TEST 1 SEMESTER 2 Flashcards
Congress of Vienna
a meeting were they reorganized Europe after the Napoleonic wars provides long term peace plan
Otto Von Bismarck
- is the chancellor of Prussia
- created an excuse to attack Austria
- he used his policy of “Blood and Iron” to unite the German States under Prussian rule
Austro Prussian War
- The Seven week war was between Austro-Prussian
- Seven week war was won by Prussian and they took control of several North German States
Franco Prussian War
- Prussia wins
William I takes the title kaiser but the real power is in Otto Von Bismarcks hands to
Russias lack of industrial Revolution
they didnt have one
Russian tsar response to reform
imprisoned critics or sent reformers into exile in Siberia
The Crimean War
- Russia attempts to gain more warm water ports in the crumbling Ottoman empire
- easily defeated because they could not match the Industrial power of England and France
Impact of European Imperalism In Africa and Asia
-King Leopold II of Belgium had hired expeditions to explore the interior of Africa
- Boers descendants of Dutch farmers disliked new British rule (no slavery allowed) and migrated North Cape colony changed from dutch to British rule
Social Darwism
A belief in the cultural superiority of western nations over less industry developed nations
Berlin Conference
- Nearly 20 years later all of Africa was controlled by European Nations
- Berlin Conference is when European power to meet to avoid bloodshed
The Ottoman Empires factors of Decline
- religious reform movements
- changing trade routes
- rising nationalist movements
Young Turks and Muhammad Alis Western-inspired reform goals
- Only way to save the empire was to embrace the ways of the west
- Egypt seeks to modernize
- Muhhamad Ali embraced western ideas in the name of reform
Importance of Suez Canal
- major route
- IPA Indian Pale Ale
British Eat India Company success in India
- British East India company toppled the Mughal Empire - tea, opium , spices
Sepoy Mutiny
- hired military working for company
- new rifles cartridges were greased with animal fat
-Despite losing to British gave the Indians a sense of national unity - Indians will begin to push for for independence from Britain
The Opium War
British merchants made huge profits from opium growth in India
- Opium outlawed in China
- Britain refuses to stop selling opium
- this conflict showed that the “One time super power of the world” (China) was very beatable
The Taiping Rebellion
-20-30 million peasants die attempting to remove the backwards Quing Dynasty
- The revot would have worked if not for the European backing up the weak Quing Dynasty
The Boxer Rebellion In china
- The Chinese try to kick out the foreigners
- the Boxer Rebellion was defeated by multiple imperalist nations with superior weapons and Industrial based economy
Mathew Perry’s impact on Japan
Mathew Perry brought four stemboats into Tokyo Bay in 1853 to pressure Japan to open its ports to trade
Meiji Restoration
- Shotgun removed from power and the emperors power was restored
- soon after, Japan would borrow the ideas of the west but adapted/modified to them to fit japanese needs
- Japan easily defeats Russia in the russia japanese war