Test 3 Part 1 Flashcards
According to Kant, any future metaphysics will have to be based upon an analysis of the mind’s operations.
According to Kierkegaard, the most poignant moments in life are personal, when we becomes aware of ourselves as a part of objective reality.
According to Nietzsche, God is dead.
For Schopenhauer willing and ______ are not two different things but rather one and the same thing.
According to Hegel, moral duty derives from the requirement of identifying a person’s individual will with the universal will.
As a metaphysical theory idealism in general is the view that the universe is composed solely of mental – or spiritual- things; there is no material stuff.
According to Hegel we express our freedom most concretely by an act of:
The initial rigor of positivism is suggested by Comte’s clear statement that “any proposition which does not admit of being ultimately reduced to a simple enunciation of fact, special or general, can have no real or intelligible sense.”
According to Kant, almost nothing can be known for certain.
Which of the following is a true statement about the will to power?
None of These
Hegel believed that everything that is, is knowable.
Utilitarianism can be defined as an ethical theory associated with Bentham and Mill that an action is morally good if it produces as much good as or more good than any alternative behavior.
According to Hegel, in religion universal spirit exists in the form of what?
Feeling and pictorial imaginative thinking
Kierkegaard insists that existence must refer to a quality in the individual, namely his conscious participation in an act.
In Kant’s view, it is the world that shapes the mind, rather than vice versa.
What was Mill’s purpose in writing his famous essay on Utilitarianism?
To defend the principle of utility.
According to Marx, the ownership of property divides the society between those who have and those who do not.
For Kierkegaard, what is “out there” can be known with “an objective certainty.”
Marx’s prediction that the capitalist order would succeed was based on this notion that the changes in the quantitative factors in capitalism would inevitably support capitalism.
Schopenhauer portrays the realm of nature as a fierce struggle where the will to live inevitably produces conflict and destruction.
The categorical imperative
forbids manipulation of others for our own purposes.
According to Kant, the only unqualified good thing in the world is a good will.
According to Kierkegaard,only an act of faith can assure me of my personal relationship to God.
According to Nietzsche, one of the overman’s greatest accomplishments is self-transformation.
According to Bentahm,
punishment should not be inflected in four particular situations.
A Superperson, as Nietzsche portrays him,
remains faithful to the earth.
Morality for Kant is, therefore, an aspect of rationality and has to do with our consciousness of rules or “laws” of behavior which we consider universal and necessary.
The scientific study of society is called psychology.
Kant is a moral relativist, one who holds that there are no absolute moral values.
According to Kant, it is possible to have all our good actions fail and still be a good person.
According to Schopenhauer a person could achieve periodic moments of happiness is he reduced
Human Desire
According to Schopenhauer, the will to live has no other purpose than to continue the life cycle of life.
According to Kant, space is not a concept learned from sense experience but a concept that makes sense experience possible.
Who was the ablest advocate of utilitarianism?
Kierkegaard underscored that even when we have knowledge we are still in the predicament of having to make a decision.
According to Nietzsche, all of life is driven by the will to power.
According to Kant, nature gives its laws to the mind.
Which phioloopher had a long romance wih Harriet Taylor?
Kant believed that there existed a noumenal realm of things-in-themselves, even though we can never access it.
According to Kant, a good will is one that
Wills to do its duty