Test 3 Flashcards
Which of the following statements about speciation is correct?
a. The end result of natural selection is always speciation
b. Natural selection chooses the reproductive barriers for populations
c. It always takes millions of years for speciation to occur
d. speciation is a basis for understanding macroevolution
d. speciation is a basis for understanding macroevolution
Which of the following reproductive types of isolation illustrates postzygotic barriers?
a. Habitat isolation
b. Mechanical isolation
c. Temporal isolation
d. Hybrid breakdown
d. Hybrid breakdown
Microevolution occurs-
a. only when reproductive barriers, either pre- or post-zygotic, prevent all gene flow between two populations
b. when species diverge
c. when species populations undergo changes in allele frequencies over time
d. when reproductive barriers, either pre- or post-zygotic, genetically isolate species to the point where they no longer interbreed to produce viable offspring
c. when species populations undergo changes in allele frequencies over time
More species tend to be found in regions subdivided by rivers, canyons, mountain or other human induced barriers because of-
a. mutations
b. hybrid breakdown
c. gene drift
d. absence of geographic isolation
d. absence of geographic isolation
Bird guides once listed the Myrtle warbler and Audubon’s warbler as distinct species. Recently, these birds were reclassified as eastern and western forms of a single species, the yellow-rumped warbler. Which of the following pieces of evidence, if true would be cause for this reclassification?
a. The two forms have many genes in common.
b. The two forms interbreed often in nature. And their offspring survive and reproduce well.
c. The two forms live in similar habitats and have similar road requirements.
d. The two forms are very similar in appearance.
b. The two forms interbreed often in nature. And their offspring survive and reproduce well.
Darwin’s observation of the Galapagos islands finches’ various beak and behaviors could be explained by-
a. adaptation to the specefic foods availabel on their mainland
b. adaptations forged by natural selection
c. Lamarkian descent
d. inhertited traits that did not survive
b. adaptations forged by natural selection
Analogous features such as the wing of a bird and the wing of an insect share____ function but not ______ ancestry.
a. similar; common
b. common; similar
c. similar; similar
d. common; common
a. similar; common
Which of the following pieces of evidence most strongly support the common origin of all life on Earth?
a. All organisms require energy
b. All organisms use essentially the same genetic code
c. All organisms reproduce
d. All organisms show heritable variation
b. All organisms use essentially the same genetic code
Currently, two extant (living today) elephant species (X and Y) are placed in the genus Loxodonta, and a third species (Z) is placed in genus Elephas. Thus, which of the following statements is true?
a. Species X and Y are not related to species Z.
b. Species X and Y share a common ancestor that is still extant ( not yet extinct)
c. Species X and Y are the result of artificial selection from an ancestral species Z.
d. Species X and Y share a greater number of homologies or genes than species Z.
d. Species X and Y share a greater number of homologies or genes than species Z.
From the list below, select the correct format for the binomial (scientific name) of the species-
a. Danaus plecippus
b. danaous plecippus
c. Danaus Plecippus
d. danaus Plecippus
a. Danaus plecippus
What is the truth about this phylogenetic tree?
pic of tree
a. fish are related to frogs, lizards, chimps, and humans thus they share some common characteristics
b. fish share a common ancestor with frogs but not with lizards, chimps, or humans
c. fish are more closely related to frogs than any other groups shown.
d. chimps and humans have been evolving for the same amount of time
a. fish are related to frogs, lizard, chimps and humans thus they share some common characteristics
A potential source of confusion in construction a phylogeny tree is similarity between organsisms that is due to ________ such is seen in comparing the sugar glider in Australia with flying squirrels in America.
a. adaption
b. Shared ancestry
c. Homology
d. Convergent evoultion
d. Convergent evoultion
A shared ancestral character is-
a. shared by all mammals but not found in their ancestors
b. a character that originated in an ancestor of two taxa
c. an evolutionary novelty unique a clade
d. an out-group character t
b. a character that orginated in an ancestro of two taxa
Traditionally, whales and hippotpotamuseses– Placing whales and hippos in the same clade means that-
a. they have a common ancestor
b. these organisms are phenotypically more similar to each other than to any other shown on the tree in the figure
c. Their morphological similarities are probably due to environment constraints
d. All three of the response are correct
a. they have a common ancestor
Which of the following are the best examples of homologous structures?
