Test 2 bold terms Flashcards
part of rib that articulates with superior and inferior costal facets of thoracic vertebrae
part of rib that articulates with transverse process of thoracic vertebrae
region of rib that bends forward, lateral to tubercle
longitudinal recess on inferior margin of internal surface of rib
costal groove
wide, top part of sternum
indentation on top of manubrium
jugular (suprasternal notch)
junction of manubrium to body of sternum
sternal angle
inferior-most portion of sternum
xiphoid process
region between ribs
intercostal space
serous membrane on inner body wall in thoracic cavity
parietal pleura
membranous layer external to the intercostal muscles
external intercostal membrane
hands in pockets muscle on chest wall
external intercostal
cross-draw pistol muscle on chest wall
internal intercostal
extension of cross draw chest muscle posteriorly
internal intercostal membrane
nerves in costal groove
intercostal nerve
artery in costal groove
intercostal artery
arteries lateral and parallel to sternum
internal thoracic
muscle that runs from xiphoid process and lower half of sternum to costal cartilage 3-6
transversus thoracis muscle
neck hole of thorax
superior thoracic aperture (thoracic inlet)
tummy-hole of thorax
inferior thoracic aperture (thoracic outlet)
area between lungs
serous membrane on surface of lung
visceral pleura
potential space between serous membranes in lungy area
pleural cavity
4 portions of parietal pleura
costal, mediastinal, diaphragmatic, cervical
lowest portion of each pleural cavity
costodiaphragmatic recess
narrow anteromedial prolongation of each pleural cavity
costomediastinal recess
portion of area between lungs from sternal angle to diaphragm
inferior mediastinum
portion of area between lungs above sternal angle
superior mediastinum
portion of area between lungs in front of pericardium
anterior mediastinum
portion of area between lungs containing pericardium and great vessels
middle mediastinum
two nerves that descend on each side of pericardial sac, run between fibrous pericardium and mediastinal pleura
phrenic nerves
fibrous bag of hearts
pericardial sac
portion of area between lungs that is betwixt vertebra and heartbag
posterior mediastinum
outer layer of heartbag
fibrous pericardium
attachment of heartbag to diaphragm
phrenicopericardial ligament
two big vessels leaving the top of the heart
ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk
big vessel coming into the top of the heart
superior vena cava
inner layer of heartbag
serous pericardium (epicardium)
external wall of pericardial cavity
parietal pericardium
vein that hits the SVC from the right
right brachiocephalic vein
vein that hist the SVC from the left
left brachiocephalic vein
two veins that form brachocephalic
IJ and subclavian
small vein that comes from the anterior to dump into SVC
internal thoracic vein
vein that dumps into SVC from behind
azygos vein
first part of aorta
part of aorta in superior mediastinum
arch of aorta
third part of aorta
descending aorta
nerve that crosses left side of aortic arch, separating it from pleura
left vagus nerve
near this structure, arch of aorta is in contact with mediastinal pleura
root of left lung
other name for start of pulmonary arteries
pulmonary trunk
connects aortic arch to pulmonary trunk
ligamentum arteriosum
nerve crossing under arch of aorta
recurrent laryngeal branch of left vagus nerve
first branch off aortic arch
brachocephalic artery
brachiocephalic branches into
right subclavian and right common carotid arteries
nerve between right brachiocephalic artery and vein
right vagus nerve
second branch of aortic arch
left common carotid artery
third branch of aortic arch
left subclavian artery
nerve between left subclavian and left common carotid arteries
left vagus nerve
vessels accompanying the phrenic nerves
pericardiophrenic blood vessels
space behind ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk, in front of SVC
transverse sinus
pocketlike subdivision of pericardial cavity posterior to the base of the heart
oblique sinus
fronty part of heart
anterior or sternocostal surface
sternocostal surface of heart is primarilyu
right ventricle
floppy part of atria
separation of right atrium and right ventricle
coronary (atrioventricular) sulcus
separation of ventricles
interventricular septum
visible separation of ventricles on fronty surface of heart
anterior interventricular sulcus
bottomy part of heart
diaphragmatic surface
sharp inferior border of anterior heart
acute margin
indicates separation of right ventricle from left ventricle on backy part of heart
posterior interventricular sulcus
rounded border on left side of heart
obtuse margin
pointy end of heart
base of heart, aka
posterior surface
palpable opening in aorta that leads anteriorly and right
opening of right coronary vessel
first branch of right coronary artery
atrial branch
small division of atrial branch of right coronary artery
SA nodal artery
branch of RCA heading down the ridge
right marginal artery
branch of RCA in PI sulcus
posterior interventricular artery (right posterior descending)
portion of aorta from which LCA arises
left aortic sinus
big artery inbetween the ventricles in front
anterior interventricular artery (left anterior descending)
portion of LCA that runs around to the back
circumflex artery
portion of LCA that runs down the ridge
left marginal artery
big cardiac vein on back part
coronary sinus
vein in anterior interventricular sulcus
great cardiac vein
vein in posterior interventricular sulcus
middle cardiac vein
vein in right coronary sulcus
small cardiac vein
veins on anterior surface of right ventricle
anterior cardiac veins
smooth part of right atrium
sinus venarum
separation of smooth part and rough part of right atrium, a longitudinal ridge from IVC to SVC
crista terminalis
external groove from IVC to SVC
sulcus terminalis
transverse muscular ridges inside right atrium
musculi pectinati
endocardial fold in the inferior part of right atrium
valve of inferior vena cava
hole between right atrium and ventricle
right atrioventricular orifice
valve of right AV orifice
wall between atria
interatrial septum
funky depression in interatrial septum
fossa ovalis
three walls of right ventricle
anterior, inferior, medial
muscular ridges in right ventricle
trabeculae carneae
narrow superior portion of right ventricle below pulmonary trunk
conus arteriosus
ridge that defines border between conus arteriosus and trabecular porton of right ventricle
supraventricular crest
three cusps of tricuspid valve
anterior, posterior, septal
chordae tendineae
muscles of heartstrings
papillary muscles
hole between RV and pumonary trunk
pulmonary trunk orifice
pulmonary trunk hole valve
pulmonic semilunar valve
thing at the middle of each margin of a semilunar valve
open directly into left atrium
pulmonary veins
hole between left atrium and ventricle
left atrioventricular orifice
smooth area of left ventricle
aortic vestibule
valve in left AV orifice
bicuspid valve
two cusps of bicuspid
anterior and posterior
hole into aorta
aortic orifice
valve exiting LV
aortic valve
above right cusp of aortic valve
orifice of RCA
above left cusp of aortic valve
orifice of LCA
upper posterior part of interventricular septum, thin
membranous part of interventricular septum
specific trabecula in apical end of right ventricle
septomarginal trabecula (moderator band)
breathy tube from neck
division of trachea
after the carina
right and left primary bronchi
squishy tube behind trachea
vessels around right and left breathy tubes
bronchial vessels
angled canyon between lobes of lungs
primary (oblique) fissure
anterior inferior portion of upper lobe of lung
in the right lung, horizontal canyon between lobes
secondary (horizontal) fissure
part of lung where roots enter