Test 2 - Book Flashcards
Uterine Rupture variations
complete rupture - incomplete rupture - dehiscence
Uterine Rupture complete rupture
direct communication btwn uterine and peritoneal cavities
Uterine Rupture incomplete rupture
rupture into the peritoneum covering the uterus or into the broad ligament but not into the peritoneal cavity
Uterine Rupture dehiscence
partial separation of an old uterine scar, little to no bleeding, rupture, “window”, may be found by accident by a future abd surgery
Uterine Rupture etiology
rare - commoner in women with previous uterine surgeries (c-s, fibroid removal) (higher in women who had vertical c-s), use of pitocin
Uterine Rupture Manifestations
abd pain even with analgesics - chest pain on inspiration - hypovolemic shock (TC, TP, pallor, cool clammy skin, anxiety, HoT(late sign)) - stop of ctx - palp of fetus outside of uterus - late decels
Uterine rupture Ix
stabilize and perform c-s
Uterine rupture RN considerations
Carefully admin pitocin - be aware of hypertonic ctx (w/ or w/o pitocin)
Cord prolapse what
when the cord slips down after the membrane rupture subjecting it to compression between fetus and pelvis
Cord prolapse etiology
when there is poor fit between the presenting part of the fetus and the pelvis when the membrane ruptures, more likely to occur when: fetus at high station - small fetus - fetus is breech or transverse - hydramnios (large amount of fluid in the amniotic sac)
Cord prolapse SS
can be complete with it visible at the vaginal opening, palpable but inside, or an occult prolapse (can’t be seen or palp but is detectable via FHR changes)
Cord prolapse Ix
Priority is to relieve pressure – 1. position hips higher than head (knee-chest, trendelenburg) – 2. if no change sterile gloved hand into vagina to push fetus back – Avoid/min manual palp or handling of cord (vasospasm/vessel trauma) – US to confirm FHR before c-s – give O2 8-10L or terbutalin, saline towel to prevent cord drying
– woman prognosis good, baby’s depends
Meconium aspiration syndrome
10-15% of births - obstruction, air trapping and chemical pneumonia caused by meconium in lungs
Meconium aspiration pathology
hypoxia causes more peristalsis in SI/LI and anal sphincter relaxation releasing meconium. Causes deep respiratory passage obstruction, atalectasis, asphyxiation
Meconium aspiration SS
respiratory distress present at birth with cyanosis, retractions, nasal flaring, grunting, rales, meconium stains on body, barrel-chest from hyperinflation
–radiography (atelectasis, consolidation, hyperexpansion)
Meconium aspiration Ix
if infant vigorous (good respirations, muscle tone, HR>100) no action is needed; if not endotracheal tube is used to remove meconium
Meconium aspiration RN considerations
notify MD as soon as meconium is seen so that NICU RN and neonatologist are available with O2and suction –attn to thermoregulation and decreased stimulation
Dysfunctional labor - the 4 P et al
Problem with the powers, passenger, passage, psyche, duration
Power - Ineffective contractions
caused by fatigue, analgesia, F/E imbalance, hypotonic/hypertonic dysfunction