a. Bones in the human forelimb and hornet wing
b. Bee wing and bird wing
c. Bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb
d. Eye lessness in the Austrialin mole and eye lessness in the North American mole
c. Bones in the bat wing and bones in the human forelimb
In the figure below, which similar inclusive taxon is represented as descedning from the same common ancestor as Canidae?
pic of taxonmy
a. Carnivora
b. Mustelidae
c. Lutra
d. Felidae
b. Mustelidae
How do foraminifera found in rock layers above the K-T boundary compared to thoose in the rock layers below?
a. Foraminifera above the boundary are smaller and more diverse than thoose below
b. Foraminifera above the boundary are larger and more diverse than thoose below.
c. Foraminifera above the boundary are smaller and less diverse than thoose below.
d. Foraminifera above the boundary are larger and less diverse than thoose below.
c. Foraminifera above the boundary are smaller and less diverse than thoose below.
Which event stimulated the rapid development of eukaryotes?
a. Addition of oxygen to the atmosphere
b. Colonization of land
c. Extinction of some organisms
d. Orgion of multicellular organsims
a. Addition of oxygen to the atmosphere
Radiometric dating is based on the-
a. Decay of radioactive isotopes
b. Temperature and pressure of the enviroment
c. Amount of carbon-12 in an organism at time of death
d. Ration of nitrgone-14 to carbon-13
a. Decay of radioactive isotopes
WHo was the naturalist who syntheized a concept of natural selection independently of Darwin?
a. Charles Lyell
b. Alfred Wallace
c. Pual Mansfield
d. John henslow
b. Alfred Wallace
If the allele frequency of the p allele is 0.64 in population, then the allele frequency for q would be-
a. 8
b. 0.36
c. 1.28
d. 0.64
b. 0.36
In comparison of birds and mammals, the condition of having four limbs is-
a. an example of analogy rather than homology
b. a shared ancestral character
c. a character useful for distringushing birds from mammals
d. a shared derived character
b. a shared ancestral character
Although hummingbirds and house files both use wings to fly, this similarity is not based oupon closely shared anccetry but rather on evolution and adaptation as result of survival and reproduction in a given environment. The term best describing such a phenomenon is-
a. Congruent evolution
b. genera sharing
c. convergent evolution
d. homology
c. convergent evolution
Which of the following taxonomic categories contains all other listed taxon?
a. Order
b. Species
c. Family
d. Phylum
e. Genus
d. Phylum
Mosquitoes resistant to the pesticide DDT first appeared in India in 1959, but now are found throughout the world. A hypothesize why the percentage of mosquitoes resistant to DDT rose so rapidly might be-
a. the rapid rise in the percentage of mosquitoes resistant to DDT was accidental and didn’t depend on any known factors
b. the rapid rise in the percentage of mosquitoes resistant to DDT could spread faster than others
c. the rapid rise in the percentage of mosquitoes resistant to DDT was most likely caused by natural selection in which mosquitoes resistant to DDT could survive and reproduce while other mosquitoes could not
d. the rapid rise in the percentage of mosquitos resistant to DDT was caused by other advantageous mutations (related to reproduction and nutrition) due to which mosquitoes could survive and reproduce while other mosquitoes could not.
c. the rapid rise in the percentage of mosqutio resistant to DDT was most likely caused by natural selection in which mosquitoues resistant to DDT could survive and reproduce while other mosquitoes could not
What is the meaning of Darwin’s expression “descent of modification”?
a. Descent with modification refers to natural selection.
b. Descent with modification refers to the partial resemblance of offspring to their ancestral lineage
c. Natural selevtion and mutation results in new species
d. Modification always leads to new species
b. Descent with modification refers to the partial resemblance of offspring to their ancestral lineage
Which of the following best explains the difference between Lamarck’s and Darwin’s mechanisms for evoultion?
a. Lamarak believed oranisme have an innate dirve to become more simple
b. Darwin’s theory corroborates with current knowledge of inherited traits
c. Lamarck had more evidence than Darwin
d. Darwin’s mechanism of evoultion was not based on facts
b. Darwin’s theory corroborates with current knowledge of inherited traits
Natural selection is based on all of the following except-
a. genetic variation exists within population
b. the best adapted individuals tend to leave the most offspring
c. Individuals who survive longer tend to leave more offspring than those who die young
d. Individials adapt to their environments and thereby evolve
d. Individials adapt to their environments and thereby evolve
According to the ______ model, morphological change occurs in spurts; species evolve relatively rapidly and then remain unchanged for long periods.
