Test 1 A Flashcards
3 stages of labor
complete dilation-delivery
placental delivery
Laboring stage description
cervix is dilating and contractions become more frequent
complete dilation- delivery description
the cervix is fully dilated and the woman is able to push and deliver the baby
Placental Delivery description
placenta is delivered
3 Phases of Stage 1 of labor
Early latent
Early Latent Phase - brief
pt is feeling light contractions that feel like menstrual cramps and is capable of normal activity
Active Phase - brief
pt feels pressure on rectum/bladder as well as moderate-strong palpable visable contractions
Transitional Phase- brief
pt feels intense ctx at regular intervals feels the urge to push
Non-pharm Ix to alleviate pain
Guided imagery
general comfort measures
Positions recommended for labor
What is GBS
group B strep
% of women that get GBS
1 in 4
GBS vs strep throat
strep throat is caused by group A strep
how is GBS Dx
ID’d by vaginal swab
When and How is GBS treated
during labor
with IV ATB such as penicillin
How does baby get GBS
Unknown but believed through contact with vaginal fluids during delivery
S&S of GBS in babies
Fever difficulty feeding difficulty breathing Lethargy Irritability Jaundice Seizures
How many babies get GBS
about 1000 in US/yr
about 2-3 dies/yr
how is GBS treated in babies
with IV ATB
complications of GBS
Early latent phase dilation
0-3 cm
Active phase dilation
4-7 cm
Transitional phase dilation
> 8 cm
Stage 2 dilation
should be 10 cm
ELP mom feels what
ctxs feel like menstrual cramps (q5 for 30-40s)
Does not look like in labor, generally comfortable
Can continue with day
Able to move around
Back ache
Encourage to walk around
Can eat and drink
AP mom feels what
Palpable, visible, consistent ctx ( 2-3 min for 40-60s )
Ctx of moderate to strong pain
Trembling legs
Increased pressure on bladder and rectum
Offer support
meds for pain
Benefits from ambulation between ctx
—also repositioning, distraction, and breathing
TP mom feels what
Most demanding, tired Strong ctx q 1,1.5-2 min for 60-90s Hard to ambulate Feels urge to push Increasing sensitivity May become emotional Increased pressure on rectum
No meds after 7cm?
Educate not to push until 10cm otherwise may cause tearing
S2 mom feels what
urge to push with contractions
ring of fire?
S2 Ix
Reassure if she poops
Different positioning for birthing
Pushing while breathing, helps for fetal O2
Have warmer ready, delivery table with materials ready
PD mom feels what
mild contractions
> 20 min for PD means retained placenta -> RF for hemorrhage
Postpartum cord actions
Delayed cord clamping allows for more blood to go to baby
get blood from cord for testing
Epidural - when HoT
give 1000 mL bolus IV to prevent bottoming out
Epidural CI
preeclampsia, CV disease
if healthy and obese its ok
Contraction strengths
Strong - forehead
moderate- chin
mild - nose
when are meds given
after 3 cm dilation
ID and IV
Assess: for insertion site, dressing, tubing,rates, and soln
Phlebitis SS
Phlebitis Tx
warm compress and nonsteriod agent
Infiltration SS
swelling in nearby tissues
skin cool
Infiltration Tx
Infection SS
IBUBBLEHER - B - Inspection
Breast - inspect size, sym, shape, nipple (erection, flatness, redness, bruising, open wounds, mastitis, colostium)
fullness soft engorgement firmness, lumps
if breast engorged
Apply heat for <5 min to help with flow (>5 min may make things worse) before feeding
After feeding cold compress for 10 min
Gently massage and compress B when baby pauses sucking to help drain
Well-fitted bra or bra-less
Hand expression or pump helps soften nipple to help baby latch on
Single use of pump helps with engorgement
Mastitis SS
Infection of breast breast pain swelling warmth fever chills nipple discharge/ pus
IBUBBLEHER - U - finding loci
