Test 1B Flashcards
What will cause 4 chimes to ring?
Fire alarms, escalator stopping, and 3rd rail trip
Where can you find third rail trip pins?
- In all booths, usually taped to the red emergency telephone.
- In the security cabinet
- In the locked PABX phone box near the center of the platform
What can be found in the booth storage cabinet/security cabinet?
First aid kit, bullhorn, third rail trip pins, flashlight, station agent stamps and station keys/key box.
What is the barrier open switch?
It controls the opening and closing of the fare gates. During revenue hours, the switch shall be in the barrier closed position. In core stations, the switch is under the front countertop or on SAB. In extension stations, on the SAB
Restroom emergency (no response from patron inside)
Call Bart police (x7000)
Call Central manager (x4152)
While waiting for Bart PD, keep trying to make contact
When Bart PD arrives, use T key to enter
Notify line supervisor and complete UOR, and if needed an AIR
Turnover log
How often should restrooms be inspected?
A minimum of two times during station agents shift.
Restroom maintenance steps
Station page for SSW
If no answer, call system service foreworkers office
If no answer, call ComSpec at x4250
Update results in turnover log
In a multi centroid station, who should be the first person to acknowledge any alarms?
The primary agent. If the primary agent is not available, the secondary agent should acknowledge.
What do the following annunciations indicate? 1. Wet standpipe 2. Water valve closed 3. Subsystem power malfunction
- Water flowing in the firefighting system
2 main water valve for the firefighting system has been closed or tampered with
3 loss of power to intercom and public address system
Chime code for incoming PABX call
Chime code for incoming intercom call
Chime code for fire/related
Chime code for seismic
Sequence of events for a manual pull in a CORE station?
1 fire summary alarm/manual pull annunciation flashes
2 audible signal activates at the panel
3 Power Support receives a summary alarm
4 four chimes will sound if alarm is not acknowledged at the booth
5 announcement over PA in English and Spanish that escalators will stop
6 all escalators in the station will stop
How does the intercom phone inside the station elevator differ from the others throughout the station?
If the call remains unanswered after 30 seconds (10 sec starts chime code +20 sec of chimes = 30 sec) the call rolls over as an emergency call to Power Support
T or F: The SA booth receives calls from the parking lot 911 Emergency Call System in the parking lots and garages
True/False: a flashing amber light on a booth Emergency Phone indicates that OCC is attempting to contact the agent
Where are the emergency red telephones located in the stations?
In all booths, including secondary’s; in all elevators
If an emergency phone is activated in error, what is the procedure?
Stay on the line, explain the reason for the call
How can you make a PA outside of the booth in the original stations?
Use the PABX phone on the platform and dial 1235 (all call)
Where are 911 Emergency Call Boxes located? AND…explain their purpose and operation
Parking lots, garages, and Park & Ride Lots.
Used only for emergencies. When handset is picked up, call goes to BPD for response. Blue light flashes to indicate that call was made from the location.
List the contents/equipment available at a blue light station.
AC outlet 115v
Third Rail Trip
Emergency phone
+MT phone jack
What are the guidelines pertaining to usage of Platform Ext. Speakers?
M-F only; on 0630-0900 and on again 1500-1900
What is the procedure for the PABX phone key? and…what is the equivalent key in the extension stations?
Have PABX access key with you at all times.
The equivalent key in extension stations is CAT 74.