Exam guide question Flashcards
origin/ beliefs for Buddism
origin starts in India but spreads across Asia Siddhartha Gautama was born into a wealthy family but rejected possessions and choose to focus on the roots of suffering believe in reincarnation
the first of the monotheistic religions spawned other religions such as Christianity and Islam believe that god made a covenant with the Hebrews
Jesus was the messiah or savior for all people- Jewish and “Gentile” Justice, morality, and service to others paul or sual was a convert to the religion and wrote the majority of the texts the records of these events were written but was not agreed upon until the 5th century than CHRISTIANITY SPREADS
At 25 married a rich trader disturbed with the ills of society meditated in a cave and heard the angel Gabriel calling him to be a messenger of god Muhammad did not believe that Jesus was the Messiah rather he was just another prophet Muhammad was forced from Mecca to Medina Each individual must stand before god and be judged to Muslims the Quran is the direct word of Allah
an ethical system originated by Confucius that outlined social order and political behavior Confucius taught that harmony resulted when people accepted their place in society
What was the mongols impact on the world?
____the Mongols impact was tolerance to multiple religious faiths so religions were able to grow and Kublai khan Genghis grandson toppled the song empire the Mongols helped stabilize a weak China in the 1200 and 1300s helped increase Chinese trade Europe begins to emerge from dark ages
Describe the impact of China’s civil service system.
_men are in a room for a three-day examination and how the person did would decide if they could be wealthy or not and their place in society
Describe the feudal system in Europe.
The feudal system in Europe went kings, nobles, knights, and peasant
Explain the significance of isolation in China and Japan.
Isolation cut off China and Japan from the rest of the world and rest of the ideas of the world
What was the impact of the printing press?
The printing press helped spread ideas and helped keep track of events by writing
How were the major Mesoamerican civilizations (Aztec, Inca, and Maya) similar and different?
They are all similar because they have a communication system. Mayans had a writing number system, and Inca’s recording system was the quipu an elaborate recording system using knots, Aztecs had a money system using cocoa beans, feathers, and tools. Incas had an oral language Quechua They are different because there religion Aztecs are Polytheistic they had human sacrifice and believed the thunder god would return one day to end their civilization. Mayans believed popul creation myth that taught that the gods had created human beings out of water and maize bloodletting evolved both war captives and mayan royals. Incas practiced polythism
What was the Mongol impact on the world (China, India, Europe) and on global trade?
____the Mongols impact was tolerate to multiple religious faiths so religions were able to grow and kublai khan Genghis grandson topple the song empire the Mongols helped stabalize a weak China in the 1200 and 1300s helped increase chinese trade europe begins to emerge from dark ages
How did geography, the import of camels, and natural resources affect the development of societies and trade throughout Africa?
_______Trade via camels transformed the kingdom of Ghana toll collected from the flow of gold and salt helped build the kingdom Indiana Ocean trade routes connected Asia, India, andEast Africa traded-spices-Iron-grains-gold-stories
Explain the impact. of Islam on West Africa, and Mansa Musa’s contribution
_In Mali, the emperor Mansa Musa was famous for his pilgrimage to Mecca __the pilgrimage gained Mali closer ties with the Islamic World Education in Mali- Timbuktu became center of learning islamic scholars traveled from around the Muslim world to study and teach at the University of Timbuktu__
What was the impact of the Islamic caliphates (Umayyad and Abbasid)?
__Ummayyad success presenting the message of Islam and a justified attack against those who seek to destroy the religion Abbasid- windmills, European is not advanced as in technology, Research , Science, Astronomy
Describe the significance of the Magna Carta.
_____The significance was that it gave all citizens rights and made the king obey the law (helped bring fuedalism to an end) ____Magma Carter
Why were the Crusades fought, and what was their impact?
___A series of religious wars between Christians and Muslims started at first to secure control of holy sites considerate sacred by both groups_and this gave power to pope__
Why did Constantinople collapse, and what were the impacts of that collapse?
____Constantinople ottomans hauled ship overland and launched them into harbor cannons destroyed the chains in the harbor than Constantinople becomes Instanbul this allowed the Ottoman expansion_
Describe the origins and impact of the Renaissance.
______Orgins include new ideas such as humanism arriving the and the increase of interaction between other cultures Impact new ideas trade increased paper printer___
What was the impact of the printing press?
____The printing press helped spread ideas and helped keep track of events by writing
How did the Protestant Reformation impact both European politics and Christianity?
__The protestant Reformation impacted Christianity by a decline beginning in religious unity and in the power of the Catholic church And Europeans began to read and make their own decisions instead of being told by an authority
Discuss the impact of the triangular trade network and what was exchanged.
_____________The impact was that ideas were shared and African Slaves were transported causing a change in population guns clothes other European goods
What was the nature of the Middle Passage and slavery in the Americas?
_The transport of African slaves from Africa
How did Enlightenment ideas lead to cultural and political change, including revolutions throughout the world?
___Enlightenment ideas led to cultural and political change in people such as Thomas Hobbes who believed that only a powerful government could ensure order and John Locke who believed people were entitled to natural rights such as life, liberty, and property Voltaire who believed economic inequalities, injustice, the slave trade and relegious prejudice caused a revolution against catholic church and the french hgovernment these ideas inspired others to want to change the government Revolutions around the world included
What were the causes and effects of the French Revolution?
____The causes were that the people wanted more power and there have been national financial troubles and a bad harvest and effects such as a meeting of all 3 estates called “The Tennis Court Oath” were they swore to make changes to give people more power. And The Storming of the Bastille which was the official start of the French Revolution
How and why was Napoleon defeated?
____Napolean was defeated at waterloo by a combination __of english and Prussian forces______
What was significant about the Haitian Revolution?
__Toussaint L’ouverture self-educated former slave turned military leader leads revolution only successful slave revolution_
Identify the difference between primary and secondary sources
_______Primary sources diaries, speeches, artwork, poems, letters, journals, treaties,
Secondary sources anything that describes and analyzes information from primary sources
Identify the location of major trade networks and the goods that were exchanged.
_Silk road Columbian Exchange three three legged passage__________________
The Black Plague
Started when ship sailed from Asia rats on ship fleas bite rat and transport bacteria to other living things gets into bloodstream black dark circular wharts would appear on body