a. nondisjuction
b. geographic isolation
c. puncated equilibrium
d. gradual
c. puncated equilibrium
Sympatric speciation is ______________.
a. the emrergentce of many species from a single ancestor
b. the appearance of a new species in the same area as the parent population
c. especially important in the evolution of island species
d. initiated by the appearance of a geographic barrier
b. the appearance of a new species in the same area as the parent population
The form of speciation that creates a reporductive barriers that isolates a subset of a population from the remainder of the population in different areas as was illustrated in the finches on Galapagoes Islands is-
a. allopatric
b. sympatric
c. reduced hybrid fertility
d. convergent evoultion
a. allopatric
a. Occurs at such a slow place that no one has ever observed the emergence of new species
b. Occurs only by the accumulation of genetic change over vast expanse of time
c. Must begin with the geographic isolation of a small, frontier population
d. Occurs when one species splits into two or more species
d. Occurs when one species splits into two or more species
Focusing on evolutionary change in populations, you can define evolution on its smallest scale, called__________________ as a change in allele frequencies in a population over time.
a. punctuated equilibrium
b. autoplyplioidism
c. gene flow
d. microevolution
d. microevolution
The two models for the speed of speciation are based on patterns in the fossil record, which of the following statement describes the gradual model of evolution?
a. Species steadily diverge from one another
b. New species change suddenly
c. Periods of stasis are punctuated by changed. There is the absence of intermediate fossils
a. Species steadly diverage from one another
Which life form has been present on earth the longest?
a. jawed vertebrates
b. microbes such as bacteria
c. humans
d. eutherian mammals
b. microbes such as bacteria
Hox genes are a group of related genes that-
a. control the body plan of an embryo and are conserved across many taxonomic groups
b. do not affect the plants development
c. do not affect the location anatomical features such as limbs and organs in animals
d. control the body plan of an embryo of a small portion of animal such as only primate species
a. control the body plan of an embryo and are conserved across many taxonomic groups
The histroy of contiental drift on Earth has-
a. caused speciation rates to exceed extinction rates
b. caused speciation to equal extinction rates
c. Allowed for both speciation and extinction to occur
d. Allowed for speciation to occur
c. Allowed for both speciation and extinction to occur
Speciation that occurs when continents move and cause geographic barriers to gene flow and reproduction between populations of species would be determined by which of the following?
a. Sympatric
b. Allopatric
c. Autoploidism
d. Peripatric
a. Sympatric
Mountains also have an unmatched power to drive human evolution…..In the Andes they can dissolve more oxygen into their blood. These difference traits of people who live in high altidues illustrate-
a. Stabilizing evolution
b. Sexual selection
c. Adaptive evolution
d. Acclimatization
c. Adaptive evolution
Which statement about the beck size of finsches on the islands of Daphne Major during prolonged drought is true-
a. Individual brids evolved a deeper, stronger beak as the drought persisted
b. Bird populations survival was strongly influenced by the depth and strength of its beak as the drought persisted
c. Each bird that survived the drought produced only offspring with deeper, stronger beaks than see in the previuis generation
d. the frequency of sontrng beamk alleells decreased in each bird as the drought persisted
b. Bird populations survival was strongly influenced by the depth and strength of its beak as the drought persisted
If, on average, 46% of the loci in a species gene pool are heterozygous, then the average homozygosity of species should be-
a. 23%
b. 46%
c. 54%
d. 64%
c. 54%
How did Mendel’s model of inhertiance help explain Darwin’s theory of natural selection?
a. By observing individual difference in traints
b. By proposing a mechanism of how organisms could transmit discrete, heritable units to offspring
c. By explaining the natural selection of genetic difference among offspring
d. By leading to an evolutionary change
b. By proposing a mechanism of how organisms could transmit discrete, heritable units to offspring
In the formula for determing a population’s genotype frequencies, the pq in the term is necessary because-
a. The population is diploid
b. Homozygotes can come about two ways
c. The population is doubling in number
d. Heterozygotes have two alleles
d. Heterozygotes have two alleles
Which of the following statements about the fossil record is correct?
a. The fossil record included more organisms that were abundant or lived for long periods on Earth than it is with those that lived for short periods and then became extinct.
b. The fossil record is richer with organisms that are the same ones as currently common today.
c. the fossil record is richer with organisms that resemble organisms that are those alive today.
d. A fossil of a rainforest snake would not be found in an area on Earth that is currently desert.
a. The fossil record included more organism that were abundant, or lived for long periods on Earth, than it is with those that lived for short periods of time and then became extinct.
