Test 1 B Flashcards
Hemoglobin (Pregnant)
atleast 10.5 g/dl
(normal = 12-16 g/dl)
-If low do not give transfusion first—> iron supplements / food
Hematocrit (Pregnant)
atleast 32%
normal = 32%-47%
White Blood Cells (Pregnant)
5,000 - 15,000
normal = 5,000 - 10,000
Platelets (Pregnant)
150,000 - 400,000
same as normal
The 4 P’s
- Passage* = Pelvis
- Cartilage –stretches b/w pelvic bones
- Passenger* = Fetus / Baby
- Powers* =
—>Primary - Uterine Contractions
—>Secondary - Maternal pushing efforts
- Psyche*
- Therapeutic communication - “Build Trust”
- Anxiety can halt dilation
Cephalopelvic Disproportion (CPD)
- Fetal head = larger than maternal pelvis
- Slows doen labor progression
- Inhibits fetal descent
(possible c-section)
Passanger molding
-Suture & Fontanels allow fetal skull to reshape & fit thru pelvis
(Normal shape resumes after 24hrs)
Vertex presentation
Delivery = head comes out first.
Breech presentation
birth position = butt / feet come down 1st
- Frank = Legs up by shoulders
- Full = Normal except butt first
- Footlong = one/both feet 1st
Transverse lie
Fetus laying sideways
cannot descend
Fetal attitude
- Relationship of fetal body parts to one another
- Vertex = most ideal (Flexed)
- Sinciput = military
- Brow
- Face
What are primary and secondary powers?
- Primary* = uterine contractions
- Secondary* = Maternal pushing efforts
(Every contraction OPENS & THINS the cervix)–stretch
Contraction duration
- Beginning to end of one contraction
- Use range
- Assess in seconds
APEX = peak of contraction
60-90 seconds = normal
Contraction Intensity
- External monitor (assess by palpation)
- Internal monitor (peak - baseline = intensity)
—->Risk = hemorrhage // puncture uterus
Contraction Frequency
-Beginning to Beginning of each contraction
2-3 min = ideal
Which part of uterus actively contracts?
Upper 2/3rd
What part of uterus is passive?
Lower 3rd & cervix
During labor which segment of the uterus becomes thicker/thinner?
- Thicker = upper segment (Fundus)
- Thinner = Cervix
—-> Gets pulled upward too
What does the psyche consist of?
- Preparation
- Anxiety
- Energy
- Support system
- Culture
- Beliefs
Dilation, Effacement, Fetal Station
- Dilation = cm
- Effacement (thinning of cervix) = % —– (0% , 50% , 100%)
- Fetal Station = + or -
—–> ( -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3)
positive means baby is on way out
True Labor
- Regular contraction frequency
- Low back pain moves to front or just back pain
- Walking / Activity will increase intensity
- Increase in duration & frequency
False Labor
- Irregular contraction frequency
- Menstrual like cramps
- Walking / Activity gives relief
- Duration & frequency (stays same / goes away)
(after 2-3 hrs)
Rupture of membranes (ROM)
what does mom assess for?
(water breaks)
- T* - time (approx)
- A* - Amount
- C* - Color (cloudy / clear)
- —> Green = meconium / yellow = urine
- O* - odor (earthy / semen like)
- —-> stinky (infection) // Ammonia (urine)
spontaneous rupture of membranes
artificial rupture of membranes (Finger / amniohook)
What is the 1st thing the nurse assesses for with ROM?
Fetal Heart Rate (FHR)
Normal baseline fetal heart rate?
110-160 bpm