Test 2/3: People Flashcards
George Butler:
-President of the SDA church, opposed the RBF at the GC
William Foye:
-1st of the 2 people God tried to get to be His prophet before Ellen White (didn’t spread message because he was mixed)
William Miller:
-Deist, Founder of Millerites, believed that Jesus was coming back to cleanse the earth with fire
Joshua V Himes:
-William Millers publicist, literature, camp meetings, Millerite
Josiah Litch:
-Predicted the fall of the Ottoman empire (gave interest and assurance in prophecy) Millerite
Charles Fitch:
-Was thrown out of His church for his beliefs and told people that they should come out of the churches (Babylon) Millerite
James White:
-Lesser known, former school teacher, wrote “dumbed down” book about Ellen White’s visions, Millerite
Hazen Foss:
-2nd man God tried to get to be His prophet, refused to share vision when he was shown the opposition that he was going to encounter
Rachael Oaks:
-Seventh-day Baptist who visited Fredrick Wheeler and asked him if he was keeping ALL the commandments (sabbath)
Fredrick Wheeler:
-First sabbath keeping advent preacher (before great disappointment)
T. M. Preble:
-Discovered the sabbath truth before great disappointment, but didn’t share it until after (The Hope of Israel)
Joseph Bates:
-Retired sea captain, realizes the sabbath from Fredrick Wheeler, tells James and Ellen White eventually
George Sorrs:
-Found that we don’t have inherent immortality
Frank Belden:
-Earliest hymn writer, could convert sermons to hymns by the time the pastor was done preaching
J. N. Andrews:
-Super smart, wrote first exposition on revelation 13 and the USA, 1st missionary sent, trifling with woman’s hearts
Annie Smith:
-Wrote poems and hymns, Uriah Smiths sister
John Loughborough:
-First advent historian
Uriah Smith:
-Editor of the Review for over 50 years, wrote “Danial and the Revelation”
Stephen Haskell:
-Trained lay people, organized first “tract and missionary society”
David Hewitt:
-Creator of the name Seventh-day Adventists
John Byington:
-First general conference president
John Harvey Kellogg:
-First director of the “Western Health Institute” (battle creek sanitarium), would later abandon the religion and take the sanitarium for himself, first to train literature evangelists
George King:
-Most recognized literature evangelist
Goodlow Bell:
-Key figure in the “sabbath school” movement
Hiram Edson:
-Received vision of how God was moving through heaven into the heavenly sanctuary
A. T. Jones:
-Young reformer that discovered “righteousness by faith”, new editor of “signs of the times”
E. J. Waggoner:
-A younger physician who was converted when he saw Jesus on the cross specifically for him (God loved ME) friend of Jones, presented at the General Conference for “
Ellen White:
-Prophetess of the SDA church, author of many books and pieces of literature
Manuel de Lazunza:
-Jesuit priest who discovered the second coming of 1844 before William Miller