Test 2 Flashcards
Definition of Feudalism in Japan
Emperor- Shogun- diamyos- samairi- peasants- artisans- merchants
Definition of Feudalism Europe
King- nobles -knights- peasants
Crusade’s impact on Europe
Europe is reconnected to the rest of the world and brought out of the dark ages
Crusade’s impact on Feudalism
The Crusades brought feudalism to an end
The Bubonic plague (impacts)
1/3 of the population died in Europe, 35 million died, and people blamed Jews for poisoning wells
Papel Supremacy order
God -> Pope -> Kings
Dark Ages Science lack Why?
Science made very little progress because every idea or theory put forth had to fit with the catholic churches
Magma Carta impact on Feudalism
An agreement was signed that gave all citizens rights + the king must obey the law (helped bring Feudalism to an end)
The Great Schism
Was a religious split between Eastern and Western Christianity
The Hundred Year war impact on Feudalism?
Military conflict between England and France over the English channel ( helped bring Feudalism to an end)
Christopher Columbus’s impact on the Americas
Through Christopher Columbus’s several voyages, he made it so that Europe could colonize and explore the Americas
The Renaissance
This means rebirth change began in Italy and spreads around Europe ( change in political, social, and economic)
Italian Merchants renaissance impact
Wealthy people invest in merchant’s art because it spreaded ideas
Humanism Definition
The focus was not divine or supernatural but focused on reason, science, and math to make rational decisions that benefit all humans
Martin Luther
The strict Benedict monk then turned into a teacher and preacher Luther got to read the bible for the first time and realized how the catholic churches twisted the words wrote 95 theses nailed them to church doors
What are Indulgences?
you could pay money for a certificate that allowed you to sin
Luther’s Protestant Reformation
A decline in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic church and the church was concerned with worldly possessions instead of the souls of the people believed
Johann Gutenberg
inventor of printing press
Small Pox Impact in the new world
Wipes out 70% - 90% of the Native populations
Social order in feudal Japan
Merchants are at the bottom because they sell goods made by others to get money
Who was Zheng He?
Commander of a Chinese naval fleet that explored as far as Africa
Why did Zheng He cancel voyages?
China was ahead of many other cultures that he did not find a need to interact with them the Chinese were also afraid of the influence that other cultures could have on Chinese society ( for three hundred years Isolationism)
The Columbian Exchange was
The exchange of goods, animals, plants, and culture between the old world and new world
The Encomienda System
Christopher Columbus invented this system which is the slavery of indigenous people
What is The Triangle Trade
Three-legged trade between Europe, Africa, and the Americas
1st leg In Triangle Trade
Europe to Africa: guns clothes
2nd leg in the Triangle trade
Middle Passage
3rd leg in the Triangle trade
Americas to Europe
What was the Middle Passage
The transport of African slaves from Africa
Motivating factors of the conquistadors?
God, Glory, Gold
British East India Company takeover of the Mughal Empire
The Mughal empire was strong and richer than any other kingdom in Europe England and France arrive to set up small forts for the companies protection companies raised armies to protect their profit ( paid sepoys to take/gain control of the Mughal Empire)
Foot Binding and woman
Lack of Women’s rights/power To keep there feet small
Factors that enabled Spain to conquer the Aztecs and the Inca?
germs, guns, steel,
Tamerlane’s Conquest
Takes over what is left of Deli Sutalate becomes Muslim but still destroys Holy Cities And invades Russia and Makes Russia loss contact with Europe
Kublai Khan’s Conquest
He conquered the Song Dynasty and helped china be stabilized
The Mongols Empire’s positive impacts
Helped increase trade by keeping the silk road open and stabilized china from going into a civil war
Genghis khan’s impact
ruler of Mongols tolerated religions and killed 1/2 Russian kingdom population he killed and did not treat woman well
Europe Uses Feudalism
To protect them during dark ages
Marco Polos Impact on relations between China and Europe
He wrote about China and this attracted people from Europe