Exam 3 - Powerpoints Flashcards
What causes babies to breath at delivery
mechanical, chemical, thermal, sensory
Mechanical causes for breathing
- pressure on chest from birthing - oozing coming from mouth and nose that Dr sucks out - c-s babies requires more suctioning and are kept sideways or upright to get more drainage
chemical causes for breathing
increase of CO2 and decrease of O2 –> stims medulla to breath (gasping)
thermal causes for breathing
from warm 98F to 68F while wet - cold causes contrition and faster breathing
sensory causes for breathing
touch - such as rough drying of a baby, light and sounds
what causes continuation of respiration
getting babies to cry causes surfactant circulate into alveoli to progressively open them up making each breath easier
Benefits of delayed cord clamping
30-60 sec - increases blood volume by 50% (75 - 125 ml) to the baby - the increases increases RF for jaundice bc babies lack ability to break down excess heme from blood
Ix for excess blood in babies
proper feeding for it can poop it out or UV lights to break more down
RN responsibilities at delivery
APGAR - resuscitation - VS - meds (vit K in vastus lateralis, erythromycin) - bonding with mom (kangaroo care [skin to skin], breast feed within 1 hr)
APGAR timings
1, 5 and (10) min
APGAR general facts
- 0-2 per categories
- higher is better
- ones occasional
APGAR categories
- Activity (muscle tone)
- Pulse
- Grimace (reflex irritability)
- Appearance (skin color)
- Respiration
Activity scores
(0) absent
(1) sluggish and minimally flexed arms and legs
(2) active and flexed arms and legs
Pulse Scores
(0) absent
(1) < 100 BPM
(2) > 100 BPM
Grimace Scores
(0) Floppy (no response to suction or slap on soles)
(1) Minimal Response to stimulation
(2) Prompt response to stimulation with cry
Appearance Scores
(0) Pale; Blue
(1) Pink body; blue extremities
(2) Pink (light skined), cyanosis absent (dark skinned); mucous membranes
Respiration Scores
(0) Absent
(1) Slow and irregular or weak cry
(2) Vigorous cry
Ix for Appearance score of 1
check temp and teach what it means blue should disappear within 1 hour - caused bc babies’ hearts delivering blood to major organs first then peripherally - parents will think that baby is cold
Ix for 1s on APGAR
Ix depend on 1 but are required
can babies be circumcised if parents refuse vitamin k
Should vitamin K be given when an assisted delivery
yes - parents must be edu if they dont want it because of high RF bleeding
Newborn reflexes (7-8)
- Sucking and Rooting (touching cheek and it turning to suck)
- Swallowing
- Grasp (Palmar, Plantar)
- Extrusion (sticking tongue out )
- Tonic neck or ‘Fencing’ (head turned and arm facing is stretched out, arm behind is bent up)
- Moro Reflex
- Babinski’s (big toe bends up and other toes fan out)
When are newborn reflexes checked
within 30 min
Newborn assessments
–Match bands, VS, color, skin, cord and circumcision
fontanels, Ears, Mouth, Neck, Chest,
genitals, Urine, Hips, Hair, Sacrum, rectum
fontanel assessment
depressed or bulging
ear assessment
symmetrical (down syndrome babies’ ears have ears lower than eye level)
mouth assessment
feeling for palate – suck and swallow reflex
neck assessment
folds, move/assess clavicles (can be broken if the bone moves, xray to confirm, from suprapubic pressure)
chest assessment
breathing, barrel-chest,
genitals assessment
descended testes, hypospades
minora bigger than major at birth
urine assessment
begin blood in early urination
hips assessment
hip dysplasia from a macrosomia baby – when baby is prone one cheek is higher than the other
hair assessment
preterm babies are hairy, term are not
sacrum assessment
for dimple - if open possible spinal bifida
rectal assessment
for patent rectum
Normal elimination for meconium
Meconium within 24 hrs (if not it is possible obstruction) void
- have parents save all diapers
Normal passive immunity adaptations
lasts 4 weeks, PT infants are more susceptible to infection
Normal visual and auditory adaptations
Alert, able to follow with eyes and hear,, able to recognize mom’s voice
Normal Olfactory/taste/tactile adaptations
smell of mom, sensitive to touch, able to interact
- may have sniffles bc of mucus from birth
Breastfeeding facts and positioning
- positioning most important
- keep babies head at 90*
- mouth on whole areola not just end of nipple
- feeding done on babies’ demand (rooting, open mouth crying)
- always start with second breast from last feeding
- feed ~1 hr but at least once every 3 hr
Cluster feeding
when baby feeds multiple times in a few hours
Mastitis causes
- poor latching or poor breast emptying
Mastitis SS
(infected milk gland) hard lump in breast, malaise, flulike symptoms, fever
Mastitis Ix
always position correctly and always start with breast you ended with last time
Newborn screening
- PKU (phenylketonuria)
- Hearing test
- Bilirubin test
- hepatitis vaccine
- CCHD - congenital cardiac HD (pulse ox on right hand and either foot - pulse ox should be within 3% of each foot)
Bilirubinemia (–> Jaundice) Causes
increased bilirubin to liver from RBC destruction, traumatic birth, RH incompatibility, poor feedings
Bilirubinemia Ix
- feed often
- monitor output
- phototherapy
Parent Discharge teaching
- Cord, circumcision care
- void 6-8 diapers a day
- >3 bowl movements in breastfed babies
- SS of infection
- Car seat test
- Jaundice
- feeding well for 24 hrs
Caput succedaneum
localized edema from pressure of vaginal vault that is benign and goes away
- goes past the bones under the skin
- caused bu swelling
- Both eventually go away in ~24 hr
- Goes up to the bones (periostium) but not past it
- higher risk for jaundice
- Ix is vitamin K
- caused bleeding
- Both eventually go away in ~24 hr
Ortolani test
hip click indicates hip displasia
SA of baby compared to adult
baby SA is 4x more
how do babies keep warm
they used brown fat that burns glucose, and can cause glucose depletion
Babies dont shiver they ….?
Priority assessments and actions for cold or cold-exposed babies
- assess BG (most hospitals have standing orders to poke babies PRN)
- keep baby awake by tapping foot or changing diaper
Methods of baby heat loss
Convection, Radiation, Evaporation, Conduction
heat loss via direct contact on a surface
heat loss via circulating cooler air
heat transfer not through direct contact (being by cold windows or outside walls)
air drying of skin that causes cooling (baby being wet)
cold pathway in baby
Circumcision facts
- Consent must be signed
- must have peed first bc dont know if ~ can affect ability to pee
- post op vaseline on penis and gauze and immob so it doesnt rub against diaper
- Baby needs to be restrained (swaddle top half?) and monitored for pain (crying and increased VS)
- dont pick at scab
Non-pharm pain management techniques
swaddleing, skin-skin, breastfeeding, mothers voice, sucrose water
Hyperbilirubinemia causes
delayed clamping
tramatic birth
poor feeding
intestinal obstruction
Hyperbilirubinemia Dx
Dx by bilirubin nomogram (age in hours, x-axis; serum bilirubin in mg/dl, y-axis)
> ~5-7 in first 24 hours
Dx and causes
Bilirubin >25 mg/dl
Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
causes bilirubin deposits in basal ganglia and stem
disrupts neuronal function and metabolism
Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy
Adverse effects
cerebral palsy
mental retardation
Acute Bilirubin Encephalopathy Ix (missing information)
VS monitored
strict I/O (breastfeeding in mins, there will be supplemental feeding sources)
baby RR
30 - 60