test 3 pt 2 Flashcards
What are the two groups of organs of the digestive system
Alimentary canal (gastrointestinal or GI
tract) And Accessory digestive organs
What does the Alimentary canal (gastrointestinal or GI
tract) do
Digests and absorbs food starting from the
Mouth, pharynx, esophagus,
stomach, small intestine, and large intestine
What are the Accessory digestive organs
- Teeth, tongue, gallbladder
- Digestive glands
- Salivary glands
- Liver
- Pancreas
What are the four basics layers of the Alimentary canal
- Mucosa
- Submucosa
- Muscularis externa
- Serosa
What is the submucosa
Dense connective tissue
What is the Muscularis externa
- Responsible for segmentation
and peristalsis - Inner circular and outer
longitudinal layers
What is happening in the Digestion in the small Intestine.
Chyme from stomach contains Partially digested carbohydrates and proteins
and Undigested fats
What is happening in the Digestion in the small Intestine pt.2
- Slow delivery of hypertonic chyme and Delivery of bile (liver via gall bladder), enzymes, and
bicarbonate (pancreas)
What is the Liver
- Largest gland in the body
- Four lobes—right, left, caudate, and quadrate
What is the Gallbladder
- Thin-walled muscular sac on the ventral surface of the liver
- Stores and concentrates bile by absorbing its water and ions
- Releases bile via the cystic duct, which flows into the bile duct
Gallbladder contraction is stimulated by
- Cholecystokinin (CCK) from intestinal cells exposed to proteins and fat in
chyme - Vagal stimulation (minor stimulus)
What is the pancreas 2 functions
Endocrine function and Exocrine function
What is the Colon
- Vitamins, water, and electrolytes are reclaimed
- Major function is propulsion of feces toward the anus
- Home to many bacteria
- helps break down indigestible foods like fibers
- Make B Vitamins and Vit K
What Three rectal valves stop feces
from being passed with gas
What The last segment of the large intestine
Anal canal
What are the 2 Sphincters
- Internal anal sphincter—
smooth muscle - External anal sphincter—
skeletal muscle