Test 2 - Powerpoints Flashcards
Baseline FHR
Causes of bradycardia
maternal depressant drugs, prolonged fetal hypoxia, hypercapnia, acidemia (low pH)
Causes of tachycardia
maternal fever; maternal stimulants; prolonged fetal hypoxia
Absent, minimal, moderate
Absent variability
no discernible variation around baseline
Minimal Variability
<5 bpm variation around baseline
Moderate Variability
6-25 bpm variation around baseline (good)
Marked Variability
>25 bpm
Acronym for Acels and Decels to causes
V - C
E - H
A - O
L - P
V - Variable (can happen, not good if Ix doesn’t change)
E - Early Decel (kinda good)
A - Acel (good)
L - Late Decel (always bad,3 tolerated but if Ix don’t work must c-section)
C - Cord compression (kinked garden hose)
H - Head compression (women feels pressure in pressure)
O - Oxygenated baby (kicking, moving, “good”)
P - Placental insufficiency (Hemorrhage, HT, smoking, etc)
Acceleration description
At least 15 bpm high and 15 sec long (1.5x1.5 boxes)
Variable Deceleration Actions
Turn pt
Open mainline IV (bolus)
Oxygen (8-10 L masks)
Notify HCP
Amnioinfusion (if ordered)
Late Deceleration actions
Pitocin off
Turn pt
Open mainline IV (bolus)
Oxygen (8-10 L masks)
Notify HCP
Rapid repeating Variable deceleration cause and Ix
most likely because of a cord prolapse (passes through the vagina and can wrap around the head while the station is high and bag gushing causing the cord to go first)
Requires an emergent c-section
Cord prolapse Ix
Stick hand into vagina, and hold the cord from the head squishing it
Is variable = variability
Cause of Absent variability
infection or drugs in system
causes of minimal variability
decreased O2 - infection - drugs - baby sleeping (tolerated for 20 min then IxTOONDA) - negative response to something
How soon should late decels resolve?
with in minutes but report if not with in normal in 20 min; if not c-section would be needed
What variability accompanies late decels
minimal or absent
What does mom feel on early decels
lack of conception despite 12 months of unprotected intercourse
prolonged times to conceive, or can conceive but just takes longer
inability to conceive
Infertility affects
10-15% (6.1 mil) of reproductive age population, increases with age esp women >35 yrs
RF related to female infertility
Age - smoking - EtOH - caffeine - stress - poor diet - athletic training - over/underwt - STIs - hormonal disorders
RF related to male infertility
EtOH - drugs - smoking - age - environmental factors - medicines - radiation - medical conditions - Kidneys or hormonal problems - obesity - excessive exposure to heat
Male Structural Infertility
Undecended testes (child assessed at birth, more likely to occur preterm, referral) - Hypospadias (opening of the penis is on the underside rather than the tip)- Varicocele (varicose veins of the scrotum)
Male Hormonal Infertility
Low testosterone - Azoospermia - oligospermia
no sperm produced
low sperm count
Assessment of male
semen analysis - ultrasonography
Assessment of couple
Postcoital test (PCT)
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) Therapeutic Insemination
artificial insemination directly into uterus - bypasses vagaina - cheapest artificial method ($300-500) - useful if hostile muscs in vagina
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
fertilization of eggs in tube/petri dish and implantation - emotionally/financially burdensom bc can take ~3 sesson/cycles each being 12k
Other options of childbearing
Surrogacy (keep prts nearby or next room during delivery) or adoption (therapeutic communication and respect decisions of mother for giving up baby)
Augmentation vs induction
Augmentation: jump starting something that has already started (suas giving pitocin/cervidil/breaking water when labor has slowed down)
Induction: artificial staring of labor (reasons: Diabetic mom at 39 or sooner weeks because they tend to have bigger babies, high BP: preeclampsia, fetal demise, if baby stops growing inside)
Augmentation - deliberate rupturing of the amniotic sac - first priority is to assess FHR then fluid TACO