Excitation Coupling Relaxation Flashcards
Turns the event on
- Initiate action potential on __
- Action potential propagates ___
onto surface of sarcolemma
- Action potential is ____
contiguous conduction on sarcolemma
- Action potential propagrates down into
- Upon propagating down into t tubules, AP stimulates
Dihdydropyridine receptors
- After dihydropyradine receptors, ____
Ryanodine receptors on lateral sacs of SR are stimulated
- Ryanodine Receptors are ___channels
calcium channels
- calcium channels___ resulting in___ from ___ to____
calcium channels open resulting in the diffusion of calcium from the SR to the sarcoplasm
- Once in the SR, calcium ___
and ultimately
interacts with troponin causing a conformational change, ultimately moving tropomyosin
- The _____ are exposed
myosin binding sites on the actin filament are now exposed
Excitation EVENT!
A. AP propagates onto the surface of the sarcolemma (one stimulus producing one end plate potential)
a. AP is the same in the sarcolemma as in the neouron, except the AP is contiguous conduction on the sarcolemma
B. AP penetrates cell bypassing into the T-tubules (interior of the cell) and stimulates the Dihydropyridine receptors
C. Next stimulation of the Ryanodine receptors (Ca – channels)on the lateral sacks of the sarcoplasmic reticulum
D. Ca channels open resulting in the diffusion of calcium from the SR to the sarcoplasm
E. Once in the sarcoplasm Ca then interacts with troponin causing a conformational change, ultimately moving tropomyosin
a. The myosin binding sites on the actin filament are now exposed
formation of an actomyosin cross bridge
actin and myosin have linked up
The sliding filament theory
I band
H zone
HI=change with contractions
Hzone shortens
I band shortens
A band says same width
Relaxation is achieved by
pumping calcium back into the SR