the otic nerve in a newborn baby
Infectious diseases
Head/ear injury
Wax/foreign bodies
Otitis media
Inflammation or infection located in the middle ear
Purulent drainage associated pain and a popping sensation is characteristic of otitis media with perforation of the tympanic memebrane
Between 6 months and 2 years most susceptible due to size of euustachian tubes
External eat structures
Inspect: auricle, tragus, and lobule for size, shape, position,lesion/discoloration, and discharge
Palpate: the auricle and mastoid process for tenderness
Acute otitis media
Red, bulging membrane
Decreased/absent light reflex
Serous otitis media
Yellowish, bulging membrane with bubbles behind it
Whisper test
Have client occlude the eat not being tested and rub tragus in circular motion
Start with better hearing ear first
With head 2 ft behind client whisper a 2 syllable work and ask them to repeat
If they don’t get it first try, try one more time
Identifying 3 of 6 words is passing
Jaeger test
Near vision assessment in clients over 40
Pocket screener or newspaper
Held 14 inches from eye
Gradual sensorineural hearing loss
Common after 50
Often begins with a loss of high frequency sounds (women’s voice) followed by the loss of lower
Romberg test
Tests equilibrium
Client stands feet together, arms at side, eyes opened and then closes
Maintain position for 20 sections without or with minimal swaying
May indicate a vestibular disorder if fail
Weber test use
Performed if client reports diminished or lost hearing in one ear
Helps to evaluate the conduction of sound waves through bones to help distinguish between conductive and sensorineural hearing loss
How waves are transmitted in conductive hearing loss
By external and middle ear
How waves are conducted in sensorineural hearing loss
By inner ear
Weber test procedure
Strike tuning fork softly with back of hand and place at the center of client’s head or forehead
Ask if they hear it better in one ear or the same
Results of Weber test
Conductive: reports lateralization of the sound in the poor ear, they “hear” it, the good ear is distracted by background noise which the poor ear has trouble with, so it receives most of the sound conducted by bone vibration
Sensorineural: client reports lateralization of the sound in three good ear, this is because of limited perception of sound due to nerve damage in bad ear, making sound seem louder in the unaffected ear
Rinne test use
Test compares air and bone conduction sounds
Used to determine cause of hearing loss
Rinne test procedure
Use tuning fork and place at the base of the client’s mastoid process (bone conduction)
Ask client to tell you when they no longer hear it and the move tuning fork to the front of the external auditory canal (air conduction) and ask if the sound is audible after you move it
Rinne test procedure
Use tuning fork and place at the base of the client’s mastoid process (bone conduction)
Ask client to tell you when they no longer hear it and the move tuning fork to the front of the external auditory canal (air conduction) and ask if the sound is audible after you move it
Results of Rinne test
If cause is sensorineural the finding will be AC > BC (which is also a normal hearing result)
Of the cause is conductive the finding will be BC ≥ AC
Tympanic Membrane
Found in the middle eat
Assess the color / position of landmarks / intactness of drum
Shiny / transparent / opaque pearl gray
Slight concave
Cone of light right 5 o’clock left 7 o ‘clock
Otitis externa
Infection of the outer ear canal
Often caused by water (swimmers ear)
Expected changes with aging of the ear
Neg self image with hearing aid
Elongated earlobes with linear wrinkles
Harder cerumen builds as cilia in ear canal become more rigid
Coarse think wire like hair may grow at canal entrance
Eardrum appears cloud
Hard external ear nodules associated with deposits of uric acid in advanced gout
Malignant lesion
Mass or lump of abnormal cells can form in any part of ear
Build up of cerumen in ear canal
Wax build up and block ear can cause hearing loss
Polyp exostosis
Thickening and constriction of the ear canal
Blue dark red tympanic membrane
Indicates blood behind eardrum due to trauma
Scarred tympanic membrane
White spots and streaks indicate scarring from infections
Perforated tympanic membrane
Perforation results from rupture caused by increased pressure usually from untreated infection or trauma
Retracted tympanic membrane
Prominent landmarks are caused by negative ear pressure due to obstructed Eustachian tube or chronic otitis media
Provide structure and protection
Serve as levers, store calcium and produce blood cells
Axial skeleton
Head and trunk
Appendicular skeleton
Extremities, shoulders and hips
Compact bone
Hard and dense
Makes up the shaft and outer layers
Spongy bone
Contains numerous spaces and makes up the ends and centers of the bones
Active cells that form bone tissue
Cells that help demineralize and destroy old bone
Red vs yellow marrow
Red produces blood cells
Yellow is composed mostly of fat
Skeletal muscles
Under conscious control
Attach to bones by way of strong, fibrous cords card tendons
Assist with posture, produce body head and allow the body to move
Smooth muscle
Aka nonstriated muscle
Under control of the autonomic nervous system
Cardiac muscle
Highly specific striated muscle that can contract without neural stimulation because of the property of automaticity
Allows cardiac tissue to set a contraction rhythm through the presence of pacemaker cells
Bending of a joint (elbow)
Straightening of a joint
Moving away from midline
Moving toward midline
Turning around a specific axis (shoulder) - move around its long axis, turning like a screw
Cone like movement - movement of limp in circle
Turning upward
As in hand (palm up)
Turning downward
As in hand (palm down)
Turning inward
As in ankle (big toe faces up)