Test 4 Flashcards
When filling out ACCIDENT AND INJURY report, off duty bart employees are treated as ______.
For accidents involving slips, trips, falls, include info describing the customers ________
Lost & Found location and hours
12th St City Center
MWF, 12-2pm and 3-6pm
Where do you put Lost & Found items such as cash, camcorders, credit cards, laptops?
A secure location/security cabinet
BPD should be contacted for Found property items such as…
The customer is able to log their own lost item at:
It gets logged into the tracking system
Station agents shall utilize the red emergency button on the trunk radio when _______________.
No other means of communication are available.
For emergency communications that are NON-LIFE THREATENING, station agents shall select and transmit on the ……
Train ops talk group for your line
What does CARES stand for
Curb Affirm Recenter Empathize Solutions
When the systemwide Elevator Status Sign is OOS, the station agent must:
- turn OFF the sign using the circuit breaker
- post backup signage to list any systemwide elevator OOS info inside all elevator cabs and at all elevator landings
- post info at all landings and information booths when the OOS elevator is at their station
- report problem to Computer Maintenance and complete RFM
- remove or update all posted info when there’s a change in elevator status
Elevator Failure -
Phase One Notification
When a station elevator is OOS, station agents at the affected station must:
- Notify other agents in the station. In a station shared with other transit, inform their representative of the out of service elevator
- Notify the transportation supervisor/line foreworker
- Post elevator out of service signage at all booths and at each elevator landing
- Complete an RFM
- Notify ComSpec
- Make a note in the turnover log
Elevator Failure - Phase Two
If the elevator is to remain OOS for more than two hours, station agents must then:
- Notify ComSpec of the estimated time of repair
- Notified transportation supervisor/line foreworker of the estimated time of repair
- Complete UOR
- Note in turnover log
When an elevator is returned to service, station agents must:
- Record the time in the turnover log
- Notify ComSpec
- Notify transportation supervisor/line foreworker
- Remove all posted elevator status signs
When a patron needs to use the elevator during routine or scheduled maintenance, the agent must:
- contact elevator mechanic/techs and ask if it’s ok to be put back in service
- inform patron of the circumstances and timeframe
Alternate travel options for patrons in a wheelchair when elevator is out of service:
- Backtracking
- Bus service
- Taxi/Lyft/Uber (not paid by Bart)
- Bart Elevator Mitigation Trip
*these must be listed in order
Define “backtracking”
For side-platform stations (like Del Norte, for instance), use the elevator on the other side by backtracking.
Example: Richmond-side elevator at Del Norte is OOS. Patron on that side can board train to Richmond, exit train, and return to Del Norte on an SF or Berryessa train.
*Note: call the station agent down the line to make sure elevator is working there!!!!
What is a Paratransit Elevator Mitigation Trip?
If other options are not acceptable for the customer, the station agent can call paratransit to have a lift equipped van sent to pick up the passenger (no cost). The paratransit vehicle will transport the passenger to/from a station with a working elevator. It can take up to an hour, so the other options are preferable
Steps to arrange the Paratransit Mitigation Trip:
- Call x3000 and request a “Bart elevator mitigation trip at (station name)”
- If x3000 doesn’t answer, call x3001
- If no answer, call ComSpec x4250 who will call Paratransit
- Provide following info to Paratransit dispatcher: your name, station, station phone, customer name, if using wheelchair, customer location for pickup, customer description
- Ask Paratransit dispatcher to call back with an ETA for the van; inform customer
- Call ComSpec at OCC for assistance, if necessary
- If Paratransit service is not there in one hour, notify TS and Customer Access at x6716 between 0800-1700 Mon-Fri
Document that informs supervisors and Safety Dept of safety hazards which haven’t been corrected by RFM
Bart Safety Notice
Who fills out Booth Inventory Report?
Opening, mid, and closing agents.
Who submits a Station Supply Request form? When?
The opening station agent may submit a Station supply request form to the transportation supervisors line office on the first and third Monday of each month
Who conducts Station Inspection Report? When?
The opening and closing shift station agents. Report must be completed within the first hour of their shift.
How often must station agents inspect the public restrooms?
A minimum of two times during their shift. Complete the Restroom Inspection Report.
How many languages does language line offer? When is a service available?
Over 140.
24 hours/7 days a week