Test 2/3: Lights Around the World Flashcards
Reason for the printed word:
-Ellen White had a vision that we needed to start printing stuff (light going to the whole world)
Why did the new group of people have to buy a press?
-Millerites wouldn’t let this new group of people spread “new light” in their papers
What is “To the Remnant Scattered Abroad”:
-Ellen Whites first printed vision
What is “The Seventh-day Sabbath – A Perpetual Sign”:
-Joseph Bates’ tract on the sabbath
What is “A Word to the Little Flock”:
-James Whites’ tract on the sabbath, easier to read and understand
What is “The Present Truth”:
-James White’s tract that focused on the sabbath
What is “The Second Advent Review and Sabbath Herald”:
-The official voice of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
What name did the broken off Millerites eventually take:
-Adventist Church
What were some of the property ownership problems the Adventists were running into:
-People would say “sure you can build a church on my land” then a falling out would happen and they would just steal the church since it was on their property