Test 2 Chapter 8 Muscles cont. Flashcards
What are the 8 muscle properties?
- Threshold
- Refractory Period
- Twitch
- All or Nothing Property
- Tension Regulation
- Length Tension Relationship
- Force Velocity Curve
- Leverage
How many times for cross bridge cycle?
40 times
Upon calcium being released what happens to the filaments?
filaments slide pass each other and there is an overlap of filaments
What Happens to the filaments
A-Band does not change length -stays the same.
I-Band-ACTIN becomes shorter
H-Band-Myosin-becomes significantly shorter
With maximal contraction what can happen to the H-Band?
The H-Zone can disappear
Relaxed Muscle
Contracted Muscle
Nothing has changed
- Sarcomere becomes shorter
- H-Zone, I band becomes shorter
A-band same length
What is the Cross Bridge Cycle? (in the presence of Calcium)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
- ATP split by Myosin ATPase and ADP P attached to myosin (energy stored in cross bridge)
- Ca binds troponin removing tropomyosin from actin binding site so it can bind with cross bridge
- Power Stroke due to myosin and actin interaction. Pi released during and ADP released after power stroke
- Linkage between actin and binds to myosin cross bridge- cross bridge assumes original conformation-ATP hydrolyzed
- Returns to step 1: ATP split by Myosin ATPase
The exposure of active sites (actin binding sites) on myosin head is dependent upon what
How is the cross bridge cycle stopped?
pumping calcium back where it came from into the sarcoplasmic reticulum which requires ATP. (using the pump)
Is relaxation an active or passive process?
Active Process…Requires ATP to contract and relax
What is the step wise shortening theory?
Another theory about muscle contraction that we do not have to worry about…something about a corkscrew
- Threshold Property of Muscle
Has a threshold but not a big issue because neuromuscular junction ALWAYS reaches threshold. (unlike nerve have to take graded potentials and summate them to get to AP)
Is muscle electrically excitable tissue?
Yes just like nerve
What is the basis of an AP in a muscle fiber? (Identical to AP in neuron)…
- Na channels open
- Sodium rushes in
- Sodium channels close
- K channels open
- K rushes out
- K channels close
- Action potential propagates across sarcolemma through the t-tubules
- Is there a refractory period for muscle?
- Can you put 2 action potentials on top of each other?
- Can you put 2 twitches on top of each other?
Yes-refractory period
No 2 action potentials cannot be on top of each other due to the refractory period
Yes two twitches can be on top of each other.
Refractory Period can you get another AP?
No because Na channels are deactivated. (electrical property)
3rd Muscle Property: What is Twitch?
A mechanical event that resolves from an action potential
- Mechanical Property?
the 2 Electrical Properties?
2. Electrical properties: Action potential and threshold
Action Potential compared to muscle twitch
Action Potential
- Rapid event–>about 1-2 msec
- Depolarization and repolarization in 2 msec
- SLOW=about 100 msec
- Mechanical Event=Development of Tension
What is a twitch
TWITCH is the development of tension (becomes shorter) then less tension (longer)
What happens prior to mechanical event (Twitch) Happening?
- Stimulate muscle fiber
- Reach threshold
- Produce an Action Potential
- Propagates over sarcolemma surface
- to the tubule
- Stimulates mechanical event–>
What Happens during a twitch (explain the graph) 3 phases
- Latent Period= The beginning phase
- Contraction Time
- Relaxation Time
Explain the Latent Period (1)
-Time of initiation of AP
-No tension being developed (flat) for a few millliseconds
-AP has to propagate over sarcolemma down t-tubules-stimulate DHP receptors in T-tubules
-stimulate RYR on lateral sacs which releases calcium-
-calcium diffuses out of SR into sarcoplasm
-interact with troponin-causing tropomyosin to move
-expose active sites
-cross bridges form
Until first power stroke how much tension is there?