Chapter 16 evolution Flashcards
Classically, evolution has been defined as a ______
A) process that involves artificial selection
B) spontaneous change that occurs in the DNA
C) change that occurs over time
D) all of the above
change that occurs over time
____ is a proposed evolutionary process in which long periods of species stability is followed by a rapid period burst or jump that results in a new species.
A) Punctuated equilibrium
B) Phyletic gradualism
C) Mass extinction
D) Geographic speciation
Punctuated equilibrium
Who wrote the book on THE ORIGION OF SPEICIES?
Charles Darwin
____ is the process by which a species or group of related species evolves rapidly into many different species that occupy new habitats or geographic zones.
A) Evolution
B) Natural Selection
C) Artificial Selection
D) Adaptive Radiation
Adaptive Radiation
Evolution involves changes in ____ frequencies over time.
A) gene
B) allele
C) chromosome
D) species
The term_____ refer to the study of fossils.
A) paleontology
B) archeology
C) anthropology
D) fossilogy
____ dating involves age-dating fossils with known time periods grouped into four eras that represent distinct ages in the history of the earth.
A) Absolute
B) Relative
C) Radioactive
D) Carbon
To be classified as a fossil, an organism must be at least________ years old.
A) 5,000
B) 10,000
C) 20,000
D) 50,000
10,000 years old
Structures that share similar anatomical features and embryonic development are said to be________.
A) homogenous
B) autologous
C) homologous
D) analogous
The germ layers of an embryo include which of the following?
A) Ectoderm
B) Mesoderm
C) Endoderm
D) All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following is characteristics of macroevolution?
A) Occurs on a small scale
B) Occurs above the species level
C) Involves a short period of time
D) Involves changes in a population (with a species) over time
Occurs above the species level
Which of the following is an example of microevolution?
A) Resistance of bacteria to penicillin
B) Origination of flowering plants
C) Dinosaurs giving rise to birds
D) Primates giving rise to humans
Resistance of bacteria to penicillin
On the Galapagos Islands, the finches diverged in response to the availability of ____ in the different habitats.
A) shelter
B) water
C) food
D) all of the above
Each of the species of finches on the Galapagos Islands has its own distinctive ____ and ______.
A) beak, ecological niche
B) wing structure, food source
C) mating call, food source
D) wing structure, ecologica
Each of the species of finches on the Galapagos Islands has its own distinctive ____ and ______.
A) beak, ecological niche
B) wing structure, food source
C) mating call, food source
D) wing structure, ecological niche
beak, ecological niche
An organism with ______ parts is more likely to fossilize.
A) hard
B) soft
C) movable
D) immobile
Which of the following are examples of trace fossils?
A) molds
B) casts
C) animal tracks
D) all of the above
All of the above
Which of the following is a vestigial structure in humans?
A) Pelvic spurs
B) Hind bone legs
C) Coccyx (tailbone)
D) Earlobe
Coccyx (tailbone)
The process of natural selection factors traits that _____.
A) are prized as being desirable by humans
B) confer a survival advantage
C) are present early in embryonic development
D) are shared by multiple species
confer a survival advantage
Research has shown that a single year of _____ can drive evolutionary changes in the finches on the Galapagos Islands.
A) fog
B) snow
C) rain
D) drought
Which of the following scientists proposed the theory that ontogeny (changes in size and shape) recapitulates phylogeny (the evolutionary history of a species)?
A) Karl Ernest von Baer
B) Ernest Haeckel
C) Charles Darwin
D) Heinz Christan Pander
Ernest Hackel
Breeding cats for certain desirable physical traits serves as an example of which of following?
A) Adaptive radiational
B) Artificial selection
C) Natural selection
D) Evolution
Artificial selection
Darwin, Haeckel, von Baer, and others confirmed evolutionary relationship based on similarities in________________.
A) amino acid sequences
B) anatomical structures
D) all of the above
anatomical structures
In a cold environment, natural selection is likely to favor the ability to _______.
A) go without water for prolonged period of time
B) run very quickly
C) store greater amounts of fat
D) blend in with the environment (camouflage)
store greater amounts of fat
Relative dating ______.
A) results in numerical ages
B) is a relatively newer method of dating
C) orders the appearance of organism
D) is based on the radioactive decay of certain isotopes
orders the appearance of organisms
The bat wing, whale flipper, and human arm are all considered homologous structures because they______.
A) evolved from a common ancestor
B) perform similar functions
C) share the same DNA
D) all of the above
All of the above
In humans, the postanal tail present during embryonic development becomes the _____>
A) aurditory tube
B) middle ear cavity
C) parathyroid gland
D) none of the above; it disappears
none of the above; it disappears
Through comparative molecular biology, scientist are able to verify common ancestry in species that share similarities in their_____.
C) number of chromosomes
D) all of the above
Amino acid sequences of the heme protein _____ have been studied in order to determine common ancestry.
A) cytochrome a
B) cytochrome c
C) hemoglobin
D) hemoglobin A 1 c
cytochrome c
Which of the following statements about petrification is TRUE?
A) It results from the replacement of living material with mineral matter
B) It is an uncommon form of fossilization
C) It involves a total replacement of the hard parts with mineral matter
D) It reduces plants and animals to shiny films finer than tissue paper
It results from the replacement of living material with mineral matter.
Species closely related to evolutionary have similarities in which of the following?
A) Ecological habitat
B) Physical apperance
C) Amino acid sequences of specific proteins
D) Ability to reproduce
Amino acid sequences of specific proteins