What were the living and working conditions like during the Industrial Revolution?
Working shifts lasted 12-16 hours six or seven days a week if workers were hurt or injured they lost their jobs women payed ½ of a men’s salary Housing conditions tenement multistory no running water sewage dumped in river and pumped back in as contaminated water
What were the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
early on: more goods worldwide at a much lower cost The bad: low pay dismissal living conditions and child labor the good at the end workers wages increased standard of living increased
How did Japan become a modern industrial power?
At first they were isolated until the mid-1800s commodore Mathew Perry brought four steamboats into Tokyo Bay in 1853 to pressure Japan to open its ports to trade
How did imperialist European powers claim control over most of Africa by the end of the 1800s?
European powers meet up at the Berlin Conference to avoid bloodshed 20 years later most of Africa was controlled by European nations
What were the motivations behind imperialism?
Industrial Revolution created an increased demand for natural resources - rubber - petroleum - palm oil - new markets around the world meant more profit
How did China cope with internal division and foreign invasion prior to WWI?
They joined by fighting and joined together for taipping and boxing rebellion
How did Britain gradually extend its control over most of India, despite opposition?
British East India company toppled the Mughal Empire - Tea -Opium -Spices sepoy mutiny
Why and how did World War I begin in 1914?
A bosnian teen named Gavrilo Princip joined the black hand terrorist group goal to free Bosnia (Serbians) from Austro Hungarian rule blackhand plotted to assassinate Franz Ferdinand Princip found guilty allied countries get man
World War 1 was fought?
Mostly Europe
What are the characteristics of communism and fascism?
Communism is the idea of economic quality and splitting a pizza between everyone well fascism is M.A.I.N with rigid class roles
What were the causes and effects of the Russian Revolution?
Rule of the Csars economical backwardness and social injustice the russians killed csars and bolsheviks took over
What were the provisions and impacts of the Treaty of Versailles?
Required that Germany pay financial reparations disarm, lose territory, give up all overseas colonies.
What were the causes of the Chinese Civil War?
Poor chinese peasants had differences from the communist part of China
How and why did fascism rise in Europe?
Great depression, rabid nationalism, and treaty of versailles
What were the characteristics and phases of the Holocaust?
1.Hitler rising to power
2.Jews forced to wear Jewish stars romove stores crystall knock happened
4.Moved to camps
5.Mass killings extermination
How and where was World War II fought?
All over Europe
How did Japan’s role in Asia change during the interwar years?
Started embrace ultra nationalism
How and why have genocides continued to happen after the Holocaust?
Powerful countries decide to protect their country rather than stopping killings
How did Gandhi work for independence in India?
The salt March to go against British East India rule
Why have conflicts plagued some African countries?
Imperalism racism
What issues arose in the aftermath of WWII and how did new tensions develop?
Alot of Jews were killed and Germany owed alot of money because they stopped paying reperations during wwII