Uterus - after birth fundus is btwn symphysis and umbilicus
after 12H back in umbilicus then contracts 1 finger a day
IBUBBLEHER - U - why left or right
if right side -> badder full and can stop contractions
IBUBBLEHER - U - firmness
firm the U with massage and express if boggy
bogginess can cause hemorrhage
IBUBBLEHER - U - massage
one hand cups against uterus at symph to support U
other hand is cupped to massage and gently compress fundus toward lower U segment
IBUBBLEHER - B 1 - assess
Bladder- Assess for distention incontinence retention UTI esp if pt had foley
IBUBBLEHER - B1 - when and how much void
woman should void normally within 1H after vag birth and 12 H after Csection
>30 mL
IBUBBLEHER - B1 - urine assess
color odor clarity amount
IBUBBLEHER - B2 - assess
for sounds in all 4Q
abd distention and pain
should have mvmt in 2-3 days
Ask about movements size color and shape
Softeners PRN
Lochia rubra
dark red occuring for a few days after delivery
made up of blood, bits of fetal membrane, decidua (uterine lining), meconium , cervical discharge
Lochia serosa
pinkish brown at 4-10 D
wound discharge from placenta and other sites and mucus from cervix
Lochia alba
whitish yellow at 10 - 28 D
for turbid fluid draining consisting of decidual cells mucus WBCs and epithelial cells
Hemorrhoids and Homan’s sign
Emotional status
IBUBBLEHER - E - Redness
0- none
1- with in 0.25 cm of incision bilaterally
2- with in 0.5 cm ‘’
3- beyond 0.5 cm ‘’
1- Perineal, <1 cm from incision
2 - Perineal, and or btwn 1-2 cm from incision
3- Perineal , and or vuluar, >2 cm from incision
IBUBBLEHER - E - Ecchymosis
0- none
1- with in 0.25 bilateral or 0.5 unilateral
2- bwtn 0.25 -1 cm bilateral or 0.5 - 2 cm unilaterally
3- >1 cm bilaterally or 2 cm unilaterally
IBUBBLEHER - E - Discharge
1- serum
2- serosan-guinous
3- bloody, purulent
IBUBBLEHER - E - Approximation
0- close
1- skin sep <3cm
2- skin and SQ fat sep
3- skin, SQ fat, fascia layer sep
IBUBBLEHER - Hemorrhoids
increased RF bc of pressure and of pushing
Assess for by visually looking for bulging around anus
IBUBBLEHER - hemorrhoids - SS
discomfort when sitting or during bowl mvmts
IBUBBLEHER - Hemorrhoids - Tx
cool compress
stool softeners
more fibre
IBUBBLEHER - Homans sign
Dorsiflexion sign –> DVT
+ if pain in popliteal region and calf as foot is dorsiflexed
Homans sign procedure
Leg/knee extended, examiner forcefully dorsiflexes ankle
Homans sign Ix
Teach for ROM and light activity
IBUBBLEHER - Emotional status
80% during first week peaking at 3-5 days because of hormonal changes
becomes: sensative cries irritable anxious and has mood swings
Postpartum depression Ix
> 2 weeks observe behavior ask how they do establish who to call in case to prevent shaken baby syndrome
Postpartum depression SS
sad hopeless empty overwhelmed cries more than usual or no reason over anxious or worrying moody irritable restless oversleeping trouble concentrating and remembering loss of interest eats too little withdrawing
Rubella- confirm immunity
if need vax teach to avoid preg until 1M after MMR and best until immunity confirmed
Normal signs of Pregnancy (11)
NV, C, heart burn, backache, ptyalism, urinary frequency, insomnia, leg cramps, anemia, nasal stuffiness, varicose veins
Pregnancy - NV
normal for 1T, severe can cause ctx
Abnormal signs of Pregnancy
fluid leaking, seeing spots, headache, leg cramps, facial edema, vaginal bleeding
Pregnancy - fluid leaking
norm at 40 wks, but not <38 wks can be a result of miscarriage, leaking can be urine
Pregnancy - C
increased emptying time, and decreased motility; not normal when pain or no sounds;
Ix: fluids, exercise and fiber
Pregnancy - seeing spots
assess for HA and HT, related to preeclampsia
Pregnancy - heartburn
