Test 1/3: William Miller Flashcards
Who was William Miller:
- Man who would start the Millerite Movement which would lay the foundation of the SDA church
- Skeptical of Christianity/miracles/supernatural intervention
What is deism:
-Belief that God created the world and humans and then abandoned them to fend for themselves (watchmaker God)
Who was William Millers wife:
Which war and battle changed William Millers perspective towards deism and what was the story behind it:
- War of 1812, battle of Plattsburgh
- Heavily out numbered, shell explodes and kills everyone around him but he’s untouched, Americans won the battle
What event finalized William Miller’s realization that he needed a loving God (not watchmaker):
-Reading the sermons at his moms church
After his realization, how did Miller find that loving God:
-Intense bible study using cruden’s concordance, going through all the relating bible verses he had questions on
Explain Millers thought process of the prophecy of Daniel 8:14:
-“2300 days then the sanctuary shall be cleansed”
-Day = Year in prophecy
-Beginning date needed to calculate when the cleansing would take place = 457BC (decree to rebuild Jerusalem)
-2300+457=1843 (no 0 year so 1844)
-Now just need to know which sanctuary would be cleansed:
~planet earth*
-Result = Jesus would come and cleanse earth in 1844
-Took 5 more years to study to make sure he wasn’t wrong (didn’t want to mislead people)
Millers was convinced of his message, but didn’t want to share it, what promise did he make with God and how did God respond:
- Promised God that if was asked publicly to preach he would
- God sends Millers nephew Irving to tell him that he is needed to preach
What were William Millers Contributions to the 2nd Great Awakening:
- Gave evidence for pre-millennial return of Jesus
- Showed that Daniel and Revelation are connected
- Provided an understanding of prophetic periods
- Provided the mistaken event of the 2300 year prophecy