Test 2 Flashcards
After age 1 when hair thins and face swells with fluid
During first year when the tissues waste away
Sense of touch at birth
are acute and soothed when stroked
Hearing at birth
acute at birth and heartbeat is soothing
Vision at birth
legally blind, can focus between 4-30 inches
Sense of smell at birth
adaptation, comfort with caregiver’s smell
inborn drive to fix something wrong
Percentiles and what the number indicates
ranking of 0-100
Shaken baby syndrome
ruptures blood vessels and breaks connections
unused connections die
Gross motor skills
Large body movements
Fine motor skills
Small body movements
Visual cliff and what changes over time
depth perception, won’t climb over from previous experience
Breast milk
rich in nutrients and antibodies
thick, high-calorie liquid from breasts for 3 days after birth
Transient exuberance
expansive brain growth in first 2 years
Dendrite growth in 0-2 year olds
increases greatly
How to place children to sleep
sleep on their backs
Brain weight at birth compared to adult brain weight
At birth, brain is 25% of adult weight
Impact of cortisol levels
Stress level, higher levels= more sadness
parents and infants sleep in the same room
Factors leading to ability to walk
muscle strength, brain maturation, practice
Weight changes in the first 2 years of life
1/2 of adult weight, 4x heavier than at birth
Height changes in the first 2 years of life
1/2 of adult height
primes body’s immune system to resist a disease
when malnourished, body growth slows, but not the brain
Binocular vision
focus both eyes to see one image
Goals of sensorimotor stage 1
reflexes (sucking, grasping)
Goals of sensorimotor stage 2
first acquired accommodations (such nipple vs bottle)
Goals of sensorimotor stage 3
make interesting things last (claps hands when say “patty cake”)
Goals of sensorimotor stage 4
make purposeful responses to people to create interesting things (put moms hands together to play “patty cake”)
Word development at 13-18 months
slow growth of 50 words
Long-term memory
middle of 2nd year, can recreate complex sequences
get used to repeated stimulus
New research concerning Piaget’s theory
object permanence can start at 4.5 months (vs 8)
Grammar development
noticeable at 21 months with 2 word sentences
ability to detect a stimulus
thinking about what was perceived (can imagine, fantasize, hypothesize)
understanding a stimulus
Opportunity to interact via their environment
single word that expresses a single thought
“mamamama” between 6-9 months
Object permanence
knowing that objects exist when not seen
The A-not-B error
look for object under 1st blanket (wrong)
When does social learning occur
throughout life
Child-directed speech
Order of language development
reflexes noises babbling 1st words naming explosion 2 word sentence
Mary Ainsworth
described mom-infant relationships in Africa 60 years ago. Made patterns of infant attachment (type A,B,C,and D)
Strange situation
measures attachment by looking at infants reactions to mom/stranger coming-going in
“an affectional tie” binds and endures over time
Secure attachment type
(Type B) infant feels comfortable/confident
(Type C) cling to mom/angry when she left
(Type A) avoids connection with mom
(Type D) inconsistent reactions
Proximal parenting
being physically close to baby
Distal parenting
distant from baby (toys, food, face-to-face)
Proximity-seeking behaviors
more obedient, less likely to recognize themselves
Freud and how “fixation” works
If not developed, later can become fixated
Oral stage and time-period in which it occurs
0-1 years, pleasure with mouth
Anal stage and the time-period in which it occurs
1-3 years, pleasure with pooping
When will certain emotions emerge
newborn- :) xo 3-4 months- :o? XD 4-8 months- >:0 6-18 months- 0o0 18+ months- ^-^ v_v
Causes of infant anger
frustration, prevented from grabbing (elevated cortisol)
The importance of social awareness in emotional development
family interactions that bring pride, shame, jealousy, disgust, and guilt
Social smile
6 weeks
Stranger anxiety/wariness
fear of unfamiliar people
When stranger anxiety/wariness emerges
9-14 months
mutual exchange with split-second timing
Self-awareness and when it develops
“I am a separate person with my own body and emotions” (Age 1)
Separation anxiety
distress when mom leaves (9-14 months)
Inborn differences with emotion, activity, measured by typical responses to environment
Easy temperament
(40% of children) laughter
Difficult temperament
(10% of children) cry
Slow-to-warm-up temperament
(15% of children) quiet
Hard-to-classify temperament
(35% of children) combo of above
Social referencing
looking at how to react to an unfamiliar environment by looking at someone else’s reaction
High quality day-care characteristics
1) attention to each infant
2) language
3) safety
4) professional caregivers
5) warm and responsive
Trust vs mistrust
Erik Erikson, “can the world be trusted to satisfy basic needs?”
Autonomy vs shame and doubt
succeed or fail in gaining self-rule over their actions/bodies