P causes lower esoph muscle to relax and upper displacement of stomach; Liver pain can manifest as heart burn sensation related to preeclampsia
Pregnancy - backache
3T change in balance;
abn bc it could be labor
Pregnancy - ptyalism
excessive salivation caused by starch
Pregnancy - decreased fetal movement
mvmt sign of healthy baby (normal is 7-10/hr)
usually bad try eating
Pregnancy - urinary frequency
caused by uterine enlargement; abn bc UTI can cause preterm ctx or bleeding
Pregnancy - insomnia
ask about stressors
Pregnancy - vaginal bleeding
abn amount dependent could be UTI
Pregnancy - leg cramp
norm when baby on sciatic nerve; abn bc could be DVT
Pregnancy - nasal stuffiness
more E causes more and or nose bleeds
Pregnancy - anemia
normal bc of hemodilution
Pregnancy - facial edema
abn assess for HT or HA, moonface, related to preeclampsia
Pregnancy - HA
normal but ask more Q as it could be related to preeclampsia
Pregnancy - varicose veins
normal but worry about clots
foods with folic acid
raw leafy greens, legumes (beans and peanuts), OJ, fortified cereal and pasta
foods with Fe
meats, greens, eggs, grains, enriched cereals, dried fruits, tofu, nuts
Lochia amounts
Scant - < 1in
light - < 4in
moderate - < 6 in
heavy - saturated with in 1 hr
CV changes in pregnancy
95% develop a murmur, increase in total volume by 45% (plasma by 40-60, 1200-1600; RBCs 20 -30% 250-500 mL), HoT when supine, CO increases by 50%
blood flow changes in pregnancy
more flow to placenta, kidneys, skin, breasts; inf vena cava and iliac vein exp more obstruction by uterus causing varicose veins —- more fibrogen so RF blood clots
Respiratory changes in pregnancy
more O2 needs by 20% — no change in RR but deeper breathing— more likely to feel dyspnea
Mouth changes in pregnancy
E causes reversible gingivitis and hypertrophy — ptyalism — bleeding gums —Ix eat small f meals
Esoph changes in pregnancy
stomach changes in pregnancy
P causes less movement and emptying
LI and SI changes in pregnancy
less movement and emptying but more nutrient absorption but less B vitamins; causes increased constipation
Liver and gall bladder changes in pregnancy
P changes gall emptying increasing RF gallstones — 3t more AKP and less albumine and less protein
Pituitary gland changes in pregnancy
more prolactin — less FSH and LH — P inhibits O until birth
Thyroid changes in pregnancy
grows helps with fetal brain dev
parathyroid changes in pregnancy
smaller in 1t then grows
pancreas changes in pregnancy
fluctuates I, woman can dev HoGly between meals or at night, but can dev gestational DM
Adrenals changes in pregnancy
more cortisol for glucose and aldo for salt absorb
human chorionic gonadotropin hCG
grows corpus luteum and mks EP ; mks preg test +
mk by Placenta – stim growth of uterus and its flow– stim growth of breast ducts – changes skin and exocrine ducts
prevents spont abortion
stim breat lobules
relaxes sphincter smooth muscles
stores fat
human chorionic somatomammotropin hCS
more gluc avail for baby
inhib uterine activity, softens cervix tissue
Metabolism changes in pregnancy
more wt
more water metabolism (6.5-8.5 L)
Dependent edema closer to term
more carb metab
Presumptive signs of Pregnancy
Amenorrhea NV fatigue urinary frequency breast and skin changes vaginal and cervical color changes fetal movement
probable signs of Pregnancy
abd enlargement cervical softening (Goodells sign) Bollottemant Braxton Hicks ctx palp fetal outline uterine souffle (confusion with mothers pulse) pregnancy test Hegors sign (lower uterine segment easily compressable and flexable )
Positive signs of Pregnancy
FHR auscultation
Fetal movements felt by examiner
visualization of fetus
Special actions for VS for pregnant woman
prefer manual BP and used 5th korotkoff sound (>140/90 bad)
Apical pulse for 1 m
RR 16-24