After the mass extinction 65 million years ago the populations of ___________ expanded due to adaptive radiation leading them to become the most prevalent group of mammals on Earth today.
a. monotremes
b. eutherians
c. marsupials
d. birds
b. eutherians
Adaptive radiation-
a. reduces the size of prosperous ecological communities
b. increases extinction rates
c. allows new species to occupy different habitats
d. observes trends in the fossil record
c. allows new species to occupy different habitats
Homeotic genes are a group of master genes that-
a. control the body plan of an embryo and are conserved across many taxonomic groups
b. do not affect change in location
c. do not affect plant development
d. control the anatomical body plans as anterior and posterior regions in most animals
a. control the body plan of an embryo and are conserved across many taxonomic groups
Which of the following statments about speciation is correct?
a. the end result of natural selection is always speciation
b. Natural selection chooses the reproductive barriers for populations
c. It always takes millions of years for speciation to occur
d. Speciation is a basis for understanding macroevoultion
d. Speciation is a basis for understanding macroevoultion
Over time, new forms of life have arisen by
a. modification of existing structures or existing developmental genes
b. sexual selection only
d. the availability of resources after other species go extinct
a. modification of existing structures or existing developmental genes
Which period had the greatest rate of extinction?
a. Permian
b. Cretaceous
c. Devonian
d. Cambrian
a. Permian
Dogs and gray wolves can interbreeed to produce viable, fertile offspring……which two species concptrs are most likey to place dogs and wolves together into a single species?
a. ecological and phylogenetic
b. morphological and phylogenetic
c. biological and moropologival
d. biological and phylogenetic
d. biological and phylogenetic
What type of genes control how flower petals are arranged or where a set of wings on a bird will develop?
a. homeotic genes
b. paedomorphic genes
c. gene sequences
d. convergent gene
a. homeotic genes
A species is represented by individuals that form a population-
a. whose members have the ability to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring
b. whose members have the ability to interbreed and NOT produce viable, fertile offspring
c. but are reproductivly incompatible
d. but are distinct biological species that live in the same area
a. whose members have the ability to interbreed and produce viable, fertile offspring
Which of the following reproductive types of isolation illustrates postzygotic barriers?
a. habitat isolation
b. mechanical isolation
c. temporal isolation
d. hybrid breakdown
d. hybrid breakdown
Rocky Mountains juniper
- sympatric species
- preszygotic isolation
- allopatric species
- habitat isolation
- reduced bybrid fertility
a. 1 and 2 only
b. 2 and 4 only
c. 1,3 and 6 only
d. 2, 4 and 5 only
e. 1, 2, 5 and 6 only
a. 1 and 2 only
Evolution is best defined as which of the following?
a. change in living conditions for an organism
b. a change in the genetic composition of a population from one day to the next day
c. a change in the genetic composition of a population from generation to generation
d. a change in the environment through time
c. a change in genetic composition of a population from generation to generation
The heirach sysytem of classification or organisms included Genus and species-
a. Alferd Walllace
b. Charles Darwin
c. Gregory Mendel
d. Carolus Linnaeus
d. Carolus Linnaeus
How can reporductive barriers from between sympatric populations of plants while their members stay in contact with them?
a. increased gene flow
b. increased polyploidy
c. decreased habitat differentiation
d. decreased sexual selection
b. increased polyploidy
Speciation might develop via-
a. gene duplication
b. mutation
c. hybridization
d. all of these
d. all of these
Why don’t similar genotypes always produce the same phenotype?
a. Phentopyes can vary depending upon environment
b. Parents alter their phentopyes and pass on this phenotype to progeny.
c. Animals display different phenotypes dependent on diet, not genotype.
d. Genetic variants of ADH enzyme produce the same phenotype
a. Phentopyes can vary depending on the environment
Which process is sexual reproduction results in diversity at the nucleotide level?
a. random mating
b. chromosome crossover
c. independent assortment of chromosomes
d. random distribution of chromosome
b. chromosome crossover
The Hardy- Weinberg equation p^2+2pq +q^2= 1 allows you to caculate-
a. population declines
b. genotype frequencies
c. Lamarckican evolution
d. population abundance and mating patterns
b. genotype frequencies